Evilution: the Descent of Man


fien i shall concede on teh monothesit thing..i knwo when i am beat...and Justin, yes it is an observation, but it is an obervation taking into accoutn all avaiable evidecne!

It is the most logical theory, and therefore the one most respected by teh scientiic comunity. if u want to disprove it - go ahead - present evidence that contradicts it!


He thinks he has presented "evidence" that disproves it. He is sorely mistaken. It is impossible to disprove something you obviously have no understanding of.


The point is that the fact of evolution and the title 'theory of evolution' are different things, do you see where we're going?


A discussion should be where knowledgeable people discuss, we don't need these threads turned into lessons.

@ nashy, then if such is the way you feel about what I have posted, maybe you better check the earlier posts, and see who started the lesson you were referring to.

Incidentally, if you say fact of evolution, no offense, but what fact is there that Evolution has?


That evolution occurs is fact. The mechanisms through which it occurs is theory (In the scientific definition of the word.)


Nashy (as himself)
@ nashy, then if such is the way you feel about what I have posted, maybe you better check the earlier posts, and see who started the lesson you were referring to.

if you say fact of evolution, no offense, but what fact is there that Evolution has?

Are either you or Justin educated in Science? (in which case we'd talk Science), I fail to see the point of debating philology, would have been doing that for thousands of years and they have yet to achieve anything of worth.

The theory of evolution and the fact of evolution are explained in the link I gave (second persons post on this thread)

What are you asking for exactly? Proof is a Google search away and understanding is a few hours in College a week, or maybe even a few documentaries depending on where you are with you're mind.

Maybe you could start by explaining how DNA copies itself correctly 100% of the time, how all the observations are flawed? Just asking for something that tackles the Science itself, the mechanism really not the timeline (which is probably wrong, I agree. But it's the best we've got right now)

Tell me if you understand.
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My favorite is ID spokesperson Phillip Johnson, who has admitted he hasn't studied science past high school and his sole qualification is is law degree. Not a profession to which Truth is all that important.


That evolution occurs is fact. The mechanisms through which it occurs is theory (In the scientific definition of the word.)

O.K. I'm glad to see that someone can understand the duality of evolution. (Cheers for Violette)

Elmyr, I never said guess. It annoying when people put words in your mouth.

People. Evolution is NOT a fact. It has not been observed in ANY life form, gehiem05. Evolution is a theory, Elmyr, and I can say that as much as I like. I'm not dumb; I understand that a theory is not just a wild guess. A theory is a scientists attempt to explain the facts.

Evolution does not explain the facts. I have posted here lengthy articles (which I have written) showing that the theory of evolution is not supported by the facts. You can say that I'm mistaken all you want, but I'm not going to consider those little remarks until you do research papers explaining how my points against evolution are mislead. Show me how I'm wrong. Go through my reports and blast them to pieces bit by bit.

Finally, oisinallen, if the octopus and the human being are not close to each other on the evolutionary tree (we are millions of years apart), why do we still have very similar eyes? (Your explanation for us having similar eyes was that we had a common ancestor. However, human beings evolved millions of years after octopuses did; are you trying to say that this type of eye (the ones we and the octopi have) evolved twice?


Another proposed “fishibian” is the tiktaalik. This fish is apparently the first link in the fish/amphibian transition. Three tiktaalik fossils were found in Canada, 600 miles from the North Pole, which evolutionists declared to be 375 million years old. These creatures had bones in their front fins that corresponded to a shoulder, upper arm, elbow, forearm, and a wrist. However, the bones in the tiktaalik’s fins have no axial skeleton connections; this is very important because without this direct connection, tiktaalik could not have done any walking. (http://www.icr.org/article/2962/) Furthermore, the tiktaalik fossils that have been found are incomplete. Scientists have no idea as to what the hind fins and tail looked like. Nevertheless, evolution artists, as usual, have shown a complete disregard for the lack of evidence and have shown us what they think the tiktaalik looked like.


