President Bush's Skills... \o/


I love everyone (Virginia does too). However, there are certain things that are wrong. I would tell anyone who steals that he is a thief; I would tell someone who hates that he is a murderer. I know that I have a sin nature like everyone else, and that I am just as capable of falling into sin as they are; therefore, I do not hate anyone. When I tell someone that they are committing a sin, I am not hating them but am trying to help them.

People choose sin. Homosexuals are not born that way. They come to a point in their life where they choose to abandon the natural desire that a man has for the companionship of a woman and go for the unnatural -- homosexuality.

In the same way, murderers choose to express their anger in a horrible way instead of controlling themselves. The thief chooses to steal instead of controlling his covetousness.

Why do we say that homosexuality is wrong? Well, I think that Virginia answered that question quite well. The Bible clearly says that homosexuality is sin.
As for the new testement, those were the letters of Paul, ment to council the early christians on to the path he thought was the right one.
The apostle Paul, like all of the writers of the Bible, were inspired by the Holy Spirit of God -- those words you read are from God. If you won't accept all of it as being the Word of God then you might as well throw out the whole book. Don't pick and choose what you like. I seem to remember you accusing Virginia of that, John Rose:
I want you to stop treating the bible as a buffet, picking only the dishes you like.
Now you're being hypocritical.
That is a sin as well. Do I hate you because I'm judging you? No.
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Speaking of ingesting blood, shall we talk about communion?

Yes, let us talk about communion.
Only Catholicism teaches that the wine of the communion (more properly "mass," since we're talking about Catholicism here) is actually the Lord's blood. No other Christian religion teaches this; and that is because the Bible does not teach it. I find it so interesting that Catholicism has so many pagan customs [i.e. Christmas (which was a pagan celebration to worship the sun god) and Easter (which also was a pagan celebration -- this time for the goddess of fertility)]. You see, Catholicism is just an ancient perversion of Christianity started by the Roman rulers as an effort to unit the peoples of their empire. It is not true Christianity.

I was raised Catholic, and I can safely say that it is Protestantism which is more full of rules and morals. Catholicism is much truer to Jesus' message of simple peace.

Catholicism is nothing but a message of legalism. One must take the mass every week to pay for one's sins. One must be baptized to be saved. One must confess his sins to the priest. One must be confirmed into the Church. If being married, one must do it in the Church. And it goes on and on -- all in the name of getting you to heaven. That doesn't sound very simple to me. Furthermore, the Pope doesn't agree with you on the matters that we are discussing. He believes that abortion and homosexuality are sin.

Speaking of abortion, John, I want you to go back and look at the middle picture that Virginia posted of aborted babies. Then you try to tell us that they don't look like babies. Anyone who can look at those pictures and still support abortion is sick. I don't know why you find those images offensive -- you support abortion. You're o.k. with people doing that to babies.

The number 50,000,000 is an estimate. See these websites which back it up:
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Vote for Me

My name is Carolyn and I can’t vote yet, so I’d like to ask you to vote for me in the coming elections.

Six months ago, some people think that I didn’t even have the right to live, never mind the right to vote.

My Mom and I sure fooled them.

Just look at me now six months later, and tell me what you think of the crazy idea that babies like me don’t want to live just as much as you do. Or that somehow we’re less than human and can be discarded like an unwanted pet.

They even say that the right to abort an unborn baby is a constitutional right, but I say the Supreme Court has no more power to repeal my right to life than it has to repeal the law of gravity.

But that’s not the only reason I want you to vote for me.

America has been going downhill ever since the Supreme Court made a mother’s womb into the most dangerous place in the whole world. With 1 out of 3 babies still being aborted, the human womb has a survival rate worse than death row.

If it’s okay for mothers to kill their children, why is everybody surprised that children killing children was not far behind? You have to ask: what’s next?

We’ve been killing so many babies that we’ve been killing our economy, too. Within the next 10 years, we’re going to have two workers retiring for every younger worker entering the workforce.

That adds up to a shortage of 1 million new teachers to teach kids like me, and 2.5 million new nurses needed to take care of people like you. Where in the world will we get them?

The honest truth is that if America doesn’t stop killing unborn babies, America won’t have much of a future.

No kids. No future. It’s that simple.

So do us both a favor. The next time you enter a polling booth, forget about Democrat. Forget about Republican.

Vote your conscience. Vote for me.

“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing” -- Edmund Burke

Taken from:


That is a sin as well. Do I hate you because I'm judging you? No.

First of let me start with this you hypocrital bugger. If you can't see your arrogance when you judge me, then you are hardly a good christian. There are no judges except one, if I recall correctly.

People choose sin.
You better explain that, because this means that humans have free will, yet that is not the case in every christian doctrine.

The apostle Paul, like all of the writers of the Bible, were inspired by the Holy Spirit of God -- those words you read are from God

No, those words are from the guys and gals whom wrote that wich is in the bible.
There are loads of evangelic stories that were discarded by the early christians because they found them unfitting in the way they wanted the tradition to be written down.

The problem above doesn't really get that tricky before we start discussing free will, temptation and sin in the context of the selection of gospels.

Yes, let us talk about communion.
Only Catholicism teaches that the wine of the communion (more properly "mass," since we're talking about Catholicism here) is actually the Lord's blood.
Since we are talking about Catholicism here, communion is the correct term.
The communion is the sacrament, the holy action, of taking the body and blood of christ.
Mass happens every darn sunday, that is the religious gathering.

I find it so interesting that Catholicism has so many pagan customs [i.e. Christmas (which was a pagan celebration to worship the sun god) and Easter (which also was a pagan celebration -- this time for the goddess of fertility)]. You see, Catholicism is just an ancient perversion of Christianity started by the Roman rulers as an effort to unit the peoples of their empire. It is not true Christianity.

Please do enlighten us, what is trueChristianity!
I find it fairly easy to understand that it did adopt pagan traditions, it is a great way to grow quicker, and take all the space the old religion used to occupy.

The Catholic church is a sacramental church, meaning the sacraments are central.
In case you did not know, there are 7 of them, that is 5 more than those present in protestantism. I should perhaps also add that Catholicism is the largest faction of christianity.

Speaking of abortion, John, I want you to go back and look at the middle picture that Virginia posted of aborted babies. Then you try to tell us that they don't look like babies. Anyone who can look at those pictures and still support abortion is sick. I

I'm arguing that there were that many murders commited, abortion isn't murder.
And by calling me sick, you once again passed judgement over me. For belonging to a religion that preaches tolerance and loving thy neighbour, you are impressingly old testamental; all fire and brimstone!

don't know why you find those images offensive -- you support abortion. You're o.k. with people doing that to babies.
I find them offensive for the same reason I wouldn't post picutres of tumors on this forum. THere might be young people reading here that should eb spared such sights.

Let me once again correct you here; They are doing it to a fetus, not a baby.
A fetus.

Lastly, your links... are you kidding?
Even the name of the links says it's so biased it's hardly worth clicking, and I will not even bother replying to your last propoganda post here. In 9/10 cases I'd say you were a really persistant troll, but I guess you are that 1/10 we all love.


1. Abortion I don't agree with. BUT, if the parents want it or cannot have the baby without them being born with some disease that will kill them in a very painfull way after a period of time, abortion can be used. Don't start judging people wether they get rid of their baby or not.

The only choice that the parents have is the choice not to have sex! There is NO reason to murder another human being.

2. Homosexuality or bisexuals shouldnt be judged for what they are. The Word of Christians says homosexuality isnt accepted. YET, God makes them like that. He decides what is gonna happen in their lives but then give them the choice to make it, but knows what choice they will make because he DECIDES what choice before we are born. ( I am a nithilist so this really doesnt care to me. This is just for you Christians. If your not, then don't care.)

No, God does not make them like that; they choose that lifestyle. Furthermore, I don't know why you assume all Christians are Calvinists. God gave us a free will and He wants us to choose Him, but He isn't going to make us do anything!

3. Religion shouldn't be shunned. I am a nithilist or however you spell it. I know their is a GODS (Satan is a god sorry to burst your bubble and Revelations is a myth it will never happen) that exist, but I don't worship any. BUT, whatever you believe, keep believing in it! ITS YOUR CHOICE (unless your a Christian then it's technically God's)!!!!

Again, not everything in this world is superintended by God! He allows us to make mistakes. He wants us to turn to Him to be saved, but it is our choice!

If you believe in the supernatural, then it makes no sense that you wouldn't try to figure out why the supernatural put us here.

