Airplane Crash

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 819397
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Trevor saw Alex getting close to her. He put his arm around her. "Yeah, this is getting boring"


A stranger emerges from the distance he does not introduce himself he walks with a limp and looks puzzled. While the others stare at him he only grunts and walks towards the plane damage.


then he picks up the broken radio from the plane fiddles with it and then speaks to the survivers "Hello I am mr.J.rebel I know you are the remainder of this plane wreakage I can tell you now their is no escape from this island I have been here for 10 years! you will not get of this island...alive!"


(James quit spamming)
I return to the wreckage ignoreing the crazy old man and placeing the bodys in the hole,I threw a can of coke I'd brought with me in there for those whom thought theyd need it in the afterlife, and began filling the hole back in.


New passenger awakes from a concussion ...

Name : Tracker John
Status : Concussion/coma since the crash, now remembers all
Job Skills : Private Pilot and builder of light aircraft, Hang Gliders, etc.

Say, I have the skills to get something airborne here ... it might not be enough to get us off this island but we can climb a thermal to get high enough to see for quite a long distance (over 100 miles or 160 km) ... so let's get to work here!


a wet awakining( not like that)

Survival skills:crafty and clever

The water washes over my back as high tide rolls in. I'm laying face down on the beach (were on an island right). Water fills the small pit near my mouth *gasp, cough*
What the hell ( can I swear in the forum?).
Where am I? *stands up, looks around sees nobody*
great, my paster always said I would pay for my sins


"yea it sure is we need to make stuff for fun like a swing or some crap like that"she said to him


A club for my worries

All coming back to me now. A plane crash. 1 in a million and it happens to me.
*walks into the forrest bordering the beach, and picks up a large log*
Could do some damage *gives a few practice swings against a tree* strong enough.
*trods off into the jungle*


opps I forgot the statistics

name:mr rebel
skills:is able to survive in the wild, ex soldier


"right you lot im starting a fire it will get cold during the night and i want to be warm" (starts collecting wood and stones)


*hears a rustling sound in the jungle and crouches down in the brush*
Its a person!
"hey you, Help!"


James crouches beside him and barks "whos there?show your self!" (has a worried look in his eyes)


he walked around until he spotted alex "Hey" he said as he walked over


She got up and walked to him and said "hey i dont really no you but i guess i will now"she said to him


"ph yea yea you to man men on this island and only one little girl"she said to him rolling her eyes now and crossing her arms "well what do you want i guess"
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