Drowning Sorrow


OOC: Just got back from vacation and read through the pages and caught up. I'll join in now!


Ben Brought up the rear as heavy. He decided to leave that as the island was clearly deserted. He had a bad feeling and after many years of service he knew to trust his sixth sense as it had saved his life many times. He ran up to the head after removing his suit. Just as they were about to enter the farmhouse Ben walked up and said "Wait! Something is clearly wrong here! Lets report back to High command just so that they know we landed safely and it isn't a gas. And lets establish a time for calling them. I don't care about protocol I want to report this now!" He was insistent and as he told them he noticed something glint just in-front of the engineer. "Look out!" he shouted "Cheese-wire!" Then Ben had an idea. He picked up a piece of grass and dropped it. It floated straight down without moving. "No wind." he muttered. Something was definitely wrong as Malta should have almost non-stop winds at this time of year. What was going on here?


OOC: Thanks Zem! I thought this RP was done for.
"Good idea", Andrzej responded. He clicked on his comlink and spoke into it: "This is Captain Wysocki, we've..." he paused when he noticed no sound from the other side. "Captain Wysocki to Command, do you copy?". Silence. He cursed aloud in Polish. Addressing his squad, he continued, "our communication is down. Looks like we're on our own from now on." Tired of waiting for Andrê, he turned to Mohamed: "Well, I'd prefer to find a more clever way inside, but we're out of options. Slice off a pea-sized chunk of C4 and stick it on the padlock." He then stepped back out of the blast radius.


Ben walked up to the padlock and murmured "Wait a second" and pulled out his combat knife. He slipped it into the lock and sliced it, with and expert quick flick the lock popped and the padlock opened "What?" he said looking at the puzzled face of the others "I've had years of SAS service you don't think I wouldn't have learnt some of the tricks of the trade by now?" He cut the cheese-wire with his knife and it fell to the ground harmless Ben turned and called out to the Kurt "Can you scout to the door checking for traps?" he spotted the glint of a vehicle in the sunlight and said "Looks like the owner was kind enough to leave transport. After checking the house out let's hot-wire it and drive there. It would save time."


Name:Bat Masterson
Chosen equipment:Dylan Mini Gun
Bio:Extensive training in the dylan Mini-gun, both mounted on a helicopter, vehicle mounted or Personal. I train in hand to hand combat and have no mercy to the enemy.....Everyone die and let God sort them out, Is my motto.....If it moves kill it and if it twitches kill it again...lmao, Victory though massive firepower.....I stumble alot with my load and I have an itchy trigger finger so better let me clear the way....:p


OOC: Hey Bat, could you adjust your profile a bit? You don't have all your weapons specified, and your bio doesn't tell much of a backstory. Also, an M134 just isn't a logical infantry weapon, since it's too heavy for an rifleman to wield and requires more ammo than one could carry. Other than that, it looks great.
Andrzej looked at Ben, impressed. With his toughguy attitude, Ben was by no means a stereotypical English gentleman, which was a good thing in Andrzej's mind. "Belay that order", he said to Mohamed. "Looks like we can save the fireworks for later after all". He turned to the squad and and said, "I reckon there's a clue or two in here. Let's check it out. On me!" He stepped cautiously into the house, rifle at the ready.


The scene that met them was disturbing. Nothing was there, no bodies, no furniture and no walls. It looked as if someone had stripped the inside of the house bare, "What the hell is going here?" he muttered pulling out his desert eagle and flicking the safety off. He aimed around the house and said "I recommend we don't go further into the house, any slight shift could destroy any stability it has left and collapse the house on top of us. Anyway this place is giving me the creeps." he walked out and walked to the car, at least it appeared to be normal, Ben dropped to the floor and swung under the car, Half a minute later he dragged himself out and stood up, "It's clean no bombs or booby traps unless they are extremely well hidden." He smashed the window of the car and the alarm went off. Ben unlocked the car from the inside and then opened the door. He swung into the drivers seat and said "Get in!" it was an Army standard Jeep which most farmers and holiday people had around here to get across the sand. This one could take eight people thankfully. Ben hot-wired the vehicle and drove it around the front of the house. "Come on! Everyone in!"

Deleted User - 819397

(KiTH oked both the class and my joining late, so hello to all!)

