fake injurys


You're on fire. You try to put yourself out but someone has replaced the water in your bucket with kerosene. You lose 600 health points.


Well-Known Member
you cut of your ****, that means you will NEVER have kids,
you lose 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 hp points.


You drop your drawers as a bull is charging.
You get one cow horn.
You lose your masculinity.


While Building railroad station

After finishing the whole railroad, you go pee in it, to let your signature pee you always let, but then a train passes and you lose your future kids, and your girlfriend.


Maya sits on your lap. But you don't have one anymore after the accident, so you don't lose nothing.


The train you're robbing contains prisoners. They attack you as you open up the cargo door looking for goodies. You lose 450 health points and all the money in your pocket.


You accidently summon a demon from the bowels of Hell. You are instantly smitten. You lose 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,994 health points.


Your computer crashed at the wrong moment. You lose 65,535 health points.


Sheriff ask you to duel with Thomas;
You say: "What the F***, I don't waste bullets on your ****** quest!! "

(Sheriff pull out his Revolver....)



While attempting to lasso a horse, you somehow manage to strangle yourself. You lose 2359 health points.

MEDAL EARNED: Darwin Award.


So I decided to put in 2 hours of beaver hunt on Friday night.

This is what I got:

So you went out beaver hunting, especially on a Friday night which seems like the perfect time to go about doing something like this.

You sat at the bar in your trusty neighbourhood saloon and had a drink, you noticed this pretty lady across from you and decided to buy her one as well. Henry Walker pours a red bull and vodka for the pretty lady, she glances over at you and gives a gesture of thanks.

After your fourth round you seeing double and feeling single so you approach her with all your bravery in hand. Coincidently her name is Maya, blonde hair, blue eyes. Just the way you like it.

She also having had a few too many drinks decides to buy you a strawberry milkshake. Which you found it kinda odd but without denying her you took it and drank it. The best milkshake you have ever had, considering you are loaded.

It's getting late and she would like to get going so you offer her a lift.

You passed out. Your health and energy reaches 0 and you wake up the next morning, with a splitting headache and no recollection of what happened the night before. You find a stocking under your pillow and wondering how it got there. Vague images of leaving the saloon with a girl crosses your mind, but your thoughts of getting any luck on this job seems slim to none.

How I shall not contemplate on doing this job again, ever. :nowink:


You jumped out of the bath to check The West on your computer. You realized that you are naked and the girl next door are staring at you. You lose 9999 confidence points.


While attempting to lasso a horse, you somehow manage to strangle yourself. You lose 2359 health points.

MEDAL EARNED: Darwin Award.


"The Darwin award is an unique, special award, awarded for those who have evolved more than others of the same species, proving their superiorness"


No it isn't, the Darwin Award is awarded to idiots who manage to remove themselves from the gene pool in spectacular fashion.

I was thinking have it as a medal in-game for anyone who manages to KO themselves 3 times in 48 hours.

Also, I was going to do a picture like that.


No it isn't, the Darwin Award is awarded to idiots who manage to remove themselves from the gene pool in spectacular fashion.

I was thinking have it as a medal in-game for anyone who manages to KO themselves 3 times in 48 hours.

I know that, I was kidding

Also, I was going to do a picture like that.

I'm the fastest fakemedalbadeditpicturemaker


You recieve the Darwin award. You are dueled by a testosterone raging rhino four weeks later, and recieve another Darwin award.


you fall out of a plane without a parachute. you fall into the spinning rotor blades of a helicopter on the way down and are torn to shreds. lose 1 health point.


you get shot in the back, you kill your attacker, and lose 300 common sense points.


you get pushed off a cliff but on the way down you grab a branch, the branch snaps and hits you on the head, knocking you out, then you land on a bed of nails. you lose 500 health points, but win the coveted unluckiest player award.