Ghost Towns... Far Too Easy


DS, you've made a non-issue into an issue. This is just another thread of noob bashing when there isn't even any evidence that every person that founds a ghost town is indeed a noob.

If anything needs to change about Ghost Towns it is that they should slowly deteriorate over time, losing so many points per day. Abandoned towns would start to fall apart so that would make sense.


If anything needs to change about Ghost Towns it is that they should slowly deteriorate over time, losing so many points per day. Abandoned towns would start to fall apart so that would make sense.

This is a great idea. Especially as worlds get older and more and more towns go ghost.


IRL, they will only deteriorate if they are abandoned for a long time. I think that it would be great if time caused the town to deteriorate. So, when someone re-found a ghost town, he will only get acces to lower levels of the current building levels. He could repair them by spending some money and some time in 'Repairing Buildings' in order to enable them to work at the maximum constructed level. This time/cost should be shorter than the time/cost necessary to level up a new building, though.​

Been said.

Still not a good enough reason to change imo.


I like the idea of deterioration. Just drop the building points in each building by X per day. Don't worry about some new "repair buildings" mechanism - it'd be covered by normal construction.

Other than that, I'm with everyone else in failing to understand the problem here. If old town members are looking on in despair as their old town gets taken over by a new player then they really should have got their act together and claimed the ghost town themselves. If a new player takes on a ghost town but then gets bored and quits the game then eventually he'll be deleted and the town will become a ghost town once more.

Asking for explanations about why something isn't broken? Hmm...that's an interesting take...


dj storm - good point, I actually looked for a small ghost town on world 2 when I started my builder character there because of wanting to have a bit fun actually trying to run a town with an hotel already existing from the start even if its still only a population of 2 plus some tumbleweeds (I'm funny or what? heh)

bevoir - I think I like that idea, the only problem would be determining how to drop the points by which building(s)? I mean we can't except one building to deteriorate rapidly through level points while another pretty much doesn't


It can be so many points a day distributed equally throughout whatever buildings have already been constructed.


Building deterioration has been shot down in the past (although it was deterioration in active towns, not ghost ones), because it could be exploited. If you did not like what the new level of shops offered, you could let the building deteriorate, then complete the level again to get new clothes. However, I doubt that everybody in town will leave at once, wait a couple of days for the building(s) to lose a level, and hope that nobody else claims the ghost town.


I doubt it too as someone could snatch it out from them 2 minutes after they all abandon it.


I doubt it too as someone could snatch it out from them 2 minutes after they all abandon it.

It's very possible and has probably happened before. If someone camps a town with 1 member who is not Founder nor Council and constantly attack them, they will eventually leave. Then you can snatch up the town ASAP. Or, if there is a schedualed town move, someone may find the town abandoned rather quickly and jump in and take it. Its easy and fun, not a challenge at all.

As a matter of fact, I have done it before. There was a world 5 ghost town (Which was a Diamond on the Map I remember) Named Muffin factory, I snatched it up in a heart beat and the next day some weirdo was PMing me to leave the town or else, so I did the usual laugh and pity the fool routine and went on with recruiting members. About a month after that I got bored and went inactive, idk what has happened to the town since then.
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Fascinating, all of which had nothing to do with the quote you pulled out of context.


Oh, well why don't you elaborate on how, exactly, its not broken?
You do realize, David, you're asking someone to prove a negative, right? The answer to your question is, it's not broken because it's not broken. How exactly do you think someone can elaborate on "not broken?"


lol thats what pretty much this whole thread is about. How not broken this system is.

hellstromm, your old avitar was better. They way the guy looked at you like, "yea, does it look like i give a damn?"


hehe, i'm still debating about this avatar. Will give it a few more edits to see if i end up liking it.

And yep, "not broken" is the theme of this thread.


I'd rather see the ghost towns go to newer people than to the same people who run half of the others. The only thing making them harder to get would do is make it even easier for the big "families" to become bigger.


Maybe not unreasonable or entirely unrealistic, but you can get a foreclosed home for far less than the market value because banks are more interested in getting it off their hands and recouping a small part of their losses than holding onto it for much longer and getting the market price. A town in anyone's hands is better than a ghost town. I don't know about everyone else, but a ghost town in my neighborhood seems like a blight to me and I'd rather have it in somebody's hands, even a n00b's, than have it lowering my property values.

Better red than gray...

As far as exploiting by letting your town go ghost, members have a huge advantage, as they can have someone reclaim the town the second the town becomes a ghost town by leaving in advance and letting their timer run out.
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I'm kinda 50-50 on this topic. I think that Mr. Schofield went a little overboard and is a bit of a noob-hater, but he does raise some good points. Maybe ghost towns should cost $300 plus .25 per building point or something like that. The way it is now, why found a new town when you can found an already built-up ghost town for the same price? Also, why join an existing town that has say 2000 points when you can found a ghost town that already has 30,000 points? Is the ready-made community and potential protection really worth that much?
On the other hand, I don't agree with him excluding noobs from taking over ghost towns. We were all noobs once. In fact, some still consider me a noob. :) I have a level 13 pure worker in world 8 who is currently founding a 3100 point ghost town. Would you say that is unfair? Where would you draw the line?
I do think they should cost a little more if they are already built up, but it shouldn't matter what level the new owner is. If he has the money, then he should be able to go for it. A level 5 player could be a pure noob or he could be a level 90 on another world. There's no need to regulate that. Like some others said, there are pros and cons to founding a ghost town. Cons include: no community, harder to get recruits, might be dueled often, etc. So, it's not all just free and easy. It's a gamble, just like buying real estate in RL.
Location is important too. I checked out the area around my ghost town, to see how populated it was and if there were nearby jobs. Most noobs won't think to do that though. Most will probably just go for building points and ignore the location.
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