Men...who needs em.


Cooking is fine,it is the doing of the dishes that I find a chore.

Amen Iggy. I hate doing the dishes, though I do enjoy cooking. Again, a guy cooks at home, but unlike the other guys who have said they cook, I cook for a family. But I still enjoy it.


Pastas, hamburgers, brautwurst, bread, a few cakes and cookies and brownies.


Tomato Spiral Pastaor
Mushroom Sauce Spaghetti ?
both my favors :D


Again, a guy cooks at home, but unlike the other guys who have said they cook, I cook for a family. But I still enjoy it.
Gee, I never had one of those, what do they look like?

Sarcasm aside, I always have people over, be it friends, relatives, neighbors or even strangers, and thus I am always cooking for more than just myself.


Ok. From what they said at the time they cook for themselves. But you cook for other people. And what I meant was that I cook for my family.


My cooking comments were geared towards professional cooking versus household chore cooking. Nothing wrong with a man that likes to cook. It just isn't a traditional household chore for them in a family setting.

When I was married my husband did squat really. We had 3 kids and both had full time jobs. Infact, we worked at the same place and rode together to work. So we put in the exact same amount of time in at work as each other. I remember one day I was so fed up with his sitting on his ass I calculated the amount of time I spent on an average weekly basis doing household chores compared to what he spent. Should I dare nudge him to do more or suggest maybe he do the dishes or fold some laundry I got a lame woman's work excuse. Sigh. Anyways, the point is that in a family setting the chores should be shared. Doesn't have to be equally of course but a household is a household and every family member should work together. I love when a man cooks for me. It's sort of romantic, especially if they put some thought and effort into it.

I guess I'm just saying there are traditional roles in a family household. These roles have been changing slowly over time (as does everything). I don't know if that is a good or a bad thing. I believe it is a good thing but it can go too far. Women and men are equal but different. I like the differences. I like feeling all girly and part of that is being with a guy that is a 'man' so to speak. Doesn't mean I want a guy that treats me like arm candy or thinks I'm an idiot and my opinion is worth nothing.


My cooking comments were geared towards professional cooking versus household chore cooking. Nothing wrong with a man that likes to cook. It just isn't a traditional household chore for them in a family setting.

I guess I'm just saying there are traditional roles in a family household. These roles have been changing slowly over time (as does everything). I don't know if that is a good or a bad thing. I believe it is a good thing but it can go too far. Women and men are equal but different. I like the differences. I like feeling all girly and part of that is being with a guy that is a 'man' so to speak. Doesn't mean I want a guy that treats me like arm candy or thinks I'm an idiot and my opinion is worth nothing.

I do not apperciate the change in roles this days. It has been said on the news papers and articles that the women is taking mens roles since women can not survive without men this days. See if a mother got children without a father then she would need good career to support her children. This issues have been raised in the womens society and many are now going for their bachelors and more.

THat means the home chore is being transfered to the men and all the tradition seems to be disappering.

For me, it is best if the men respects and apperciates the women for everything she does. I dont like the change in roles ...anyways...


Why do women have small feet?

So they can stand closer to the oven!!!


Well, part of the change in roles is a recognition of gender equality. Tradition holds with it a lot of false beliefs on how things used to be. The truth is, women were sidelined, emotionally and physically abused, and generally put to the job of doing all the things the man didn't want to burden himself with. The traditional woman was the weak, helpless, submissive, "one of these days Alice, one of these days, *pow* to the moon!" So, if you want traditional good, you're going to have to accept the traditional bad that went right along with it.

Doesn't mean I want a guy that treats me like arm candy or thinks I'm an idiot and my opinion is worth nothing.
*/me ignores the raging chick's chatter*


Hellstromm, you are such a man.

Traditional is good. But you can have traditional without the caveman attitude as well. Taking care of children and maintaining a smooth running household is just as much work as going into an office or factory and punching a time card. It takes planning, organization, flexibility, and determination to get everything done that needs done. It's not all about watching soap operas and sitting on the couch eating bon-bons :p Men should appreciate the women for doing the domestic stuff just as much as women should appreciate the men for being the breadwinner (in most cases). If both are working then the domestic stuff should be more evenly distributed. It's not a matter of equality really, it's more about making things run smoothly and everybody knowing what their expected constribution to that is.


Folks lets put it this way, so far, we've established that once this thingy comes in,
Us men go out, now, i'm already crying,


I would like to challenge your comment, and state that it is actually more work to take care of the children and maintain a smooth-running household. One of the main reasons it is harder, is that it is an under-appreciated. Other reasons are: No pay increases, no promotion opportunities, no growth potential, no holidays, no paid vacations, no sick leave, doesn't look good on a resume', etc and so on.

And alex, why should you be crying? It's not like you were going to get any action in your lifetime, right?


Well yes Hellstromm, it actually is more work. It is also a thankless job. It is also the most rewarding job because you can see immediate results and when you have children know there will be long term results as well. I don't think women do a better job of it because they are women. Men are perfectly capable of doing just as fine a job with it all and have.

Now I'll probably get myself in some hot water but I don't care. If there are children in the household the best scenario is for 2 parents to be there. I don't care if it's a man and woman or 2 men or 2 women. I'm not trying to take anything away from single parents. I'm divorced so I don't have a significant other in my household to help with the kids. It's the best scenario because it's easier that way. Easier on the parents and easier on the children. When there are 2 raising children it benefits the parents because they can take time out for themselves individually to pursue other goals or activities. The children, I think, feel more secure plus they get the benefit of having 2 points of views, personalities, and experiences to interact with and learn from. I would never recommend anyone stay in a relationship because of the children though. A bad home situation is a bad home situation and if being a single parent is going to make for a happier home in the long run then that is what is best.

Edit: Toko that was hilarious. And Alex, you've posted plenty about your personal life all over these forums so don't play that card.


I don't tell yall bout that much personall stuff though :)

and with what you said, yes it is good to have two folks raising a kid.


Or three, or more, though I'd stop at 10. Too much can smother a kid and make him all messed up.


To me men are created surplus....

A few quotes about men from my favorite femme fatale Mae West:

# A hard man... is good to find

# It's not the men in my life that counts -- it's the life in my men.

# He who hesitates is last.

# I go for two kinds of men. The kind with muscles, and the kind without.

# So many men... so little time

# A man in love is like a clipped coupon -- it's time to cash in.

# A man in the house... is worth two in the street

# Marriage is a fine institution, but I'm not ready for an institution.

# Give a man a free hand... and he'll run it all over you

# Good sex is like good Bridge... If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand

# His mother should have thrown him away...and kept the stork

# I like two kinds of men: domestic and imported

# Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

# Save a boyfriend for a rainy day, and another, in case it doesn't rain