Allowing abortion with a twist...

  • Thread starter David Schofield
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I don't have to source that up, it's a fact. The two cells don't create a human in of themselves, but once they have joined together, it is a human from that point, just not a fully developed one.

Woah, I'm impressed by your uncanny ability at posting complete crap.

Seeing how it's a fact you'd easily be able to back it up.
But ah, yes, you also refuse to present evidence of any of your other "facts" either.


1) It's a termination of pregnancy. If abortion is murder then so is using birth-control. Hell, even mastrubation could be considered murder by that logic.

2) Yep. If I had been aborted I wouldn't have known either way.
That said I love living and I am grateful for being given this gift.

If you love living then why would you like to take that gift away from someone else.

Sperm or egg by themselves aren't life ... YET


whichever point you're looking at, after the two cells have combined, it's a process that ends in making a human, this being said, doing an abortion means killing. You can't get rid of the consequences on the female gender committing the abortion; they differ from person to person, some being mildy affected, some having psyhological problems that torment them for years. I'd say again, and again, and again, NEVER abort a child, only if your life is at a 100% risk, don't kill.

PS: The best way of avoiding pregnancy is... not having sexual intercourse... but if you use protection is like a crime too... damn life is so confusing, that's why we like it XD


So much trash in this thread it's shameful.
Few of you genuinely understand what is involved with abortion and the ethics indepth.
And no vulturas, sex is not a crime, it's human nature, and contraception also isn't a crime, what the hell are you thinking?


If you love living then why would you like to take that gift away from someone else.
They have not yet recieved the gift thus nothing is taken away.
Why do you insist on forcing people to go through with carrying forth unwanted children?

Sperm or egg by themselves aren't life ... YET
I'm glad we agree those aren't life.
So, when does life start?

whichever point you're looking at, after the two cells have combined, it's a process that ends in making a human, this being said, doing an abortion means killing.
Uhm, no. It's not killing. Just as jerking off or wearing a condom or having non-vaginal sex isn't murder.

You can't get rid of the consequences on the female gender committing the abortion; they differ from person to person, some being mildy affected, some having psyhological problems that torment them for years. I'd say again, and again, and again, NEVER abort a child, only if your life is at a 100% risk, don't kill.
Abortion isn't murder.
Sure, some might have regrets or be traumatized, but how can you even
bother mentioning that whilst demanding that we condem three persons to a ruined life?

PS: The best way of avoiding pregnancy is... not having sexual intercourse... but if you use protection is like a crime too... damn life is so confusing, that's why we like it XD
Not having sex... yeah right. Have you read the statistics on how well abstinence works? Guessed as much.

At least you are consistent with the birth-control and abortion stance...'s still rubbish though.


So much trash in this thread it's shameful.
Few of you genuinely understand what is involved with abortion and the ethics indepth.
And no vulturas, sex is not a crime, it's human nature, and contraception also isn't a crime, what the hell are you thinking?

Then you let us know in your own thoughts what you think is involved with abortion. And vulturas never said sex was a crime.

hey John... I didnt post the last two btw

They have not yet recieved the gift thus nothing is taken away.
Why do you insist on forcing people to go through with carrying forth unwanted children?

Think about this. Some murderer has a gun to your head. He doesn't want you therefore your unwanted. but, you don't have a choice(hint the barrel pointed at your head) Would you want him to shot you? Now, add that to an abortion? The unborn baby is you.
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hey John... I didnt post the last two btw
I had that covered before your edit.

Think about this. Some murderer has a gun to your head. He doesn't want you therefore your unwanted. but, you don't have a choice(hint the barrel pointed at your head) Would you want him to shot you? Now, add that to an abortion? The unborn baby is you.

Please think before you post, perhaps then you can avoid posting such rubbish.


Oh now I'm posting rubbish. Look at your posts before mines. Its a valid example. In one case murder and the other the same.


Ah, I see.
Taking the morning after pill is murder by that definition.

Let's move on to the interresting question then:
Source up your absurd claim and presto, argument settled.
But as all the other crap you sprout this as well is something you pull out your ass.'