How they went from the fossil shown to the drawing above is beyond me. However, evolutionists commonly use terms such as “probably,” “we suppose,” “may have,” “maybe,” “quite possibly,” “we suggest,” “it appears,” “more than likely,” “speculated to have,” “if,” and other such words that suggest that they don’t have a clue what they are talking about, but that’s just my theory.

“But if (and oh! What a big if!) we could conceive in some warm little pond, with all sorts of ammonia and phosphoric salts, light, heat, electricity, etc. present, that a protein compound was chemically formed ready to undergo still more complex changes. . . .” – Charles Darwin

According to evolutionists, the next step after the tiktaalik was the elginerpeton. The only known fossil remains for the elginerpeton are fragments from the shoulder and hip, a femur (upper hind limb), tibia (lower hind limb), and fragments from the upper and lower jaw. Another piece that may be associated with this creature is possibly a humerus (upper forelimb). Absolutly no remains of the creature’s feet or “fin/feet” were found. Furthurmore, there is no reason to believe that this animal had a tail; but, again, our evolution artists have supplied this part of the animal’s anatomy for us.

Other such links in the supposed evolution of amphibians from fish are obruchevichthys, hynerpeton, tulerpeton, and pederpes. The only known fossil of obruchevichthys is a jawbone; however, evolutionists have declared it to be a tetrapod (having four leg-like appendages). The known fossils of hynerpeton include two shoulder girdles, two lower jaws, a jugal bone and some gastralia. Again, artists have decided to help the hynerpetons maintain their evolutionary image by adding a tail
(see image directly above). Tulerpeton fossils are also incomplete. All that has been found are forelimbs, hindlimbs, a fragmented skull, and a partially complete pectoral girdle. Pederpes is known by an almost complete skeleton, “only the tail and some bones of the skull and limbs were missing.” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pederpes) May I make a suggestion? Perhaps, Pederpes didn’t have a tail. It might be a possibility, no? Yet, again, we have been educated as to what the “rest” of both these creatures looked like by evolutionary artists.


(artist’s conception)

(artist’s conception)


We should make a same thread like this to attack christianity...


The next step of evolution that evolutionists think that they have convincing evidence on is the evolution of birds. We have already seen how the transition would be impossible from a biological point of view, but paleontology supports that conclusion. A few species such as yixianosaurus and pedopenna are put forward as feathered dinosaurs that were the “first steps” in the evolution of birds, and these animals are depicted as very bird-like. However, yixianosaurus is known only from a pair of fossilized arms complete with fossilized feathers, and pedopenna is known only from its hind legs. The animal proposed as the first transitional form is archaeopteryx. Only nine archaeopteryx fossils have been found, which is very odd if the evolution of birds took 80 million years. Furthermore, if the evolution of birds took so long, why has the archaeopteryx been put forward as the only transitional form?

If archaeopteryx did evolve from reptiles, at least, there should be hundreds of transitions with “scale/feathers” and “arm/wings.” Archaeopteryx is noted for its well-developed flight feathers; its feathers are exactly like the feathers of “modern” birds. Also, the archaeopteryx’s bones were hollow, just like those of “modern” birds (Parker et. al, 373). The archaeopteryx did have some atypical characteristics such as a small breastbone, teeth, an elongated tail, and claws on its wings; but there are several birds, alive and extinct, that possess a few of these unique features.

Not only can evolutionists not explain the origin of archaeopteryx, but they are also unable to show through the fossil record how flying reptiles (such as pterosaurs) evolved from their non-winged ancestors.

Finally, if archaeopteryx is the ancestor of all birds, then there should have been no birds living before archaeopteryx. However, this is not the case. Protoavis is a bird that has been discovered in what evolutionists call the “Upper Triassic” level of the geological column. Thus, the evolutionists have dated protoavis as being 75 million years older than the archaeopteryx (http://www.bsu.edu/web/00cyfisher/), which was discovered in “Jurassic” levels of the geological column. Clearly, if there were birds flying around before archaeopteryx, archaeopteryx could not have been their ancestor.

