Jail Break (literate rp)


ooc: Is it okay for me to play the warden? Or is he just char that is owned by all of us? BTW: it's Warden Dickinson ;) :D

ooc: Well, the Warden is pretty much controlled by all the people. And I'd like to say oops. I'll fix that ASAP.


ooc: No prob :). Ah I see okay than let's try something than.

A seemingly elder man smiled at the incoming prisoners. He himself had lost time since the first day he got here. "The warden is giving his welcoming speech again..." He had seen many prisoners coming in but few has he seen walking out unless they were in a coffin.


Name: James West
Captain and Questions Officer
Weapons: Sawn-off shotgun, interrogations tools, Colt revolver, and knives
Age: 37

A man walked past the warden and pulled out a cigar. He lit it and looked up. The prisoners could see he was clothed in dark black. He carried a Colt pistol in the holster. His hat had a gold trim and a dark brown beard shown from the light of the cigar. He carried a shotgun at his side and said,"I am the new "questions" officer. My name is Captain James West. You will call me sir, prisoners. You will answer my questions without hesitation or back talk. You remember your last officer prisoners? Im WORSE than him." James turned around and grabbed a clipboard. He read off a few names and then said,"Prisoner # 109, Sam Solo." James motioned two guards to get the five prisoners he called out. "Hurry the hell up!!!" James yelled out to the guards.


After the Warden finished his speech, he ordered the guards to show the prisoners their beds. Again, the guards pushed us. I looked up and saw about ten or more men on the walls, armed with rifles. There's no way to get past all those sharpshooters. There's probably more where that came from. I thought to myself as the giant gate closed behind all the criminals in the fort....


The gate closed with a deafening loud BANG! "Officer James West looked it pretty good shape for being a man of thirty-seven, so there goes our hope of escape," thought Mannie. "His Colt Revolver reminds me of the one I stole that got me into all this mess." Mannie prayed she got a cell to herself; by the looks of it, she was the only woman in the place.


James walked past the prisoners and went up a few stairs. James stood at a rail and watched as the prisoners marched into their cells. James took out a small book and started to write something.

Prisoner # 109, Sam Solo : Interrogate in one hour

Prisoner # 198, Mannie : Interrogate with Sam

Prisoner # 32, Old Man : Interrogate with group. Figure out real name also.

Buy more cigars and some tea and whiskey.

James closed it, put it in a little pouch, and then walked to his office and living quarters on the 5th level of the prison, next to the wardens quarters.


"So, this is it." I said to myself as I looked around my cell.
"No sunlight, no hope, nothing." I sighed as I kicked the brick wall. And I have a bad feeling that James West hated me. I just hoped I can live in this jail alive....


(ooc/ is it okay if I share a cell with you sam?)

Name: Dante Davinci
Medium height, short brown hair, can handle himself in a fight though prefers to talk it out. Thick Italian accent.

In the distance, I could hear the sound of a wagon. I jumped out of my small cot and looked out the barred window. I recognized the wagon. They were bringing in some new prisoners. I layed back down on my cot and listened to the Wardens speech. I was suprised when my cell door opened. I looked up to see a man being pushed in. "I was just getting used to being alone," I thought to myself.
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Name: Rolf Blauvelt
Chief and Commander of the Sharpshooter
Weapons: Experimental Krag Bolt Action Rifle, Colt revolver
Age: 25

Rolf woke up from dreams of prisoners escaping left and right. He and the other sharpshooters were taking down some prisoners, but there were too many to hit. After getting dressed, and grabbing his rifle, he looked at the list of prisoners. He smiled when he saw Kurtis on the list again. It was Kurtis who got him his job as the sharpshooter commander. After his escape, the former Commander was let off, as well as the 2 sharpshooters at the nearest tower. The first thing he did was improve the spotlights, and to get better rifles. Now many had the Krag, with the rest to get the Krag in a month.

He walked into the morning watch room, and yelled at the top of his lungs, "WAKE UP YOU LAZY BUMS! I WANT YOU ALL READY TO RELEAVE THE GRAVE SHIFT IN 5 MINUTES!"

5 minutes later, the whole morning shift went out to their respective towers to let the grave shift get some sleep. Rolf walked to where the new prisoners and the warden were at and saluted to the warden. "Good morning warden. All the morning shift boys are in position ready to take out any escapees, sir."