Good and valid point.

accualy conception takes time

the morning after pill cannont terminate a pregnancy its only to help prevent that conception from taking place

your thinking of the abortion pill which can be taken up to 9 weeks and WILL terminate a pregnancy after conception

secondly to those saying abortion isnt murder you cant make that claim as its subjective

it may not be to you but it is to others

the argument is simply one of when does a human become a human at conception or at birth

at the moment its all subjective so a declaritive statement either way is invalid so lets all avoid throwing the term around in this discusion unless refering to it as a statement of opnion i.e. i feel its murder . i feel its not


Exactly what is your position then?
Because to me it seems like you are saying if one does get pregnant one
must carry forth the child. To me you appear as "I am pro-life, but in the event of X and Y we can allow exceptions."

No your point seems to be that if one accidentially gets pregnant during concentious sex one MUST have the baby whatever the circumstances may be.

Accidents do happen.
Are you trying to tell me you've never forgotten to wear a condom in the heat of the moment? Bullcrap. I guess no woman ever forgets to take her pill either!

Let's just screw the 5% over then, great idea!

You have any sourcse to back up that number, or do you just make up things as you go along?

Boo-friggin-hoo. Your personal tragedies are irrelevant to the discussion.
No-one forced her to carry the child, yet you argue we should force others to do so.

I see absolutely no reason why any woman should be forced to endure an unwanted pregnancy because of your traumatic experiences.
It's their body, and that's all there is to it.

at john youve proven yourself to be somoen who doent bother to ready ANYTHIN he responds to beyond what the needs to read into it what he wants

first and foremost ive clearly stated my postion abou a dozen times in this thread so your first 3 statements are all pointless and irrelevant and ont he thrid yes accidents happen thats why theres ec ( aka the morning after pill which is used to prevent conception after the incident but before conception takes place and yes in general if you choose to be irrisponsible and not take precaustions when you decide to be sexualy active why should a child suffer teh consiquinces

as to my personal tragidies one way to show your an insistive troll , try learning to be respectfull before you insult or belittle peoples lives and most importantly it was expressed in RESPONCE to correct someones post that stated i couldnt possibly understand what it would be like to give up a child that i wouldnt understand the sense of loss so it was not to gain sympathy it was to correct someones assumed misconception so if your not involved in that part of the discusion then it would be best if you simply STAY OUT OF IT


Woah, I'm impressed by your uncanny ability at posting complete crap.

Seeing how it's a fact you'd easily be able to back it up.
But ah, yes, you also refuse to present evidence of any of your other "facts" either.

I love hypocrisy, and you have it in loads! Thank you so much, my friend.

You honestly have no effective answer to the question of, "Would you have liked to been aborted?"

And if a child who you say should have been aborted ends up killing himself, then so be it, it was his choice, it is not yours, or really should be anyone else's. Because 95% of the time, they won't kill themselves.


I love hypocrisy, and you have it in loads! Thank you so much, my friend.

You honestly have no effective answer to the question of, "Would you have liked to been aborted?"

And if a child who you say should have been aborted ends up killing himself, then so be it, it was his choice, it is not yours, or really should be anyone else's. Because 95% of the time, they won't kill themselves.

If they do kill themselves, then is it bad to laugh, because I only tell a select few number of people that derserve it that they should have been aborted... Or thrown across the room by their mothers and drowned in dish soap...

1) It's a termination of pregnancy. If abortion is murder then so is using birth-control. Hell, even mastrubation could be considered murder by that logic.

2) Yep. If I had been aborted I wouldn't have known either way.
That said I love living and I am grateful for being given this gift.

1) If masturbation is murder then call me Adolph Stalin. :D

2) I have to agree there, the fetus has an underdeveloped brain, therefore it probably mean that it wouldn't have a clue what was going on if someone went in yo mamma with a vaccume of some sort to suck you out... not trying to offend or anything... but indeed you wouldn't have a choice. And yes, living is a great gift to behold, and most of us are glad we are alive :D
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