Most funny telegram ever


Here's a couple of gems from some troubled soul..

I am the general of the attack on ** HQ. All of your men have been K.O. there is only you and some workers. i order yous full attention otherwise you will find yourself to be K.O. Okay let's get to business.

All we want is your co operation. I want you to attack workers in a town called *. Do not tell them i sent you. if you do you will be free of your old days and will always be offered a place in our town. Also I want you to K.O all their workers. You enjoy this don't you. When they send you a message I want you to reply back to them

"I only attack you because of my client."

If you do this over and over again you will find that you will be spared from our wrath and not be K.O. Tell me what you will do.
He quickly followed up with this..
also on your profile put

I am a mercenary. I duel people for money. If you give me money I will K.O anybody.

I then had a quiet word to him, in order to politely refuse :laugh:

He countered with this lil' beauty..
how about you act or get K.O by the whole town. come on then. come and duel me.
My reply was to KO him. :) then a few hours later he sends me this..
okay. it's K.O time.

I don't get it. Is he telling me that he is battered and broken? Or is he suffering from the worst case of Delusions of Grandeur since Whitney Houston's "tour?" in February?