“The origin of birds is largely a matter of deduction. There is no fossil evidence of the stages through which the remarkable change from reptile to bird was achieved.” – W. E. Swinton

According to evolutionists, the platypus is a leftover from the evolution of mammals from birds. Obviously, the platypus exhibits some very strange characteristics for a mammal – several of which are very birdlike such as a bill, webbed feet, and reproduction through laying eggs. However, the platypus also has pockets in its jaws for carrying food and a spur on its rear legs, which can inject poisonous venom – both of which are traits not found in birds or mammals. Furthermore, the platypus also uses echo location! Obviously, our Creator gave the platypus a mosaic of characteristics best suited for its environment.

The fossil record supports this conclusion – platypus fossils are exactly the same as “modern” platypuses (Huse, 110). In addition, many mammals that are more typical have been found in strata “lower” than the layers that platypuses have been found in.

The “horse series” is another “branch” in the “evolutionary tree” that some evolutionists believe that they have convincing evidence on. Eohippus, first named Hyracotherium because of its similarities to the African hyrax (rock rabbit), is considered by evolutionists to be the first step in the evolution of horses. However, the Hyracotherium/Eohippus has little resemblance of a horse and is very similar to living creatures of the genus Hyrax. Both the hyrax and the Hyracotherium are the size of a small dog and have four toes on the front feet and three on the rear. The creatures have very similar cheek teeth, which are more like the teeth of rhinoceri than those of horses (www.bible.ca).

Eohippus (“dawn horse”), Orohippus, and Pliohippus are supposedly some of the forerunners of the modern horse. However, Eohippus had 18 pairs of ribs; Orohippus (Eohippus’s descendent) had only 15 pairs of ribs; Pliohippus had 19 pairs; and the modern horse is back to 18 pairs. The number of lumbar vertebrae also changes from six to eight and then back to six again (www.bible.ca). This fluctuating number of bones highly suggests that the “horse series” is a group of unrelated animals with a similar overall body plan. When evolutionists present the horse series in biology textbooks, they emphasize the decrease in the number of toes in the animals and the increase in the size of the animals. However, they fail to mention the fact that Neohipparion, which had three toes, lived contemporaneously with Pliohippus, which had one toe! They also fail to tell students that, according to the theory of evolution, North American ungulates evolved their rear foot from three toes to a single hoof at the same time that South American ungulates were evolving their rear foot from one hoof to three toes! Furthermore, the system of arranging the creatures in order of increasing size is faulty. “Modern” horses can range anywhere in size from the 17” Fallabella (about the size of the Hyracotherium) to the 80” Clydesdale.

Even though there are thirty-two species in the horse series, the lack of transitional forms still presents problems. There are no fossils showing the transition between Eohippus its presumed ancestor the Condylarth (Kofahl, 27). Also, there are no transitions between each of the “horses.” Each animal appears in the fossil record without showing how certain characteristics of the horse were developed, such as teeth. In each of the animals there are either grazing teeth or browsing teeth, but no transitions (Moore, 403).

“This [gap] is true of all the thirty-two orders of mammals . . . The earliest and most primitive known members of every order already have the basic ordinal characters, and in no case is an approximately continuous sequence from one order to another known. In most cases the break is so sharp and the gap so large that the origin of the order is speculative and much disputed.” – George Gaylord Simpson

The most damaging evidence against the “horse series” is the fact that “modern” horses have been found in the same or older layers of the geological column that Eohippus fossils have been found in! Equus nevadenis and equus occidentalis, two “modern” horse species, have been found in the same rock formation as an Eohippus fossil (Wysong, 300-301). In addition, the animals that the “horse series” is made up of have been taken from around the world to make the series. The series starts in North America and hops around to Europe, India, and South America!

