

...But I know they're trying to stop nuggetwasting...
Right... they want us to stop buying nuggets from them and wasting them. right.
Of course, if nuggetwasting in travelling to multis were really of any concern to them, they could simply lower the cost of travel and/or increase the fraction of travel time that gets cut.
Hell, they could even devalue the nuggets, or give them away for free.
Then no one would care about wasting them anymore.


I am not on world 12, but I am on world 10, where the same thing goes on. Maybe multis are so popular now, since the golden fort rifle has taken and corrupted the game. There would be no need for multi's if things were fair.

For example today on a fort battle at 10.

You shot at astro5 and caused 289 damage!
Gunsmoke 4ever shot at you, but missed.
Sledge dog has hit you for 343 damage.
kennyken18 has hit you for 343 damage.
stozzy has hit you for 343 damage.

3 our of 4 golden guns....hitting an adventurer. I am no god on fort battles. I did have though a 70-80 dodge rating...114 hiding, 55 dodge, 12 reflex, 12 horseback, 20 swimming, 70 aim, 132 shooting, 60 setting traps, 84 fms, 50 repair. 8 vigor, 9 stamina, 197 leadership, 95 tactics, 70 trading, 70 animal instinct, and 125 appearance. No god at all, but to be hit, 3 times in a row for the same exact damage....maybe it's too powerful...if you didn't have people noobing by stacking bonuses, there would be no need for multing, no need for fakes, Instead you got noobs piling it on. There must be some way to balance this, let's make them waste nuggets teleporting...let's make them work to kill us. This anti multi act...PAH. I love the game, but it's being ruined, and anti multis will only ruin it further....Devs, just remove fort battles'll be doing everyone a favor! Better yet....delete the game completely. As for people complaining about multi's, yeah multi's suck, but it is part of the game, next you'll be complaining your being dueled multiple times a day! Might as well remove dueling too. It's unfair...only the rich can keep spending money to buy items on the market to restore their health.

Are you complaining about getting hit 3 times or hit for 343 damage. Right now on w12 the gg stack hits for around 700. And thats a full sector of 30 gg's.


GG sector bonus will be removed when we get the next update. Means: Soon.


Are you complaining about getting hit 3 times or hit for 343 damage. Right now on w12 the gg stack hits for around 700. And thats a full sector of 30 gg's.

No it's an example of how the server is so stacked and out of wack. getting hit 3 times is normal, but 3 times for the same amount of damage....little creepy.


No no, its only creepy when you're a 7k HP advent and lose 5k health in one round. That's when you find out a. The advent bonus doesn't like you and b. Hits for 700+ hurt.

And actually, unless I'm mistaken, a full attacking sector can get as high as 36 people.


Right, will someone please publically post which one of tonight's multis is not fake? Or should I go at the fort where Gaga is to have at least some spam-o-rama fun in the county chat during the 2rounds fake fortfight?


Sorry for being ignorant on the matter, but... Who or what is DBD? Wow is that online milkingmoney game, that I know.


Sorry, I just assumed Cro Beer was DBD. Even if I realized y'all weren't, I figured you'd heard of them at least. :p


CRO Beer has nothing with DBD whatever that is.
But an error in your assumptions doesn't surprise me. Somehow I recall one such erroneous assumption... One where soldiers in your world (or worlds) are not overpowered. :)

P.S. I hope you're aware that I'm not trying to be rude, I just enjoy these me vs Elmyr and vice versa "fights". ;)
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Sorry for the doublepost, just to inform everyone alergic to multis, the fort with Gaga is fake. Only 9 attackers inside. Try your luck in one of the rest 3. I'm off to the closest midfort and will inform you if it's fake too (in about half an hour).

Miranda K. is the same fake thing.
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Evidently Alba wasn't a fake. ToG moved around faking people out and won a fort for kraakhead.

Oh and I agree it was foolish of Elmyr to assume you're not ignorant Joxer. ;)


Pfft, yer either fer us or yer agin us. Anyone agin us is DBD (whoever they are) as far as I'm concerned. :p
Based on such logic, should I believe that anyone "agin" us is Gaga whoever they are? Nah.

Evidently Alba wasn't a fake.
Alba was always fake. She can't act. :)

Oh and I agree it was foolish of Elmyr to assume you're not ignorant Joxer. ;)
You may think whatever you want, but Elmyr is not foolish, I assure you.


Right, will someone please publically post which one of tonight's multis is not fake? Or should I go at the fort where Gaga is to have at least some spam-o-rama fun in the county chat during the 2rounds fake fortfight?

first one :D


Meh, a small fort, does anyone really care for those. No wonder only a dozen of players came (on both sides).


yes .. probably nobody does care ..
but what a way to win a fort ..
bljak :blink: