Deny Everything!

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So, if I believe I can fly across the Grand Canyon...I really believe it...would you suggest that I go ahead and leap?

Where does belief stop and reality start?


I Would.
I Would Do It At One Of The Bits That's Only 10 Feet Wide But That's Beside The Point
Thats Totally The Problem With All You People.
You're No Fun!


Indeed, it is the point. Leaping without thinking is not about fun, it's about thoughtless, brainless, faith. Do you honestly believe it's fun to wallow in a lie? Do you honestly believe it is fun to lie to yourself? Even if what you lie to yourself about is true, it is still a lie you commit to yourself in order to believe.

ag3352, I'm finding your arguments not merely false, but totally without merit. Things do not happen, things do not exist, just because you opt to believe it will/does. It requires action and, in many cases, action cannot induce the prerequisites to a faith, a belief. You claim your argument as a "FACT," but a fact has supporting evidence, of which you provide none, and of which you cannot provide. Providing anecdotes is not fact, it is not evidence, it is story. As the stories in religious tomes, while there may be evidence in support of events, there is little to no correlating evidence in support of the belief associated to those events. And therefore you take upon the story and inject belief in order to explain that which you cannot comprehend. As a primitive tribesman thinks to pray to the Sun and the Moon, so too does a religious man think to pray to a nonexistent all-being.

Belief in the Sun and the Moon as Gods does not make them gods, it merely makes for a delusional man. You cannot believe you will be rich and thus be rich. You cannot believe you can walk on water, and thus walk on water. You cannot believe you are God, and thus be God.

A belief is without substantiation, and therefore a choice to lie to oneself about the state of things in the "HOPE" the lies one commits to oneself will BECOME the state of things. Understand, there is a fine line between belief and delusion. In many respects they are one and the same.

So opt to believe, as is your personal choice, but be honest enough with yourself; a belief is a personal lie. Doubt, in such instances, is a measure of common sense. If you have no doubt, if your faith is complete, you have no common sense and --- indeed --- you are likely insane.


I think he believes it makes him look strong.

@Hellstromm: Correct. And, OOC, just noticedyour new avatar and sig.

@Fredigar(/Adelei) It is, in fact, the point.


Indeed, it is the point. Leaping without thinking is not about fun, it's about thoughtless, brainless, faith. Do you honestly believe it's fun to wallow in a lie? Do you honestly believe it is fun to lie to yourself? Even if what you lie to yourself about is true, it is still a lie you commit to yourself in order to believe.

ag3352, I'm finding your arguments not merely false, but totally without merit. Things do not happen, things do not exist, just because you opt to believe it will/does. It requires action and, in many cases, action cannot induce the prerequisites to a faith, a belief. You claim your argument as a "FACT," but a fact has supporting evidence, of which you provide none, and of which you cannot provide. Providing anecdotes is not fact, it is not evidence, it is story. As the stories in religious tomes, while there may be evidence in support of events, there is little to no correlating evidence in support of the belief associated to those events. And therefore you take upon the story and inject belief in order to explain that which you cannot comprehend. As a primitive tribesman thinks to pray to the Sun and the Moon, so too does a religious man think to pray to a nonexistent all-being.

Belief in the Sun and the Moon as Gods does not make them gods, it merely makes for a delusional man. You cannot believe you will be rich and thus be rich. You cannot believe you can walk on water, and thus walk on water. You cannot believe you are God, and thus be God.

A belief is without substantiation, and therefore a choice to lie to oneself about the state of things in the "HOPE" the lies one commits to oneself will BECOME the state of things. Understand, there is a fine line between belief and delusion. In many respects they are one and the same.

So opt to believe, as is your personal choice, but be honest enough with yourself; a belief is a personal lie. Doubt, in such instances, is a measure of common sense. If you have no doubt, if your faith is complete, you have no common sense and --- indeed --- you are likely insane.

[-]An infant in the womb spends 95% of it's time "dreaming". What is it dreaming about? Perhaps our minds are "programmed" during this time, so we emerge into a world that matches "reality"? We are enclosed in a circle shaped womb which forms a sense of circle reality. Perhaps we are using our minds to "dream reality" into existence for ourselves ( "believe: The Reality Beyond Matter").

In the past, I used to be a 'rationalist' too. I needed hard proof or I wouldn't want to hear anything about it. That is why I was open to meditation and Catholicism . Both ask you to try things yourself and see what it will bring you. This made a huge difference for me. Because I have gone through experiences myself. Which I have felt or come to realize. I have learned to use my right brain method. No models, no scientific proof, just me and what I feel. I dont have to proof none to you since you wont believe it!

Believing should not equal to seeing. Our believe shapes our reality.

