Pet Peeves


you know those little "insignificant" things that get your goat.......Keep them non personal and as generic as possible but this is a spot to vent a little

people who don't know how to/won't use correctly your and you're

Your- possessive pronoun=ownership (ie Your car)
You're- a contraction of you+are (You're the sweetest person I know.)


yes i just had to fix a book i'm working on because of this =)


I can't stand when someone says VERY UNIQUE.

Unique means one of a kind. There are not levels or degrees to it. You either are or you are not. Or something is or it is not. No middle ground.


The fact that there are no original ideas in Hollywood (they're remaking the Karate Kid with Jackie Chan and Will Smith's son)


People who think they know it all are very annoying to those of us who really do! :huh:


Damn. Ok, I just got a new pet peeve. When you hope to goodness that someone is yanking your chain and they turn out to be telling the truth.


Relax, the more I learn, the more I realize that I don't know much.:nowink:


lol that was more in response to the Karate Kid Artemis. And that last statement means, to me, that you probably know plenty enough for the both of us. :)


Thanks for clarifying. My sense of humor doesn't always come across the way it's intended.


I have the same problem Artemis.

Speaking of pet peeves, not related to Artemis, I hate it when you write something and someone tries to tell you how you meant it. Like for instance, when someone thinks you are mad or upset because they read more into the writing than is intended.

Also, related to David Crockets first pet peeve, I hate it when people use then instead of than, or vice versa.


their and they're and there (see first post)

I must say I have some trouble with those you just wrote, but hey... I'm not english/american. :laugh:

Sometimes I see the same thing happening in portuguese forums and blogs (and even in newspapers) and it also gets me in the nerves. :mad:


I sometimes think I'm the only person who is bugged when someone uses "and" instead of "an".


Divest you're funny and all but please reread (or read for the first time) the 1st post


lol yes that was funny but not in the spirit of things.

As far as thans and thats, an et ands, their they're and there I admit I may be too picky. Although I never finished my degree, life happened, I am only 12 credits out from my BA in English. I have been whittlin' that down when money is available though and I WILL get the BA and eventually an MA. But who cares.

Anyway, I had a creative writing teacher that once edited my poem, Pondering about the Whether.

For some ungodly reason she thought I was talking about weather. That made me mad to no end. I mean, seriously, she did not even read the poem. Everyone writes about pondering the weather. I took the road less travelled though and got penalized. hehe, this happened like 18 years ago and it still irks me to this day. If I were to think back of on all the truly good teachers and proffessors I would have to say that I only ever had maybe three that were worthy and that remains a pet peeve of mine today. I do not understand how some people can even get into the position of molding young minds when their own mids are lacking so much. Then, you read about how teachers want raises and more benefits and more job security. Don't get me wrong, I do believe it is one of the most important jobs around, but, that being said, I believe that there should be higher standards for the teachers themselves. Creativity is punished, mediocrity rewarded. Sad state of affairs indeed.


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