Prayer is probably adds nothing


lets face it you may as well ask how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop.

We have a similar question this side of the Atlantic: "What the hell is a tootsie pop?!" :D

But personally I have never noticed any change, but I suppose that their probably is some kind of benefit. I doubt they would have bothered including prayer if it does nothing.

Then again, there is also a chance that in a future update, Prayer will become more useful.


We have a similar question this side of the Atlantic: "What the hell is a tootsie pop?!" :D

But personally I have never noticed any change, but I suppose that their probably is some kind of benefit. I doubt they would have bothered including prayer if it does nothing.

Then again, there is also a chance that in a future update, Prayer will become more useful.

I think he means a lolly.


I doubt they would have bothered including prayer if it does nothing.

I would.
THen I'd keep statistics, and laugh at those silly enough to do it.
THen laugh again once they made discoveries on what prayer "did", without them even scratching the surface. :D


It's certainly not something I would do if I made a game. But then, I'm never going to make a game. So you could well be right.


We have a similar question this side of the Atlantic: "What the hell is a tootsie pop?!" :D



My current thoery on praing is this:
It has the same funciton in-game as IRL.

Meaning; Nothing happens.

lol, I hadn't looked at this thread, I just saw it because it had the most recent reply in Saloon. I said almost the exact same thing a couple days ago...I even got a telegram about it. I guess you said the same thing first.


Didn't you hear...if you are a Quaker and you pray the bonus is bigger.



Didn't you hear...if you are a Quaker and you pray the bonus is bigger.


Well, that would make sense.
Except quakers don't much like organized churches in the first place, so they shouldn't get squat from praying in the church either. THey are a society of friends after all.


Maybe praying is just an ingenious idea created by the forum department of the west. Have you noticed that there have been many controversial topics both in game and on the forum.

Maybe it's as simple as trying to get the forums to be more active as no-one really knows what the church does in-game; it might have an effect on something much more cynical and capitalist than we thought of ie forum activity.


ummm no. if thats the case then the moon is made of cheese elvis is alive well and kickin it in hefs mansion and walt disney is a nut job living in edinburough castle


If this game is even the slightest realistic,then prayer does nothing.

Actually, just from a strictly real life scientific perspective, prayer has been proven to have positive effects via placebo effect. Even placebos have their usefulness. To ignore that fact, is to not think realistically.



Placebos might be better than nothing, but they have much more of an effect on the gullible.


They give you fifteen minutes of prayer so you can come to the forum for fifteen minutes and ponder over what the hell your character is doing with others.

But seriously though..

If everyone in a full village (residents maxed out) prays one after the other, starting at the exact time that the previous prayer ended for eight hours straight, while four builders take turns building first the town hall from 3 to 4 and then the Hotel from 2 to 5 while one person farms cotton for 1 hour and 45 minutes (canceling with exactly 15 minutes remaining) and another person picks sugar cane for 15 minutes (same method, with a two hour work time and cancels with 1 hour and 45 minutes remaining) and both start the work with exactly 101 energy..

God Dies