“The uniform, continuous transformation of Hyracotherium into Equus, so dear to the hearts of generations of textbook writers never happened in nature.” – George Gaylord Simpson

“But the facts of paleontology conform especially well with other interpretations. . . e.g., divine creation. . .” – D. Dwight Davis, vertebrate morphologist

“[The horse series] has been presented as literal truth in textbook after textbook. Now I think that that is lamentable, particularly because the people who propose these kinds of stories themselves may be aware of the speculative nature of some of the stuff.” – Niles Eldredge, American Museum of Natural History

“In spite of these examples, it remains true, as every paleontologist knows, that most new species, genera and families, and that nearly all categories above the level of families, appear in the record suddenly and are not led up to by known, gradual, completely continuous transitional sequences.” – George Gaylord Simpson

“The origin of the rodents is obscure. . . . Presumably, of course, they had arisen from some basal, insectivorous, placental stock, but no transitional forms are known.” – Alfred Romer, paleontologist

“If the evolutionary origin of the higher animals is obscure, the origin of insects is completely blank. Insects occur in fantastic number and variety, but there is no fossil clue to their development from some kind of evolutionary ancestor.” – Dr. Henry Morris


One thing i would like to ask, why does everyone see evolution and religion as opposing forces?

Evolution just says that organisms come from different organisms by natural selection. i know i over simplified that but im lazy. to back that up look at the cell theory which states all cells come from other living cells. if what i wrote is accepted as correct it leaves one major question which is where did the first organisms come from?

I can only remember ever hearing 2 ideas for explaining the first cells one being they were created by a higher power, the other being some elements grouped together and somehow coming to life. The first one sounds more reasonable to me.

Ive read about this before but didnt look anything up for this post so i might be slightly off on some of what i said.

if anyone has a link to how the first cells came about in the non-creation route please post it.


Anthropology: the Decent of Man

Evolutionists have informed us that the australopithecines were the first step between men and apes. The “Taung child” (Australopithecus africanus), Zinjanthropus (Australopithecus boisei), and “Lucy” (Australopithecus afarensis) are three very famous australopithecines that have been proposed as transitional forms. The fossil evidence for the “Taung child” was a skull which was later re-determined to be that of an extinct ape. Zinjanthropus, another skull, was also reclassified as an ape when it became clear that it was not humanlike at all. Interestingly, Zinjanthropus’s discoverers, Dr. Louis and Mary Leakey, found the skull broken into 400 different pieces, but were fully convinced that it was the remains of a human ancestor before they had even completely unearthed it (Parker et al., 377). In fact, it was not the skeletal features of Zinjanthropus that attracted attention to the finds in the first place – it was tools. Upon finding the tools, Lewis Leakey assumed that the creature, Zinjanthropus, had made them. (Isn’t interesting that Lewis new that the tools had a creator?) However, thirteen years later, Richard Leakey, Lewis’s son, discovered the bones of a “modern” man underneath the bones his father had uncovered (Morris and Parker, 160). The true creator of the tools had been found. “Lucy” was also a member of this extinct class of apes, and there is no reason other than the assumption of evolution to believe that “Lucy” is an ancestor of man.

The fact that the australopithecines could walk upright is often cited as proof that they are ancestors of man. However, there is no less reason – perhaps more considering their other ape-like qualities – to believe that the australopithecines are the ancestors of the living pygmy chimpanzees. Pygmy chimpanzees, which are only slightly shorter than average chimps, can walk upright and spend a good deal of time doing so. Furthermore, the australo-pithecines could not have been the ancestors of man if men were walking around before the australopithecines were fossilized. Kanapoi hominid, a fossil human upper arm, has been found in rock strata in Africa that was laid down before the rocks that the australopithecines were found in was laid (Morris and Parker, 161). In addition, fossils of “modern” men have been found in Mid-Tertiary rock, which, according to the evolutionary geological column, is also older than the australopithecine’s rock formation.

