Bible Answers

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Alright, you have a father, do you not DN? He would prefer you to call him your father, because he has that right, he is the only person that is rightfully your father.

God is the grand Creator of the universe, he deserves sole devotion. Does that not seem fair? He created the ground that the canaanites were squatting on, and he therefore has the right to decide can and cannot live there.

It is simple ownership, even you should be able to understand that.
You don't own anything that's alive and self-aware, that's simply immoral. I don't care how powerful, if he wants to create life with free will, he can damn well not force me to worship him or obey him.
If you believe you can own anyone, you're sadly mistaken. I wouldn't do anything my father says, I'd respect him, but I wouldn't live in my neighbours house because my father decided I should live.

That's assuming you believe in god anyway.

And can you respond to this post with justifications?

Can I just point out, your religion is imo leaning towards a cult in some ways. For example, friendships outside of the JW religion are discouraged based on a scripture that isn't very clear on the matter-something like "bad associates spoil good habbits," which is interpreted horribly-it's a subtle form of mind control, keeping you only with people who share your beliefs.
Moreover, more and more home education is being used. Imagine this: You've never gone to school, you're only friends are in the religion, the only teaching you've had on other religions and atheisim are derogatory-if for some small chance you do disagree with the teachings, your whole life will be in the religion.
Disfellowship as it is referred is also along these lines-don't associate with them at all, now they're not a JW they can't be your friend, and they'll try to smear you away. Only associate with them to try to lure them back in.
Anybody who expresses doubts on the leadership can be considered an apostate, even if they don't express disagreement. Raymond Franz is a famous case-ruthlessly victimized and accused as an apostate, when really he just didn't believe.

On that note, you put full trust in your "governing body," but as said above, one of it's members fell out of the beliefs and left. Surely that proves they're not infalliable, and you should question things sometimes?

On the topic of your "ministry," it's intersting. The interst isn't in people as people, but as "studies," or whatever.

It's disgusting. I know somebody who was once a member, sick in hospital, and they're trying to take advantage of that to lure them back in, though they don't care at all the rest of the time.

Moreover, as shown, your religion is Sexist and homophobic, and was originally opposed to the Suffrage movement. Gender, race, height and sexuality do not define you. Your actions do.

Also, even though you feverantly claim other religions are "false prophets," every time you've put a date on something, nothing has happened. Irony, much?

And...blood transfusions. Ouch.

Jehovah's Witnesses are willing to let children who are under age of consent die because of this. It's completely unethical.
Sure, if you yourself are willing to throw your lfie away, fine. But at that age, all they know is what they've been spoon-fed. They deserve the right to live long enough to make their own decisions on religion and such-a right you deny them. They also use false figures, distorted facts and emotional blackmail to convince people to use or let their children use blood transfusions.


Im sorry, but i haven't seen a more ignorant, idiotic, and unappreciative view of anything in my life. I hope you don't treat the gifts you recieve from your friends like you treat the gift of life you were given.


Im sorry, but i haven't seen a more ignorant, idiotic, and unappreciative view of anything in my life. I hope you don't treat the gifts you recieve from your friends like you treat the gift of life you were given.
Appreciating somebody and selling your soul to them are different.
Creating somebody to control them is totally unfair. We have free will as far as I can tell, and are independant. We shouldn't be forced to do anything.

And it's hardly like a gift-usually when you give a gift, you don't demand something back, and kill the recipitent if they don't comply. Your comparisons are poor.
And what about my post on the JW religion? Cat got your tounge? Can't admit it has some serious issues?


It is simple ownership, even you should be able to understand that.
See, it's this sort of idiotic defense that makes me balk. You basically said He can commit evil acts and still be pure good because he owns us and can do with us as we please, therefore he's pure good for being a righteous owner of slaves and puppets.

The rest of your ramble I'll respond to at a later time. Heading off to get some rest.


Alright, you have a father, do you not DN? He would prefer you to call him your father, because he has that right, he is the only person that is rightfully your father.

God is the grand Creator of the universe, he deserves sole devotion. Does that not seem fair? He created the ground that the canaanites were squatting on, and he therefore has the right to decide can and cannot live there.

Yes, but I have PROOF that he is my father.

Im sorry, but i haven't seen a more ignorant, idiotic, and unappreciative view of anything in my life. I hope you don't treat the gifts you recieve from your friends like you treat the gift of life you were given.

Blondie doesn't own mirrors, does he?