Think about it, Hellstromm...Since the time we were little kids, we are thought very left brain method of education. Our left mind is logic, detail, fact, pattern, practicality, science and math. We learned to take what we are only given in (I am talking in general)

Right brain deals with intuition, feeling, symbol, images, risk taking, philosophy, and teaching. With deliberate push from the government controlled education circuiulum... generation after generation...the youth are taught to focus only on facts, figures and numbers. We have blindly accepted everything we are taught since kinder garden. And we are rewarded for it. Nobody can say the real beginning but we have been adjusted to believe blindly. NOT EVERYONE THOUGH. I have proved it not to be true...that believe is reality.

Repetition is used to train children to ACCEPT what they are learning. Children are not rewarded for questioning ...they are ridiculed.

Children who blindly accept are true, merley to take the information on command when time to take test. Those children become decision makers, lawyers, and every occupation with power Prestige. People we call crazy believe in their "reality", too. Ultimately, there is no "reality" only your choice of a belief system which works for you. The tragedy is that so many people have chosen disempowering belief systems.

Believe it or not!

Reality is a type of belief system which states that what is detected by our physical senses is what exists. Everything we do and experience physically is filtered through our sense organs which may or may not be functioning at peak efficiency and then that is filtered through our brains which compares the sensation to every similar sensation we've ever had and usually applies an emotional value to it. Everything is a belief system;)


ag33, that is simply not true. In fact, quite the opposite. Also, it is faith-based institutions that try and institutionalize children into their beliefs, and ridicule, even punish or ostracize for failing to accept the beliefs thrust before them. The rest of your post I'll respond to at another time.


Actually, I Was Just Talking About How Its Fun To Jump Over Stuff.
Thats What The Point Is.
That All Of You Are Too Serious.
And Thats Why You Are So Dismissive Of Others Beliefs.


Thats What The Point Is.
That All Of You Are Too Serious.
And Thats Why You Are So Dismissive Of Others Beliefs.

So let's all be less serious and not dismiss beliefs of others! I'm ready to believe in Ra, Odin and that the moon is made of green about you?


Well Fred, I will never believe in religion. I would rather die a godless heretic then a god fearing lunatic. In the words of Kerry King of Slayer,"the biggest brainwashing thing (religion) that is totally acceptable in America, and most other parts of the world, too."

Religion is a crutch for people who need something to support their feeble existence. They need something to give them hope, when truly, their is none. If I was trapped in a iron cage for the rest of my days, want to know what would bring me hope? Thinking of my family. Thinking of the people I care about. Not an entity that does not exist. This world of ours is made of hate, corruption, and greed. Sure, their are spots of hope and love, but everyone has someone they hate. Something they want and would kill for. Everyone is imperfect.

Religions, espically Christianity, are hypocrites of what they tell you to do. Christianity preaches about love and peace right? What about the Crusades? Those were wars THEY started because they couldn't let the Muslims keep Jerusalem. Why? Because, it was "theirs". Because it's a main place in their Bible. If I was forced to have a religion, it would be Islam. Sure, I wouldn't give to the poor or any of that. But because at least they are truthful. If they hate someone, they will say it and kill them. Osama bin Laden at least doesn't lie and say that all he wants is peace. He killed people, because he didn't like them because of his religion, among other things.

So why do you ask that most of us do not believe? To me, it's because most of us here have something that most people don't have. Common sense. So Fred, if your a Christian, I do not have anything against you because of your religion. I just believe you have to believe in your god because he is your crutch. I have said to many Christians, some who were good friends with me, that they need to let go of their crutches and support themselves. I have friends who are Christians, but most of them now will not talk to me because they think I am possessed by "Satan" and "demons" because of what I think. So when a religion makes your best friends hate you, and makes you the black sheep of a strong Protestant family, you can understand why I hate religion the most out of all things that are unlodgical, unethical, and above all, a load of crap.


Ra Could Exist Quite Easily.
I Want To Beleive Odin Exists.
The Moon Could Be Made Out Of Cheese, But Look Up And You Will See Its Not Green


I want to believe you will learn to type without capitals in every word and the people of the world can live in peace and harmony.
Unfortunately both scenarios are unlikely for the same reason.


I am amazed this has gotten to page 4 already.
Honestly, I didn't even bother reading all this drivel.

Will someone please quote Dawkins on the tea-pot already?

Let me ask you this:
why are people so eager to belive in lies and delusions, rather than to marvel at what is?


If You Did Bother To Read This Drivel, And TBH I Didn't Bother To Read All Of It, You Would Realize That You Just Proved My Point.
Why Are You So Eager To Condemn Everything As Lies And Delusions?


Religions lies and delusions fool. The lies and delusions of religion. He wasn't talking about you Fred.


I'm just amazed Fredigar thinks he has a point. ;)

Fredigar, why is you think it's okay to believe in things without evidence, without supporting data, without even one iota of substantiation?

Do you believe in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, easter bunny, Freddy Kruger? If so, why? If not, why not?
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