However, there is further evidence that men were walking around before the australopithecines were fossilized, and this quite literally. Not very far from the Leakey’s finds was found fossilized human footprints! Apes and humans have many similar bones but their footprint are completely different. An ape basically has four hands – their feet have opposable thumbs. No one or thing but a man could have made the footprints; but one scientist searched for some evidence that would show that some animal might have made the prints. He even had a dancing bear jump in the mud to try to replicate the prints (Morris and Parker, 162). He could not find any animal which could have made the prints and referred to his conclusion with terms such as “shocking,” “disturbing,” and “upsetting.”

Our closest relatives in the supposed evolutionary tree of life are the Neanderthal man and the Cro-Magnon man. When the Neanderthal man was first discovered, our imaginative evolutionary artists portrayed him as a brutish sub-human cave-man with slouched posture. However, the Neanderthal man was just as much human as “modern” man, and the stereo-type cave-man image he was given was nothing more than desire of evolutionists for evidence for their theory. The same is true for the Cro-Magnon man. The fact is, is that the Neanderthals and the Cro-Magnons lived as contemporaries with “modern man.” Both the Neanderthal man and the Cro-Magnon man have been reclassified as Homo sapiens.



East Africa, Java, northern China, and northern Europe. These are just a few of the places that the fossils forming man’s “evolutionary tree” have been taken from. This sporadic jumping around alone implies that the “branch of man” is a hoax. However, there is further evidence.

The “Nebraska Man,” discovered in 1922 by Harold Cook in the Pliocene deposits of Nebraska, was one of the first fossils proposed as a transition between man and ape. In fact, the “evidence” of the “Nebraska Man” was used in the Scopes trial in an attempt to prove evolution. The fossil evidence for the “Nebraska man” was one tooth. William Jennings Brian, the defending lawyer, could only say that he thought the evidence was too inadequate and requested more time. Of course, he was ridiculed by the scientific “experts”; however, time would vindicate Mr. Brian. Years later, the rest of the skeleton from which the tooth came from was found. “Nebraska Man” was really “Nebraska pig.” The tooth had belonged to an extinct species of pig! The scientific “experts” who mocked Mr. Brian had made an ancestor of man out of the tooth of a pig.

“I believe this is a case in which a scientist made a man out of a pig and the pig made a monkey out of the scientist.” – Dr. Duane Gish

The “Nebraska Man” was not the only “ancestor of man” that was based solely on one bone. Other examples include an elephant’s knee-bone (Huse, 100), a dolphin’s rib, an extinct horse’s toe, and an alligator’s leg bone (Parker et al., 377). The “Southwest Colorado Man” was also based upon a tooth – a horse’s tooth (Criswell, 87).

Teilhard de Chardin S. T. was an evolutionist who believed that evolution was in perfect harmony with Christianity. He wrote several books trying to argue the point, and when he became frustrated by the lack of evidence for Darwin’s theory, he decided to create a much-required “missing link” (Huse, 101). Teilhard had filed down the teeth of an orangutan’s jaw fragment to make them look more human-like, and treated the fragment with bichromate of potash to effect the appearance of great age. Fragments of a human skull were also “aged,” and a chimpanzee canine tooth was colored brown and added to the hodgepodge. Teilhard had then placed his “human ancestor” in a place were it could be easily be found; and it was, by Charles Dawson. Dawson took the remains to the British Museum to be examined by Dr. Arthur Smith Woodward, a paleontologist; he stated that the bones were about 500,000 years old! The “Piltdown Man,” Teilhard’s creation, was used as proof for evolution for nearly forty years until in 1953 when Teilhard’s hoax was exposed using a new dating method using fluoride absorption (Huse, 100). Evolutionists were so convinced that “Piltdown Man” was an ancestor of man that they had not noticed the obvious file marks on the teeth. Most amazingly, no one had noticed that one tooth had been filed so far down that the pulp cavity had been exposed and then plugged with chewing gum (Parker et al., 376). More critical examination than the evolutionists had given “Piltdown Man” revealed that the jawbone was from an ape that had died not more than fifty years before (Huse, 101).