ALSO, who's a JW? Blondie?
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Ok I think this thread is tripping now.

Look fellas, I'm living, breathing freaking proof that there isn't a god, along with several dozen other people in my vicinity who have put up with worse than me. If there is one, then why do I have to put up with so much crap? Because we are alone. No man high in the clouds is pulling switches for us, and destiny certainly isn't something we all follow. Tell that to the beautiful woman who was killed for no reason by a drunk driver. Life lacks fairness and people don't always get something good. Just as some bad people don't get what they deserve, like OJ, who made another mistake and finally got hit.


One of the teachings is learn to be faithful & thankful and lean on God for His help. Believing in Him doesn't grant you a million dollars in cash and let you live like a King >.<


One of the teachings is learn to be faithful & thankful and lean on God for His help. Believing in Him doesn't grant you a million dollars in cash and let you live like a King >.<

I think you're missing the point. Sure, it doesn't do that, but DS says that it may not even be able to give you a living, or let you continue living, even if you have believed in god and have done nothing wrong all your life.


Because there isn't one. Stop trying to find pathetic excuses, will ya?


I like this one!

Whenever a person raises the problem of evil, they are also implicitly positing the existence of good. When you say that something is evil, you also assume there is good. When you assume something is good, you assume that there is a moral law by which to differentiate between good and evil. And if you assume a moral law, you also assume a Just, Ultimate, All-Encompassing Moral Law Giver who holds all accountable. Attempts as these to disprove the existence of an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent God end up self destructing as I've demonstrated here.
I mean this in a nice way, but you clearly are not acquainted with basic logic. A contradiction consits of affirming both a proposition and its negative. Entertaining a proposition does not entail the acceptance of its object. If I say that I do not believe that there are any ghosts in my kitchen it does not follow that I admit that ghosts DO exist somewhere else.

If something is COMPLETELY good and is the cause of everything else then it follows as a matter of logic that nothing can be not good (ie evil).

Whether good and evil actually exist (ie whether those words have any REAL meaning) is a separate issue.

As for your jump from the acceptance of a moral law to proof of the existence of a "Just, Ultimate, All-Encompassing Moral Law Giver who holds all accountable": that's an awful big rabbit to pull out of such a small hat.

If my posting indeed proves the existence of a God as you see it then I guess I've guaranteed my place in heaven without even knowing it!:)


This thread's title is defunct, as the bible raises more questions then answers.


DEU 14:11 Of all clean birds ye shall eat.
DEU 14:12 But these are they of which ye shall not eat: the eagle, and the ossifrage, and the ospray,
DEU 14:13 And the glede, and the kite, and the vulture after his kind,
DEU 14:14 And every raven after his kind,
DEU 14:15 And the owl, and the night hawk, and the cuckow, and the hawk after his kind,
DEU 14:16 The little owl, and the great owl, and the swan,
DEU 14:17 And the pelican, and the gier eagle, and the cormorant,
DEU 14:18 And the stork, and the heron after her kind, and the lapwing, and the bat.

Now, I can understand some human writer making this mistake, especially in an age of ignorance, but I would have thought at least that God would have remembered that the bat was not a bird.I guess he was snowed under.


Bill, the general tendency is for religious-minded folk to push their beliefs and lifestyles on others, sometimes forcibly (including hampering the development of their own children's education), and when we push back, the general response is, "hey why are you getting on our case, we didn't do anything to you?"

My response to that is, yes you did and yes you do.
Mate, I strongly agree, some religious people do push their ideology into others sometimes by force. I have met some myself but there are those that remained subtle such as my deceased mother who is religious down to the core but she never said to anyone "do this, do that" or "that is wrong, this is right". One thing I can tell you, let us not stereotype each other, OK.

But to contradict what you are saying, can you always put the blame on believers???? NO. Atheists themselves start sensitive threads like this such as the one about comparing Jesus to Peter Pan which is in my view is like murdering the dignity of our religion right here in this forum where everyone can see. Of course believers like me would complain and we cannot avoid thinking that those atheists who claim to be offended have become the offenders themselves. If you read this question from Yahoo! Answers, its from an atheist questioning his fellow atheists why they seem to have gone arrogant themselves.

Clearly this man has made a good point.

My question to atheists, have you read the whole Bible or have you studied theology and religion to say its all nonsense????

Never mention some people here have spent some time on Google searches to come up with fancy answers on debates about this and that....