Islam is, technically a very peacefull religion. IT REALLY IS!!!!!

islam is violent.jpg

That's really all I need to say about that but here are some more:

I love that last one.


The only choice that the parents have is the choice not to have sex!
Obviously you have never been sexually aroused.
Let me ask you this; Is the use of birth control also murder?

There is NO reason to murder another human being.
Sure there are reasons, but abortion isn't murder; a fetus is not a human beeing.

No, God does not make them like that; they choose that lifestyle.
That's like saying someone chooses to be black in an area infested by KKK.
Are you f'ing insane?
Why on earth would ANYONE choose such a path with all the idiotic bigots out there?

You also show a complete lack of insight when it comes to the pictures you post.
Should I remind you about the crusades?


There are no judges except one, if I recall correctly.

Well, you recall incorrectly. The Bible says in John 7:24, "Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgement."

You better explain that, because this means that humans have free will, yet that is not the case in every christian doctrine.

You, like James the Hunter, assume that all Christians subscribe to the doctrines of John Calvin and Augustine. Man has a free will and God will not force you to do anything. John Calvin was not a true Christian. He taught that God does not love the whole world, but only loves a select few -- that is an evil belief.

No, those words are from the guys and gals whom wrote that which is in the bible.

First of all, no gals wrote anything in the Bible. Second, if you don't believe that the whole thing is the Word of God then you shouldn't subscribe to any of it. Don't pick and choose like its a buffet, John.

Since we are talking about Catholicism here, communion is the correct term.

Forgive me of my incorrect use (you see, I can admit when I am wrong, lol).

Please do enlighten us, what is true Christianity!
I find it fairly easy to understand that it did adopt pagan traditions, it is a great way to grow quicker, and take all the space the old religion used to occupy.

The Catholic church is a sacramental church, meaning the sacraments are central.

Their method of taking pagan customs and "Christianizing" them is discussing to God. God wants us to "worship Him in Spirit and in truth." In Jeremiah 10:2 the Bible says, "Learn not the way of the heathen."

Catholicism is the largest faction of christianity.

The Bible tells us that the path to eternal damnation is large.

Let me once again correct you here; They are doing it to a fetus, not a baby.
A fetus.

Let me instruct you once again to go back and look at the pictures. They are clearly babies -- and yes, if you insist in using the word fetus, a fetus is a baby. Which leads me to answer the question about birth control. Yes, birth control is murder too, for it can kill a "fetus" (a.k.a. baby).

Why on earth would ANYONE choose such a path with all the idiotic bigots out there?

Because they love their sin. Why would anyone be a mass murderer knowing that they might be put on death row?

Should I remind you about the crusades?

Oh, yah, the Catholics did that too, along with the inquisitions.
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Speaking of judging it also says:
Mk. 4.24 said:
For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

You, like James the Hunter, assume that all Christians subscribe to the doctrines of John Calvin and Augustine.

That is an arrogant AND false assumption.

Man has a free will and God will not force you to do anything. John Calvin was not a true Christian. He taught that God does not love the whole world, but only loves a select few -- that is an evil belief.

Speaking of wich, you have yet to produce the true and correct christian belief.

First of all, no gals wrote anything in the Bible. Second, if you don't believe that the whole thing is the Word of God then you shouldn't subscribe to any of it. Don't pick and choose like its a buffet, John.

Several of the writings in the bible are of unknown origin, simply excluding women as possible writers seems rather arrogant.

Secondly; you can't use my arguments against me regarding the buffet. It's your buffet, I'm eating an entirely other meal.

Their method of taking pagan customs and "Christianizing" them is discussing to God. God wants us to "worship Him in Spirit and in truth." In Jeremiah 10:2 the Bible says, "Learn not the way of the heathen."

This utterly fails to answer my claim for what true christianity is. Besides, your chosen quote seems rather xenophobic, and not at all fitting with the flowery "love thy neighbour" message.

Let me instruct you once again to go back and look at the pictures. They are clearly babies -- and yes, if you insist in using the word fetus, a fetus is a baby. Which leads me to answer the question about birth control. Yes, birth control is murder too, for it can kill a "fetus" (a.k.a. baby).

So using a condom, or mastrubating (male) is murder...
In fact, if you don't, and have a so-called wet-dream, then that as well is murder by this logic.

