another dueling option??

  • Thread starter DeletedUser23437
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I do not like this idea as Duelers would have to travel around a lot more to find people with positive reputation or else you would be seen as a "Coward" for dueling "Defenseless Players" I am a low motivation dueler on W12. (my Duel motivation is low but i still have a duel level 13 levels higher then my normal level) I'm sure i duel people who don't have a positive duel record but at level 68 i Duel players around levels 90-100. granted they usually don't have on the best duel clothing for their level but with golden colts/sabres and a 20-30 level advantage on me i wouldn't consider them defenseless even though they may not have a positive duel record this would paint me as a outlaw who prays on the innocent? That is why I do not like this idea.

a lot of duelers travel in search of targets, don't see how that is any different to now, I am a 0 mot dueler and have to travel when I run out of targets all the time. And who says being an outlaw would be such a bad thing?? I see playing an outlaw as more of a challange with this system. in addition, this system gives duelers more of a chance to get bonds. In truth I don't see finding people with a positive record to hard.


a lot of duelers travel in search of targets, don't see how that is any different to now, I am a 0 mot dueler and have to travel when I run out of targets all the time. And who says being an outlaw would be such a bad thing?? I see playing an outlaw as more of a challange with this system. in addition, this system gives duelers more of a chance to get bonds. In truth I don't see finding people with a positive record to hard.

Well it depends where you play, El Dorado has 30,000 players I'm sure its real easy to find people with positive records there but on W12 where I have my dueler there's only 2,000 players. Out of those 2,000 players we'd be lucky if 50% had a positive duel record, then narrow that down to the range of players I'm able to duel. Also you stated there would be no duel level? What would stop a a level 150 from attacking a level 35?


Player lvl still limits you to who you can duel.

I'll poll this idea soon.


Well it depends where you play, El Dorado has 30,000 players I'm sure its real easy to find people with positive records there but on W12 where I have my dueler there's only 2,000 players. Out of those 2,000 players we'd be lucky if 50% had a positive duel record, then narrow that down to the range of players I'm able to duel. Also you stated there would be no duel level? What would stop a a level 150 from attacking a level 35?

7th - Range of people you can duel would be 1/10th your current level down, with no cap on the top side. (ex. lvl 20 player could duel player lvl 18 - 150, lvl 100 player could duel lvl 90 - 150)

there is a limit how far down a player can duel, but no limit going up


Thomas, I've edited your first post. If you don't like something, edit it yourself and then we'll poll it.


The idea is nice and the best part is no duel level so you can earn exp from duelling again :) However, most duellers don't really care about the reputation so I really think that part is a bit of a waste of time as I know that I for one will not even look at the reputation of the person I am duelling before engaging. I don't even look at who they are now unless I am hunting someone specifically.

By limiting the duelling to -10% of level, I think you are also restricting duelling too much as there could be some lower level player (e.g. 11% lower than you) who keeps attacking you but you can't duel them back, which is is far too abusable in my opinion.

In all honesty, I appreciate that people are trying to improve duelling, but Inno really has their own agenda with regards to duelling so I think this is a fruitless task to try to action duel change.


zd3no, I only tweaked it just a bit at the beginning, hopefully it is ok and ready to go.

The idea is nice and the best part is no duel level so you can earn exp from duelling again :) However, most duellers don't really care about the reputation so I really think that part is a bit of a waste of time as I know that I for one will not even look at the reputation of the person I am duelling before engaging. I don't even look at who they are now unless I am hunting someone specifically.

By limiting the duelling to -10% of level, I think you are also restricting duelling too much as there could be some lower level player (e.g. 11% lower than you) who keeps attacking you but you can't duel them back, which is is far too abusable in my opinion.

In all honesty, I appreciate that people are trying to improve duelling, but Inno really has their own agenda with regards to duelling so I think this is a fruitless task to try to action duel change.

1st, I think duelers may with this get interested in their Rep, as most have large egos, so having a high Rep will just feed that. Plus the chance to gain bonds from dueling a person with a high Rep is also a plus. One I believe puts dueling on par with fort fighting.

2nd, I do understand the problem with being dueled by someone lower then you and you can't hit them. But the good part is they will be gaining exp as there is no duel level and the playing field is more balanced. I was thinking of a possible change, that this percentage down could be modified by a players Rep. Maybe you get an addition to your range down of 1/100th your positive Rep. So, a lvl 20 player could hit lvl 18-150, but if his Rep is 200, he could go down 2 more lvls for a range of 16-150.

3rd, yes I am sure Inno has their own agenda, but if we can pass some ideas, that most of us think would make things better then they are now. And we get Inno to atleast look at them, just maybe, it will help them make what ever they are working on just a bit better.