Name: Leon
Gender: Male
Age: 42
Appearance: 6'4". Actual appearance can be seen here.
Race: Caucasian
Country: Italy
Class: Mercenary
Chosen equipment: XM22, grenades (smoke/normal), his fists
Bio: Little is known about Leon's early life, as his relations are all deceased, and he never lets on anything personal about himself (he never even gives his last name). All that is known about him is he is one of Italy's top mercenaries-for-hire. His travels have taken him all over the world, making him a reservoir of unusual knowledge about the world and its ways. Leon is known for his prowess both in a firefight and hand-to-hand combat, as he is a master of Combat Sambo. He is cruel and merciless in a fight, and has a habit of verbally abusing his opponents. Due to his many travels, he doesn't have the stereotypical Italian accent. He does have a sense of humor and a softer side, but these are generally hidden. He is not married and is not looking for someone, for reasons he won't explain.

Leon has been sent by the Italian government for the same purpose as the rest of the team, but with a side-order. It is unlikely this side-order will be executed, but the Italian Government wants to take no chances. Due to a technical issue, he was unable to make the original flyover, but is currently on a flight en-route to Malta.


Leon was deeply lost in thought as the helicopter that had brought him to Malta approached the drop point. He was in a hazard suit over his body armor, as the pilot had explained SEVERAL times, the rest of the team hadn't radioed in with any news, so they had to assume that the team was still working on analyzing the components. He wasn't thrilled with this news, but had complied as there was no point in risking his life unnecessarily. His only concern was that the rest of the soldiers would shoot down the helicopter before they saw the Italian flag painted on the side. The pilot had stated that the team knew supplies were to be dropped periodically, but the possibility still irked Leon. However, it paid nothing to worry about something you had no control over.

Soon the drop site came into view. Leon didn't see any of the other team members, but that didn't mean anything. The fact that they didn't shoot him down was a plus. He jumped as he needed and landed cleanly. Detaching his harness, he made his way into the dead city.
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Kurt was impressed at the ease of Ben's entry into the outbuilding, it hadn't occurred to him to pop the lock even though he'd had the same training as the SAS man. Using the tip of the Fairbain-Sykes dagger, Kurt checked the door by running the tip gently around the edge, upon finding no sign of any further traps he opened the door.
The room was dark, even worse it was completely empty to the point of sterility, no doubt given the time and equipment they could find some forensic evidence of what had once resided within the outbuilding but for the moment it would have to remain a mystery.
Leaving the building Kurt watched as Ben brought the jeep around, its alarm still blaring into the night causing him to grit his teeth as the incessant shrieking attempted to split his skull "Somebody turn that damn alarm off!" he shouted, the alarm gave off a single strangled cry before dying completely and it was only with its death that it could hear thr sudden arrival of a helicopter.

The NH90's blackened hull hovered over in the drop zone a single flashing light betraying its presence, suddenly a shadow dropped to the ground moments before the helicopter turned and made its departure. "Ben kill the engine we don't want ot risk them spotting us" Taking the safety off his weapon Kurt quickly started advancing towards the dropzone, a rapid succession of hand signals signalling the others to follow him. He hadn't been able to tell whether or not it had been a person that had dropped from the helicopter and if it was they would have to neutralise him before he discovered the discarded hazmat suits and report in.


Ben saw Kurt raised his weapon and hissed at him "What the hell do you think you're doing?! They might have dropped in reinforcements sine we haven't called in. You really thought we were going to be the team. People can get delayed." Idiot he thought to himself. He flicked his safety to off though as you couldn't take a chance. As soon as the man made a move for his weapon without telling Ben he would shoot his hand. He flicked the switch having a made a half sort of key. He drove off without a seconds thought. He pulled out and saw the guy watching the dust trail. He let go of the wheel with one hand and pulled out his gun and checked it was loaded. He carried on holding. He pulled up looking at the guy in the Hazmat suit and spoke first "I'm Ben, one of the team members. Hope in, we picked this up earlier, and I'll take you back to where we all are. We checked and it's perfectly safe. Our radios got no signal though." he stopped there and with his gun hidden but held so he could shoot at a split-seconds notice.

Deleted User - 819397

Leon watched the vehicle pull up and listened to the British soldier's explanation. He started pulling off his hazmat suit, asking gruffly, "You always this trusting with unknown agents in the field?" He finished and climbed into the vehicle. "You're lucky I'm on your side. Otherwise I'd have had plenty of time to pick you off." He glared at Ben for a moment, then turned to Kurt. "I could tell you were more uneasy with the idea of driving off after me. Good instincts. I'm Leon. The Italian government sent me to help." He looked back at Ben. "Obviously no hostiles so far or Mr. Happy wouldn't be quite so trusting." He then returned his attention to Kurt, clearly trusting him more than Ben at the moment. "What have you all found?"


"Absolutely nothing, theres more life in a tramps vest...The air's clear of contaminants and there was an IED primed on the door of one of the outbuildings, but so far we have had no contact with the islands inhabitants" Kurt stated, quickly filling the Italian in on the mission so far.
"You're a little late aren't you? I would have slotted you had it not been for the Englishman" his teeth bright white against the camoflage cream covering his face flashed in a grin, in truth he wouldn't have killed him, prisoners were so much more valuable alive than dead.
"Oberleutnant Kurt Feldmann, KSK...welcome to the team" Kurt spoke in accented English, shaking the Italians hand briefly relieved that the man was on their side, although if anyone was keeping watch the recent arrival of two helicopters would have more than alerted them to their presence on the island, best they get moving before they were discovered.
"How far is it to Valetta?" Kurt asked eager to be away from the deserted farmhouse and in the city where hopefully they would find some life and clues as to what happened here.
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Deleted User - 819397

Leon grunted noncommittally at the news that nothing had been found. When Kurt stated he was late, he grumbled, "Not my damn fault. NATO apparently neglected to promptly tell the Italian government of the mission, so by the time they contacted me you all had already left. The idiots who take care of the helicopter I flew out on forgot to fuel up, and then they messed that up somehow." He didn't react to Kurt saying he would have killed him, as he could tell he was just being friendly in a military sort of way. He did shake his hand though, and nodded respectfully when he gave his rank. "I'm a mercenary, actually. Used to be in the military. Quit." He didn't elaborate, and didn't look like he had any more to say on the subject.


Hillel continued watching the lane, and called the incoming bird as soon as she discerned it in the distance. She raised her monocular to observe the incoming helicoptor, and waited for the response from the team. She called out one drop, and was very surprised when Ben went tearing over in a vehicle. She frowned, turned around, and sat back against the rocks she'd been covering behind. She closed her eyes, and shook her head as she muttered to herself in Hebrew yet again.

She saw the leader strolling in the direction of the vehicle, newcomer and Kurt with the rest of the team. She stood up, brushing herself off and intercepted the Pole. She asked, "Is this how this entire mission is going to play out then sir? Amateur hour? It's a miracle that whatever is going on here hasn't found us. C4 to breach? Helicoptors flying in without a sent signal... and yahoo's tearing around in a vehicle with an unknown inbound? I've been fighting for ten years now, and I've seen better tactics and training from green recruits. I'd ask that we get semblance of control here, before somebody gets hurt. I don't really care what's going on here, but if you plan on using my talents, and probably Kurt's, you might want to consider splitting us up. Whatever it is these other", she raised her hands and air quoted, "best of the best are doing, isn't going to cut it. If you want to attract everything to us, rather than give us a tactical advantage of finding it first... by all means. I would appreciate that knowledge now, so I can hang back and stop worrying about everything that goes against my training and nature."


Andrzej buried his face in his palm. First he had tried to open a door, then one of his men commandeered a vehicle, then a chopper flew in with another commando. In Afghanistan, getting a cup of coffee was literally more dangerous than this. "Best of the best"... if this was the best Israel had to offer, he wondered, what did their worst look like?

"You know what?", he retorted, "in the past fourteen years, I've been across the globe and seen combat from every angle. If there's one thing my expirience has taught me, it's that the only thing your whining's gonna get you is six feet of dirt. Besides, if this is the worst you've ever seen, go back to boot camp, since you musnt've graduated the first time around. He turned to his squad and said, "we can all fit in the jeep. Let's head on to Valletta before "somebody" busts my eardrum".