The fossil remains of Ramapithecus, or “Rama’s ape,” were a few front teeth, a large jaw bone, and fragments of facial bones. The were assumed to represent an ancestor of man because the front teeth were smaller than most apes and the jaw was apparently human-like. Despite the lack of any hip or leg bones, many imaginative evolutionists conjectured that Ramapithecus walked upright. However, in 1979 a complete Ramapithecus skull was discovered. This skull revealed that the previous skull had been “reconstructed” erroneously to give it a human-like appearance. It turned out that Ramapithecus looked very similar to modern orangutans (Parker et al., 377).

A small piece of the top of a skull, a fragment of a left thighbone, and three molar teeth – these are the bones that evolutionists tell are the remains of “Java man.” There are several facts that bring serious doubt on the assertion that the bones are from the same creature. The first is that the bones were not found all together but over an area of seventy feet! Second, the bones were found mixed with the bones of other extinct animals in a dried up riverbed. Finally, the bones were found over a period of one year (Huse, 99). Eugene DuBois, the discoverer of “Java Man” declared the bones to be 500,000 years old, and many evolutionists claim that they are 750,000 years old. However, several scientists have determined that the rock that these bones were in could not be more than 500 years old because of the regular volcanic eruptions and floods in Java (Parker et al., 378). Furthermore, not even the “experts” agree on what “Java Man” actually was. Twenty-four scientists met to analyze the fossils after they were found and three different answers were offered. Seven of the scientist said that the bones belonged to a man; ten said that the bones belonged to an ape; and seven said the bones represented a no longer missing “missing link” (Huse, 99). Even Eugene DuBois later admitted that “Java Man” was constructed from the unrelated parts of a giant gibbon and a human. However, DuBois knew this fact long before he had admitted it because he had also found a completely human skull at the same level as “Java man” but kept this discovery a secret for thirty years (Morris and Parker, 154). Obviously, if humans lived as contemporaries with the supposed “Java man,” “Java man” could not have been their ancestor.


Geology: evidence against evolution

The geologic column has been put forward by evolutionists as the biggest piece of “evidence” for the theory of evolution. However, evolutionary geologists during the nineteenth century arranged the geologic column based upon the assumption that evolution and uniformitarianism (the belief that geological processes continue today at the same rates as they have in the past) are facts (Huse, 13-14). Therefore, the biggest piece of “evidence” for evolution is the assumption of evolution!

“The only chronometric scale applicable in geologic history for the stratigraphic classification of rocks and for dating geologic events exactly is furnished by the fossils. Owing to the irreversibility of evolution, they offer an unambiguous time scale for relative age determinations and for worldwide correlations of rocks.” – O. H. Schindewolf

So we see that the assumed age of the fossils given by the theory of evolution is the basis by which the rocks are dated. Therefore, for illustration, if a trilobite fossil is found in a certain rock, the rock is, for no other reason, assumed to be “Cambrian” (supposedly 543,000,000 years old). The entire arrangement of the column is based upon supposed ages of the animals, which are based upon the theory of evolution. There is no place in the world where you can see the entire column – if there was, the rock strata would be approximately one hundred miles deep (Parker et al., 369). Furthermore, there are many places in the world were the geologic column is contradicted by nature.

In many places animals that, according to the theory of evolution, never lived together are found fossilized together. In Mexico, New Mexico, Arizona, Missouri, Kentucky, Illinois, and other U.S. states there have been found many contemporaneous human and dinosaur footprints (Huse, 17). Several trilobite fossils have been found in the fossilized footprints of men. In Utah, several fossilized trilobites were found in the fossilized footprint of a sandaled man. The fossil of a squished trilobite has been found in the fossilized footprint of a barefoot young child (Wilder-Smith, 166).