A fetus is not a baby.
A baby is a very young child, a new-born, whereas a fetus is still in the womb, and has a long way to go before it's good and ready as a human beeing.

The Bible tells us that the path to eternal damnation is large.

There is also a saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and you seem to have an abundance of those.

Because they love their sin. Why would anyone be a mass murderer knowing that they might be put on death row?
You can not seriously be comparing mass-murderers to homosexuals?
That was a poor attampt at a very badly executed joke, right?

Oh, yah, the Catholics did that too, along with the inquisitions.
Christians did that, in the name of God the Allmighty!
Ofcourse any halfwit ought to realize that religion often is used as a tool and excuse
rather than outright admitting the standard motivations for wars and atrocities.
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Wow, you democrats don't know when you've lost... John, Give up now before the shehite hits the fan.


I have a few points to make now:

1. Christmas and Easter only seem to be "pagan" when Catholics are celebrating them. If a Protestant celebrates them, they are pure christian holy days.

2. You cannot say "you can't pick and choose the bible like a buffet" if you are going to do so yourself. Catholicism was founded by Jesus Christ, not Protestantism. And Jesus also proclaimed St. Peter as the first pope, which you totally ignore and then call yourself a true christian.

3. I heard an excellent debate on the radio about a month ago. I can't remember who was on it, but it was on the BBC. Basically, one of the debators gave the best reply I have ever heard to the argument "homosexuals choose to be gay". He said: "The great thing about an argument like that is that you can completely ignore it."

4. You cannot believe the entire Bible as it is extremely contradictory in places. You would have to have schizophrenia to be able to believe everything it says at once.

5. Even if Christianity is correct, and it is indeed a sin to be homosexual, then it is god who is wrong. Not the gays. They are perfectly within their rights to love members of the same sex.


Homos like to pack fudge. Hince the term, "Fudgepackers," Not to be confused with "Greenbay Packers."


Not quite sure I understood a word of that, David. You have to remember that whatever kind of vocabulary that is, it makes absolutely no sense to the eyes of an Irishman.

Say it again, and make a little more sense this time.


I have a few points to make now:

1. Christmas and Easter only seem to be "pagan" when Catholics are celebrating them. If a Protestant celebrates them, they are pure christian holy days.

Don't forget the jews. Obviously easter has no place in christian tradition.

4. You cannot believe the entire Bible as it is extremely contradictory in places. You would have to have schizophrenia to be able to believe everything it says at once.
Good luck beliving the apocalypse, a text more or less agreed upon beeing written about a roman emperor.

Good points mate, and I'm glad to see someone add something rational here :)

David Schmuck; either add to the discussion, or stop trolling about.


Now if I didn't say something rational, that would be a true sin. Not homosexuality.

Maybe one day that will get through the thick skulls of Schofield and his kind.


Like I said before, let's skip the whole title business and just stick to our beliefs. And by the way, my beliefs are almost perfectly in line with the majority of our founding fathers. They certainly didn't support abortion or homosexuality. . .

I believe in state rights. The states should be the ones who ban/legalize abortion and other issues. What you said about me imposing my personal morality on others, is slightly ridiculous if you don't mind me saying so. So now should we not have laws against murder and nudity, etc. because those are only our moral beliefs?

The reason this point is not ridiculous is because while you consider abortion and homosexuality immoral, as it is your right to do so, these issues, unlike murder, are not considered immoral by the community at large. Therefore you are wanting the State to force others to live according your moral judgement.

You certainly have the right to live according to your own moral judgement, and not have abortions or homosexual sex. You even have the right to consider your moral judgement, and even your religion, to be superior to that of others. But seeking to force others to comply with (your interpretation) of the morality of your religion makes your political position one of religious dictatorship, something I'm pretty sure your "founding fathers" were clearly opposed to.

Also, it is difficult to not suspect that advocation of states rights by the religious right in your country is tied closely to the fact that if it were so, they actually could enact that dictatorship while on a national scale they can not. That position is one that seeks political power, not one which wants to reduce it.
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Well Oisen, if you hate America so much then do you know our motto?


John, the verse that you quoted on judging condemns hypocritical judging. So, that verse doesn't apply to me .

You are assuming that I hold to Calvin's doctrines. I don't; they're evil.