They piled in and Ben revved the engine "I'm not going to bother with stealth. We are just going to get there fast. We have no signs of other life so we should get there quickly. He floored the accelerator and watched and laughed as they were pushed back by the sudden force. He had done much more exhilarating stuff in Afghanistan like the time when he had been chased by a drug baron's best squad of men. He remembered driving with one hand and shooting his pistol with the other. He saw the city as the sun sank into the ground. It was beginning to get a little colder now. He had a bad feeling about this. He let go of the wheel with one hand (Thank god for Automatics.) and loaded his AK with one hand. He put both hands on the wheel again as they tore across sands at over 50 MPH. It was almost lunch when they pulled into Valletta. Ben saw a hotel and pulled up in-front of it. Ben pulled out a flash-light and tried the door and it opened. It was exactly the same as the farmhouse, Stripped bare of everything but the exterior. He walked back to the Jeep "Looks like all the buildings are the same. Stripped bare of all but the exterior. We will have to eat outside and sleep outside tonight." He put his hand against the hotel wall and murmured "Holy....." he stood and watched as the hotel collapsed the way Ben had been leaning like a domino. It crashed to the ground with a thud. What was going on?! He shouldn't have been able to do that!
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"I am sorry but i have to agree with Hillel...we're specialists not grunts...and that helicopter should have signalled us we could very easily have killed our new friend because of that slip up" Kurt spoke patiently, masking his annoyance as he began walking up to the Pole, behind him the others were beginning to climb aboard the jeep the Brits announcement that he wasn't going to bother with stealth went against every fibre of his being, just because you have seen the enemy doesn't mean he isn't there.
Pulling a small map of the island from out of a hip pocket Kurt pointed to a small area with his finger "There is a radio tower located on this hill, Hillel and I will go and check it out....see if we can't find out why our radio's have stopped working" Kurt looked up at his squad leader for confirmation of his proposal "The two of us should be able to get to the tower and back in around...thirty minutes?" the last part of the question was directed at Hillel, she lookeed capable enough of taking the strenous pace he was setting but it never hurt to ask.
The engine of the Jeep began to rev behind them "So what do you say Andrezj... sound like a plan?"
By look on Andrezj's face Kurt could tell he wasn't happy not so much with the plan, for as far as Kurt could see it was sound, they needed their radio's up and running in order to complete the mission. No...the reason that Andrezj was so annoyed was because Kurt had suggested it not to mention Kurt and Hillel's current insubordiantion but what did you expect when you had so many squad leaders in one team? Kurt led a team of KSK commando's and by the way Hillel handled herself he suspected that she was used to being in charge of her own squad also.
"Fine go, but once you're finished I want you back with the team...Got it?" Kurt nodded his head in understanding before watching Andrezj climb aboard the waiting jeep. The two recon operatives stood in the long grass and watched as the jeep tore off towards the city of Valletta, once the jeep was put of sight Kurt turned to his fellow scout "Ok lets make our way to that tower and see if we can't get that radio working"

(OOC: @ Zem - Through the magic of television)
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Deleted User - 819397

(Zem, it's a perfectly acceptable application to do that if you disagree with what someone else thinks your character would have agreed with in order to fix it. Observe.)

Leon had hopped out of the jeep and gone to look at the surrounding area when it tore off again, leaving Kurt and the only woman on the team behind. Grumbling about incompetence, he approached the two and muttered, "That idiot is going to get them all killed. Just because the enemy isn't visible doesn't mean they aren't there..." He then looked at them and asked, "What's your plan of action? It looks like I'm with you."


Hillel listened to Kurt, who also approached the Pole with some manner of sanity. It was true enough. They were all specialists, but Kurt and her specialty seemed to go against all the others' tactics of spray and pray mostly. She looked at the map as well, and shrugged and nodded as Kurt asked her if she believed they could make it to and back in thirty. It was, of course, possible. The question should truly be, barring any sort of issue, will we be back in thirty.

She slung her SMG, as the Pole agreed and stalked off. He was obviously not pleased with their performance up to this point, but if he lacked the foresight of using two LRRP to gain an advantage, she wasn't quite sure she wanted to be with the group any longer anyway. Extraction could become an issue possibly, however, she was trained to work in this type of situation. In the now, on her own or with a team of similar talents, and behind enemy lines without support. Extraction would come when it did. She frowned as the Pole jumped into the jeep, and the Brit tore off down the road, before the leader barely had time to sit.

She turned toward Kurt, and asked in accented English, "Um, wasn't that new arrival.." She stopped as she saw him walking toward them, and in doing so answered her observation of him having vacated the jeep during the heated discussion with Andrezj. The Italian had obviously missed the boat twice now as it were. She frowned, and looked at Kurt as Leon walked up to them and asked his question. She regarded the Italian for a few moments.