(ooc/ we didnt have spotlights yet)

I was trying to sleep when I heard someone yelling. "SHUT UP WILL YEAH!" I yelled.


I was going to have a long night. After Dante yelled, I thought it was over.
Then suddenly the Warden came in with a big, strong mercenary.
"Well, well, well. You know the rules Dante: no prisoner yells in the middle of night. And I know just how to handle you."
The Warden nodded to the mercenary. Then without warning, the mercenary walked up to Dante and started punching him in the face, and stomach. He tossed him to the floor and started stomping on his face.
"That's enough soldier. Now leave our trouble-maker to suffer the pain."
The mercenary stopped and walked out of the cell along with the Warden. But before they left, I grabbed the mercenary's revolver and slipped it out of its case when nobody was looking. Then I hid it under my bed when the Warden turned to close the door...


yo sam i still have my wepons. and a plan. wait till you here a explosion and run. kurtis draws tnt. that gun of your will come in handy. passes sam more ammo


It was dark. Very dark. He could feel himself becoming one with the darkness. He had lost count of the days he'd been in here. Apparently his captors had decided that he was too dangerous to be given a cell with a window.

Actually, his cell was in what used to be the armory. It had strong walls and no windows. He supposed this was to protect against a possible explosion. Of course, all such danger was gone; gunpowder was definitely not stored here anymore.

He had spent many days musing over the injustice of his confinement. He was no outlaw. He was a patriot; fighting for his motherland -- the glorious South. Was it his fault that he hadn't heard the news that the Civil War had ended? What angered him more was the fact that many ex-Confederates ran this prison . . .

He heard the clank of the keys in the lock. He quickly plugged his ears; the screech of the old iron door was painful. A bucket was dropped and water sloshed out. A wooden plate was set down with a piece of bread on it. He was surprised. Usually his food was thrown on the floor. The door screeched shut again and the darkness returned. He crawled over to the bucket. He plunged his hands down ino the water and brought some to his lips. This was the only was he could be somewhat sure that he wasn't drinking the filth that usually floated at the top. As he picked up the plate an idea started to form in his head.

Justin stumbled over to his cell door. He felt along them until he came to a bolt. Positioning the plate just right, he smashed it over the bolt. The plate broke, and a crescent shaped piece flew across his cell. He felt through the darkness to find it. Finally he did. It was shaped just right -- narrow and pointy.

Just then the doors of the armory opened; he could hear the clanking of chains. "More prisoners?" Justin asked himself. For a long time, he had been the only prisoner in high security. Sure enough, he heard the guard order a new prisoner to his cell.

"Cell number two, woman!" barked the guard.

"Woman?!" thought Justin incredulously, "Perhaps the guard is just goading him?" He heard the cell door slam shut and the guard left. He waited a while; he heard nothing.

"Hello?" he ventured.


*BOOM* HA i got it open. throws some guns on the ground. grab a gun and shoot. come on sam. kurtis shoots 3 guards in the face.


Rolf hears an explosion in one of the cells. He calls everyone from the grave shift that he can, and heads over to where the explosion was. He sees Kurtis shooting three guards in the face with a gun. "How did that guy get a gun? Doesn't matter. Hey Kurtis, I was going to thank you for giving me the command, but I'll have to kill you now." Rolf orders all the men from the night shift to open fire. Most have the Krag, but some were armed with Winchester Repeating Rifles. They all opened fire on Kurtis.


Name: Virginia Montgomery
Age: 19
Fort Officer's Niece
Bio: Before her father died at the Battle of Gettysburg, he made his brother promise to look after his only daughter, Virginia. She now lives at her Uncle's home located at Fort Hopeless.


I took cover from the shooting.
Sometimes I wondered if Kurtis ever heard about what kind of place Fort Hopeless is. I knew this place because my father was here before. He tried to escape, but he got gunned down by a hundred gunners or more. At least the mercenary won't think it was me who stole his revolver. I just hope this ends soon....


Thinking that perhaps the new prisoner did not hear him through the thick walls and doors, he raised his voice.



this is how i got out thast time it will work again. grab some water and help me get just & michael. then head for the horses