However, the fossils of humans, dinosaurs, and trilobites are usually not found together. Evolutionists usually present the segregation of the fossils as proof of evolution. However, the segregation only makes rational sense. Man did not live with trilobites and dinosaurs thousands of years ago any more than he lives with cockroaches and crocodiles today. Our fossils would rationally be found in different places. Nevertheless, the fact that our fossilized tracks crossed (unfortunately for the trilobites) proves that we once lived contemporaneously.

Also worthy of note are ancient pictographs and etchings made by man which depict creatures that, according to the theory of evolution, never lived with man. In Arizona and Rhodesia, there are pictographs of dinosaurs on cave and canyon walls. Pieces of pottery have been unearthed by archaeologists which depict five-toed llamas – animals which evolutionists tell us went extinct about 27 million years before “modern man” evolved. Ancient Mayan Indians had apparently lived among birds which resembled the archaeopteryx. A statue of such a bird has been found; however, that step in evolution apparently happened about 130 million years before the rise of “modern man.” (Huse, 17)

The fact that there are great numbers of fossils at all goes against the evolutionary teaching of uniformitarianism. Uniformitarianism is the belief that the natural processes in this world are continuing today at the same rates that they did in the past. However, unlike in the past, large-scale fossilization does not occur in our modern world. Even where mass death occurs, such as the millions of buffalos that were killed on the Great Plains, fossils are not found. For a fossil to form, a specimen must be rapidly buried with large layers of sediments. This only happens when catastrophic events occur such as mudslides, volcanic eruptions, floods, and etcetera because, obviously, large amounts of sediments are not ordinarily (or “uniformly”) deposited. However, the occasional local catastrophe does not trap enough animals to account for the immense fossil record that we have. In a local catastrophe, animals flee the destruction; but there are many places in the world where mass graveyards have been found where hundreds of animals have been fossilized by some disaster. These animals could not escape and were rapidly buried by layers of sediments. Often in these burials, the fossils represent animals from completely different and widely separated climate zones. Uniformitarianism has no explanation for these mass graveyards; however, creation scientists explain this phenomenon by the worldwide flood. There was no place for any animal to escape to; the entire world was destroyed. Only a worldwide flood can satisfactorily explain the cause and reason for the millions of fossils that have been discovered.

Furthermore, only a worldwide flood can explain the formation of the rock strata in the “geologic column.” Each layer represents a period of depositing, and each break represents a change in the type of sediment, velocity of the carrying water, a complete halt in the depositing, or other numerous factors. If there were great time gaps in between each period of depositing, as suggested by uniformitarianism, then each rock strata would have been exposed to long periods of erosion – in that case they would not be here today for us to study. The rock layers and any fossils which they contained would have been destroyed.


Meteoritic dust: evidence against evolution

Meteoritic dust is gradually settling on the earth’s surface at a constant rate. In 1960, Hans Pettersson measured this influx of meteoritic dust as being about 14 million tons per year (Pettersson, 132). This would mean that 14 x 1019 pounds of meteoritic dust has settled on planet earth in the past five billion years. If we assume that the density of compacted meteoritic dust is 140 pounds per cubic foot, this corresponds to a volume of 1018 cubic feet. Now if we coat the earth – which has a surface area of 5.5 x 1015 square feet – with this dust, we should have a layer covering earth 182 feet deep! Obviously this is not the case either on earth or on the moon. The only reasonable conclusion is that the earth and the moon have not existed for 5 billion years. (In the book Meteor Orbits and Dust, published by NASA in 1976, G. S. Hawkins more accurately measured the influx of meteoritic dust coming to earth each year as being about 200 million tons. This would obviously indicate an even younger age for earth and the moon.)