Pet Peeves


people who don't understand that simply pointing to one's wrist is sign language for "What time is it?" and force you to ask the question.


Celebrities with their own line of alcohol......I don't care for Sammy Hagar tequila Dan Ackroyd Vodka or Danny DeVito Lemoncello


People who do not stone hypocrites. They deserve to be stoned. Also, people who base all their opinions on appearance alone.


people who think hypocrites should be stoned when they themselfs are hypocrites


let's watch the thinly (very thinly I might add people) personal jabs keep it generic please


Another: People who use Frank Zappa as their forum avatars. Agree Elmyr?


All reality TV but most of all American Idol.........I shouldn't know anything about this show as I don't watch it but even I wasn't surprised that what's his name from this season ws gay because I had already been exposed to this nonsense in my Newspaper......Since when is reality TV frelling NEWS?


All reality TV but most of all American Idol.........I shouldn't know anything about this show as I don't watch it but even I wasn't surprised that what's his name from this season ws gay because I had already been exposed to this nonsense in my Newspaper......Since when is reality TV frelling NEWS?
Ditto 1000times


Back to the OP and related posts...

One of the most annoying things that I've seen lately is "prolly".

"Probably", kiddies, the word is "probably".


"Prolly" is just lingo and it's been at least ten years since I first saw it. You might as well add "lol" to your list. :p


When I buy something drinkable or edible packed in a container that I need to use tools from my toolbox to open. Like having to use a pipe wrench to open a plastic bottle or a a pair of pincers to open a can.

In a store here they sell some juice in one of those cardboard boxes with a small plastic nozzle on it to open and close, but without a proper description of how to open it without breaking my nails, my fingers, or my arms when trying. And it's sited so I can't even cut the **** box up with a pair of scissors! Having to use a screwdriver to pick a hole in the box to be able to pour a glass of it, no, I just don't buy it anymore! Grrrrrrr...... :mad: