Bella Starr's Derringer too easy to get?


Why would he be townless?
And don't put your dodging clothes, you have that skill already. Equip your appearance clothes. :p


Why would he be townless?
And don't put your dodging clothes, you have that skill already. Equip your appearance clothes. :p

When you pass out while being townless, you don't go to a hotel, so can keep hitting the Challenge button.

You can choose the clothes you like of course, even a tutu will do eventually. :razz:


Yea but when you get trasported in the hotel, you can still cancel the sleep and hit the challenge. :p
A tutu? Gimme, gimme, gimme!!! :D


it was hard to discover the mission

but thanks to many "spies" now anyone know about all the mission's requirment


Yea but when you get trasported in the hotel, you can still cancel the sleep and hit the challenge. :p
A tutu? Gimme, gimme, gimme!!! :D

You can, but it'll take ages compared to when you're townless.

Also, if you want to go for the master of the underworld medal, you'll really want to be townless, because challenge - go to hotel - 8 hours sleep - cancel 8 hours sleep twice - challenge again X 500 will tire you pretty quick. :p


Why would I repeat something 500 times?
The only duel so far (ok, I admit, never got level 75 quest duels) I've repeated about 10 times was to KO Jenny in the ghost town when I was level 40 and my best weapon was an adventurer Whip with vigor 1. But IIRC she didn't KO me in the process... Although I'm unsure now. But no matter, still, to make your character into repeating a NPC duel for 500 times seems a bit odd.


Then I guess you haven't done a "real" NPC duel yet...

If you aren't specced for duelling, the two level 67 duels, Scott & Lucas, will take some time. I think I challenged them about 200 times each until I beat them.

500 times is just for the medal by the way. ;)


I'm 56 on w12. And it's my first world. And you haven't noticed but a week ago I thanked you on the Arizona subforum for noticing elewhere (beta) that one of the ghost town quests isn't halved on new worlds. ;)
Anyway, I'm not specced for duelling. Playing as an adventurer and currently pumping only hiding, leadership and dex... stamina will be added in the picture later. ;)
Can Charlatan's set help against 'em?
Oh, this is important... I don't care about medals. I'm not playing to get them. In my case it's: No bonuses = not interested. :)


Aha, didn't realise you were so new to the game. :)

Charlatan's set sure helps, but clothes with dodging will do a better job. It doesn't matter that much, since eventually, you'll win every duel just by keep hitting the challenge button. :)

Well, maybe you will later. I didn't care about them either, but later on I realised it's just nice to have them.


Wasn't that obvious? I'm just a lil' bit informed newbie. ;)
And you? You're one of the great persons on this forum that helps people with suggestions, tips and tricks whenever possible. That's why I'll rather do what you suggest then listen to some others.
So if I get a problem with Billy next week on this quest on Arizona, I'll definetly try the "townless clickfest trick". Thanks for the input.


Haha, thanks. :razz:

If you've got any problems, just let me know. :)


I cant do it on thersday, at 10:00 (server time) is there any new date? I make everywthing, No duelling weapon, newspaper and fancy clothe. and i have done both questions + i am 45 + lvl
if you know anything about date or anything else please inform me :)
thx a lot


ok i found out the time and there for i was sucessful today. Thanks for the positive feed back.