The true Christian belief? Sure, I'll share it.
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. During the next five days He created everything else on the earth -- ending with mankind. He gave mankind a choice -- to obey God and eat from the tree of life, or to disobey Him and eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Man chose to disobey and thereby brought the curse of sin upon himself and all of creation. God still loved man however, and provided a plan of salvation. The plan? It is very simple. God took on the form of a man and died the death that we all deserve fro our sin. He took our punishment for us. If we would just trust that his death is the only way of salvation, we will be given eternal life freely. That's right, freely. Titus 3:5 says, "He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit," and Ephesians 2:8-9 says, "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast." Romans 6:23 says, "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

I know that was brief; but, considering the length of my post, I'm sure you appreciate the need for brevity somewhere.

your chosen quote seems rather xenophobic, and not at all fitting with the flowery "love thy neighbour" message.

I love the pagan. I AM NOT TO DO AS HE DOES, THOUGH! That isn't to hard to understand, I don't think.

So using a condom, or mastrubating (male) is murder... In fact, if you don't, and have a so-called wet-dream, then that as well is murder by this logic.

This is utter foolishness, and you know that you are twisting my meaning. It is murder when you destroy a fetus. Sperm cells are not fetuses. The sperm and egg must unite. DUH!

There is also a saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and you seem to have an abundance of those.

Let's talk about the Catholics again. They have an abundance of good deeds which they think will get them to heaven (you pointed out that they have seven sacraments -- something which I already knew). Lets look at what the Bible says happens to people who try to work their way to heaven with good deeds; Matthew 7:21-23 says, "'Not everyone who says to Me, "Lord, Lord," will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, "Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?" And then I will declare to them, "I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS."'" These guys had good intentions! But, look, the Lord will say that He never knew them! Their problem is that they are trusting in their good deeds to get them to heaven and they are not trusting in Christ's death. That is why Catholicism is a form of false Christianity -- they trust in their good works (e.g. sacraments).

You can not seriously be comparing mass-murderers to homosexuals? That was a poor attampt at a very badly executed joke, right?

They are both SINNERS!
And so am I. James 2:10 says, "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all."

Now oisinallen, you said,
Christmas and Easter only seem to be "pagan" when Catholics are celebrating them. If a Protestant celebrates them, they are pure christian holy days.

Christmas and Easter are pagan no matter who celebrates it! I don't celebrate those holidays.

You then said,
Catholicism was founded by Jesus Christ, not Protestantism. And Jesus also proclaimed St. Peter as the first pope, which you totally ignore and then call yourself a true Christian.

This is a lie created by the Catholic Church. Jesus Christ did not ordain Peter as a "Pope." The Catholics believe that Matthew 16:16-18 teaches this doctrine. Let me quote the verses, "Simon Peter answered, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ And Jesus said to him, ‘Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.” Their doctrine holds that when Jesus said “you are Peter, (Peter in Greek is Petros which means “rock”) and upon this rock I will build My church,” He was saying that He was going to build His church on Peter. However, this theory falls apart when you look at the whole sentence in Greek. I will restate the verse with the Greek words inserted. “I also say to you that you are Peter [Petros], and upon this rock [petra] I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.” Therefore, we see then that Christ was not calling Peter the rock on which He would build His church, for He used two different words. “Petra” means “rock” and “petra” means “little rock.” What He was really saying was that He would found His church upon what Peter had just said in verse 16 -- “Simon Peter answered, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’” That right there is what Christ founded His church upon – not Peter.

4. You cannot believe the entire Bible as it is extremely contradictory in places. You would have to have schizophrenia to be able to believe everything it says at once.

That is an unsubstantiated claim; and, as such, I will give it no credence.

5. Even if Christianity is correct, and it is indeed a sin to be homosexual, then it is god who is wrong. Not the gays. They are perfectly within their rights to love members of the same sex.

Man, would I like to see you say that to the face of the Almighty. Actually, on second thought, I might not want to be there . . .
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Oisen Needs an Exorcist, ofcourse then again, he's a NeoNazi...

So Oisen, God would say to you:

"I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee."


Christ this is getting out of hand. And Id flipped God off a few times. He can't do crap. He's a jealous God who wants people to WORSHIP Him. Well Im gonna sit back here. But once this get's out of hand, you can blame me when I get Gem. Honestly, we are taking this crap out of hand.