Prayer is probably adds nothing


Edit: too bad you're too old to go back to college (after you failed it the first time)


Edit: too bad you're too old to go back to college (after you failed it the first time)

One is never too old to go to University.
Anyone whom has attended a university knows this,
or perhaps it is just something that happens in my neck of the woods.
People re-educating themselves at any kind of ages.

A buddy of mine studies medicine. One of the students that started in his class
a few years back was ~40, and a former computer engineer. He wanted some change,
and there you go. Career-change in progres ;)

Not to mention that I personally know of people whom have reached retirement age,
and instead of going idle, they take subjects in the university to excersize their mind.

Be aware though, all this might be one of the many extremely harmful effects of a social democracy.

Edit: This might be slightly off-topic, but idiotic comments like Bartbot comes with here is like putting quarters
in an arcademachine. I could keep going all day long, ranting away.