Item Set Weapons


I think the deringer would go good with the ladies set yes.

I think the golden colt should go with the gentlemans set.

So I would vote yes for those.

and don't Hmph at me :laugh:
that would look just marvelous ....5 stars to this thread..


20 replies. 108 views.

I guess this idea is pretty good.

Also, the Golden colt should be with the Golden set. This Peacemaker(I don't know what it is) should be part of the Gentleman's set.

And good night.


Golden Colt
should go with Gent's, and Belle Star's should go with Ladies.

4 stars
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If Golden Colt goes with Gentleman's set, what do you do if somebody has both the Gentleman's set and the Golden Rifle (Golden set)?


Sorry about that Jon. D:.

If the gent;s have both golden colt and rifle, its should keep the bonus it already has, and
add 20 more labour points.


no the golden set is different and should stay that way...

the problem will be when a melee has to use the set
he will be totally defenseless
so i suggest that it should be made like the greenhorn set where both melee and firearm are present but only one can be used.


I think it would be cool for us lazy people if there was a "Quick Change" button where we could *instantly* put on all the set items we have for a certain set. click sleepyhead set and bam - all sleepyhead items are being worn- holiday set, gentleman's...etc.


I decided to use the Deringer. By the way, the Deringer was spelled incorrectly on purpose many times.

No it isn't. The original weapon was the Deringer, named for Henry Deringer. Later knockoffs of the original were called Derringers, which was a misspelling, yes, but it's a legitimate alternate spelling now. I don't think trademarks were quite as protected in the mid-19th century as they are today and they could have called them Deringers.

There have been many suggestions to add items to sets, and they don't need more bonuses. I could see adding pants or belts to some, but I don't think any set needs new items added from slots that weren't originally included. The dancer's set has already had the parasol added.

And an elixir is a product. Corrosive acid is the weapon in the charlatan's set.
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Elixir. Corrosive acid. Both look quite the same.

Okay fine, I admit my History is not the greatest.

I still think it's a good idea.


When I comment on the spelling of the word "derringer," you say, "Threeson, your post was irrelevant."

When Elmyr discusses it, you say, "Okay fine, I admit my History is not the greatest."

Why the difference?


Mainly, because he actually discussed the idea[/B, not just History, unlike you.

This isn't History class, it's I&B.


I didn't start it.

Trying to find a better image possibly for both weapons and view of them small sized.


The golden weapons will not be added to another set because they already have a set of their own.

Personally I doubt new weapons will be added to these sets as they already provide more than enough of a boost already. There are two ways I can see this being implemented and I must say they are both slim chances.

1. If they have small damage ranges and are only obtainable by getting lucky and finding them from a job like the walking stick used to be.

2. If hell freezes over.

Still trying to figure out which is more likely.


We have the Belle Starr's Deringer which corresponds Dancer's Set and we have a lot of other firearms correspond's Gentleman's Set so there is no need to add more...