The point of conflict in this world, mate, we fight each other without formally understanding one another. We look at each others mistakes without looking at the mistakes we do ourselves.

To believers: Other people have their own thoughts, do not enforce your religion to them by force but rather actions of humility, kindness and subtlety will make your image good to everyone's eyes and even to God's eyes. Actions-good actions speak louder than words isn't it??? With those, the rest of your lives will be happy.

To atheists: You have your own lives now, if you do not believe in God or the Bible, why are so many of you complaining on something you do not believe which at the present state of law and democracy in not being enforced to you anymore, that's why you get to speak of what you believe and what you think of today??? If religion bothers you, then don't think of it.... why not just make your life productive and make friends regardless of race, religion and status and you will live happy for the rest of your lives????

To all: I know that some of you would criticize, others might even sarcasticize my words here today but mind this, we must not debate upon our differences since we live in the same world and all we have is each other. We must be careful of what we do and what we say whilst we live so we will not live in regret later in life.

Here is song that I think would convey a message to us all:

Live in peace brothers and hopefully my message have been planted within your hearts and minds. Thank You.
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Amen to that, Bill.

I personally don't care what ideas people adopt to make sense of their lives - Gods, angels, UFOs, horoscopes or whatever. If it keeps them sane and happy then more power to them.

But if it's screwing them up or underpinning anti-social or judgemental behavioural traits then for both their own health and that of society I think it's fair enough to point that out to them. In fact, I think it's a responsibility.


My question to atheists, have you read the whole Bible or have you studied theology and religion to say its all nonsense????
Yes, I did. My question to creationists are, have you obtained a degree in physics, biology, astrophysics, or otherwise?

Bill, the Bible is a book of very few pages, which can be read over in a week or so. Problem with it is that it is a transliteration of previous works, from different languages, and the vast majority of people who claim to be religiously devout have only listened to the sermons from their pastor, haven't even bothered to read the book they like to quote. More importantly, they haven't bothered to learn the languages required to read the original writings (Greek, Aramaic, Latin). So, really, the religiously devout are hypocritical in that sense.

Still, the more important thing is, from their podium of ignorance (even of their own religion and the book they tout as "the One"), they lambaste and criticize physics, biology, astrophysics, etc and so on. Without even one iota of recognition on how these sciences have vastly improved both our understanding of the world/universe and their individual lives. They attack it repeatedly and insist upon Earth being created 6,000 years ago, Woman coming from the rib of Man, evil in the form of a snake, knowledge in the form of an apple tree (fig tree), angels and devils, fire and brimstone, the world coming to an end, OMG WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!

When you put in that context, it's kind of silly for us to take a book, written 2,000 years ago by primitive, ignorant sheepherders, as anything other than a collection of interesting historical and philosophical anecdotes. Because you know what, that's exactly what they are.

To atheists:You have your own lives now, if you do not believe in God or the Bible, why are so many of you complaining on something you do not believe which at the present state of law and democracy in not being enforced to you anymore, that's why you get to speak of what you believe and what you think of today??? If religion bothers you, then don't think of it.... why not just make your life productive and make friends regardless of race, religion and status and you will live happy for the rest of your lives????
Oh Bill, poor poor Bill. If it were only so that religion would leave us all the heck alone, I would be more than happy to let them live in their delusions. But, unfortunately, they don't leave us all alone. Even in these forums, they don't leave us all alone. You brought up the Jesus vs Pan thread, but you failed to point out the many threads prior that were initiated claiming evolution was tripe, homosexuality is evil, and etc and so on. It's easy for you to ignore what was said before you were offended, but it's dishonest to claim it is the atheists that are initiating the offenses.

Look, in our society, religion is NOT leaving us alone. Just read into the article posted by John over here ---> (click here)

In fact, I'm a little saddened he buried it in that thread. Anyway, it's just one more example of how religion is "literally" trying to change the history books, rewrite science, and redefine what is acceptable within the framework of society. Given this daily assault, it is our DUTY to fight back.
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Glad you digged up my link Hellstromm. Thanks.

Quite honestly, I've known about that Texan stuff for a week, and I'm appalled that none of you have brought it up for discussion in the D&D forum.

How can such a subject not be one of public controversy?


Glad you digged up my link Hellstromm. Thanks.

Quite honestly, I've known about that Texan stuff for a week, and I'm appalled that none of you have brought it up for discussion in the D&D forum.

How can such a subject not be one of public controversy?

It's not controversy, it's utter foolishness on the part of the Texans.
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