899 More Ways to Annoy People

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373. Have a temper tantrum when somebody tries to point you in the right direction, then express your hate for them on your profile.


374. have people not know what a temper tantrum looks like,.. when you do..


375. Even make an attempt to avoid the valid complaint of a forum member with more meaning than you ever will ammount to, even fractioned into 1/8th. But then again, with practice, you could become 7/8ths of him...

Deleted User - 819397

377: post something that goes against rules in this thread, forcing the moderator to think of something clever to replace the original post with so the number of ways to annoy isn't messed up.


381. Say girls rule when everyone knows that a guy with a gun can make anyone do pretty much anything because he'll be more likely to pull the trigger...


384.Say "Hamzi Ga Drp" or "Hajli Ga Nep Tun!" 10 times..it works for me every time!xD
And don't ask what they mean,beacause..I really don't know..xD
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