She pulled her own topographical map of Malta from within her BDU jacket, and unfolded it. She had missed the introductions and conversation when Leon had first landed, so started by saying, "This is Kurt, I'm Hillel. We're both trained in long range reconnaissance, and were assigned as scouts to this group." She jabbed a finger atop a small hill and continued, "During our briefing, there was mention of a radio tower atop this hill. We discovered fairly quickly upon arrival, that our radio signal is either being blocked, or somehow not reaching HQ. When we were in close proximity of the team, our communications haven't been affected, but that could just be due to vicinity. Kurt and I were planning on determining if the issue is at the radio tower. The others..." She shrugged helplessly and said, "They're taking a more... direct approach to determining what's going on apparently. What training do you possess?" She nodded at his answers.

She looked Leon over and said, "Seems you're saddled with us." She plucked her camouflage palette from her breast pocket and tossed it to Leon as she said, "Cover up, and we'll move out in five." She looked at Kurt, and then at the map. She traced her painted fingers over the map, as she narrowed her eyes speculatively. She said, "I think this route, though some of it is trailblazing, would be the best approach. With two coptors having come and gone in the last hour, I don't trust our chances on the open roadways if there are enemies out there." She looked at Kurt and refolded her map, before concealing it back inside her jacket. She looked around the area and commented, "Somebody set that trap at the farm house, and it wasn't amateur." She looked at Leon as he finished his camouflaging and took back her palette. She checked her own face in the tiny mirror, before snapping it shut and returning it to her pocket. She looked at the two and asked, "We ready then?"
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Kurt followed Hillel's finger as it traced her proposed route, apart from one section where it passed close to a farm house the route looked good, though judging by what they had seen so far the building was most likely deserted.
"Ja, I am ready....I'll take point, Hillel you'd best bring up the rear since our merc friend here doesn't have a silencer on that cannon of his" Kurt said although should it come to a fire fight he would be grateful for the firepower "Maybe Leon here can get us a job once they court marshall us" Kurt gave a single snort of laughter before heading off down the track, his gun cradled in his arms.

He moved swiftly down the narrow animal track, his eyes constantly scanning for the telltale glint of tripwires and his ears filtering through the sounds of wildlife trying to discern any imposters.
A deep rumbling sound came echoing across to them causing Kurt to drop to his knee's, an upthrust fist signalling Leon and Hillel to do likewise. It had come from the city of that he was certain as for the source he couldn't be certain, it sounded like something big had fallen down and yet there had been no explosion. Kurt waited silently to see if anymore were to follow but hearing none.
Pulling his map from out of the thigh pocket of his Flecktarn pattern BDU's Kurt quickly checked their position before moving out once more at a much slower pace.
Pressing two fingers of his left hand on his radio he toggled the short range frequency and spoke "Keep them peeled, we're approaching the farmhouse" his voice was barely above a whisper.

The farm house lay at the base of the hill, three low whitewashed buildings nestled together, overhead a single red blinking light illuminated the top of the radio tower. A sudden crunching of gravel caused Kurt to throw himself to the ground, as the trucks hooded headlights illuminated the farmhouse as it pulled inside, Kurt swore queitly in German as he watched a group of uniformed men disembark and walk inside the main farmhouse. Crawling over to the others there eyes shining out from the dark cream they wore "We have a problem...what course of action do you guys want to take?"


Hillel followed silently, watching their rear, as well as Leon as he moved along admirably. He wasn't a scout, but he still possessed a modicum of noise discipline in his movement. She listened to Kurt's voice in her ear, and glanced at the three structures and radio tower. She dropped as quickly as Kurt, as she discerned the crunch of gravel. She belly crawled up to Leon, and advised him to advance forward with a hand gesture. She didn't wait for Leon, as she began to advance to Kurt's position.

As Hillel sidled up to Leon, she pulled her monocular out and peered at the main structure the soldiers had entered. She shook her head and offered the device to Kurt. She whispered, "I didn't see any markings on the soldiers before they entered the structure. Did you see anything that would indicate who they may be affiliated with?" She stared at the farm house as she listened to the response. She looked at the two and whispered, "Three options, as I can figure it gentlemen. We can sit tight, and maybe they'll go on patrol again. We can circumvent the structures, and see what the other side presents. Or we can attempt to advance on the structures, to see what we see."

She took a cleansing breath and rolled onto her back. She pulled one of her canteens from her belt, and drank about a third. She offered it to Kurt and said, "Drink your fill and give the rest to Leon. No need to fight dehydration, and I don't want a slosher", referring to the noise a partially filled canteen made. Hillel looked up at the sky and said, "I'm a bigger fan of circumvention. A fight avoided, is always preferable when unsure of enemy strengths and concentration."
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