Count to 00,000



This thread, and the march backwards and forwards, reminds me of the story of the bird and the diamond mountain. After we finish our march backwards and forwards, from 0 to 10,000 and back to 0 again, the first second of eternity will have passed.

That said, I'm sure 6666 will be fun.



It's the story the Doctor tells as he breaks the diamond wall in Heaven Sent. Scene available: Here.

EDIT: Here's the original excerpt from the Brothers Grimm tale it is taken from:
In the hinterlands of Pommerania, there is a mountain made of the hardest diamond. It's one hour deep into the earth, one hour up toward the sky, one hour long and one hour wide. To this mountain comes a little bird, once every hundred years, to sharpen its beak. And when this bird has worn away the whole mountain, the first second of eternity has passed.
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I liked Capaldi as a doctor better than Matt Smith. But it wasn't Smith that turned me off the show. It was Moffet and his writing. It just started feeling more and more off as the post RTD seasons kept going along. I think I stopped near the end of the first Capaldi season when they brought the Master back. I didn't really like that. He wanted to die, why couldn't you just let him stay dead?



I agree with you that Series 8 was a bit iffy. Moffat hadn't really worked Capaldi out as the Doctor yet and neither had Capaldi. He comes into his own in Series 9 though so I'd say it's definitely worth a watch for any Whovian who had previously given up.

Deleted User - 819397


See, knowing how divided the fan base for Doctor Who is on what parts are good and what aren't just turns me off of the series entirely. Plus it's absolutely massive and long series like that are another hurdle to get over for me. A couple seasons are fine, but even if I start where people say modern Doctor Who started that's still way too much for a show where everyone I've talked to has said they dislike at least part of it, particularly when that part changes per person. Too much of a time commitment, not enough reward for me.



One of the things that I like with Doctor Who is that there are multiple places you can jump in with any Doctor




Like with the snarky second doctor or the kinda creepy looking 7th doctor. Or war vet 9th doctor.



To be honest, I'd say that either Series 5 or Series 8 is the best point to jump in (on New Who). The only other good entry point really is Series 1. Still, I love Doctor Who, it's one of my favourite shows and will probably always be and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to anyone.



I meant the forum. I always felt like the old one needed an upgrade, but this is not what I had in mind. :)