Website - English support


Almost each browser has it's own way to make direct JavaScript input as painful as possible :). The first, recommended option is to simply use the userscript (direct link) or create a bookmark. If you want to just try the import first by using a normal script, here is a table of ways to do it for some browsers:
[U]Your browser      [/U]
Firefox [B][COLOR=Red](*)[/COLOR][/B]       |  press Ctrl + Shift + K, paste the code
Chrome            |  press Ctrl + Shift + J, paste the code
Internet Explorer |  paste the code in the URL bar, then manually enter "javascript:" in front of the code
Opera & Safari    |  paste the code in the URL bar
In all cases confirm by hitting Enter.

Thanks, now it works.


Firefox (*) | press Ctrl + Shift + K

Cool, thanks. I was looking all over for a way to get around Mozilla knowing what's best for us and our security. I was hoping for an about:config solution, but there doesn't seem to be one.


using firefox when i did it even after making the exception for the site getting this error upon pasting
[12:50:18.797]'twdbi nominimize noreload').addTab('Please wait...'); jQuery.getScript( ''); void(0)
[12:50:18.798] ReferenceError: wman is not defined



using firefox when i did it even after making the exception for the site getting this error upon pasting
[12:50:18.798] ReferenceError: wman is not defined
I can think of three causes...
  • Either you are pasting the code in the URL bar (that doesn't work in the newer versions of Firefox, use Ctrl+Shift+K instead),
  • or you are not running the script in the game. That means you have to be on your tab/window with The West.
  • Or, not very probably, you are running the script in a seriously out-dated version of the game. But I really don't think any T-W market is still below 1.33...
Anyway, I recommend using the userscript instead. Nobody can tell for sure what security features will Firefox bring us next time...

Cool, thanks. I was looking all over for a way to get around Mozilla knowing what's best for us and our security. I was hoping for an about:config solution, but there doesn't seem to be one.
Yeah, I think that was the point when I stopped using FF for good.



Is there a calculator on twdb to know what items i can sell, that aren't used or won't ever be used for jobs/duels/fortfighting/speed? Like twi but add the duels fort fighting and speed gear.


I think you can manage to find that out, but it will not present the information in one swell swoop, but if you add some stuff together you can do it yourself.

Step-by-step instructions...
1) import your data and go to the calculator
2) click on the inventory button
3) click on the all button of the inventory (the rightmost one)
4) in the bar with small buttons, click first on show only items in your inventory and then hide best possible items
5) now you have a list of gear that is not the best for work
6) go back to the-west and open up another tab with the calculator
7) click on the speed button of the calculator (3rd button from the left) and a list of your best speed gear will appear at the bottom of the page (just above the shaman-calculator),
8) cross-reference this list with the first list
9) do the same for duels and fort battles

And this is the best as it gets at the moment with the excellent tw-db calculator...



Well-Known Member
Would it somehow be possible to show that something is currently beta only? As I'm getting quite a lot of questions why the sabre and shotgun are not rewarded upon completing the Mexican Gold questline.


Would it somehow be possible to show that something is currently beta only? As I'm getting quite a lot of questions why the sabre and shotgun are not rewarded upon completing the Mexican Gold questline.
One of the gazillion things on my to-do list :)... Provided everything goes smoothly, I should be done with my exams by the 27-th of this month, so I hope there's going to be a flood of new features on TW-DB...


Good news, everyone!

scoobydoo has finished a new beta version of the ingame Cloth calculator script! New features include special activities like Speed, Duels, Fortbattles and Health, also the calculation results are now cached client's side (indexedDB).

If you have a beta (1.34+) account, you can check it out right now. No updates to the installed UserScript are necessary. I'm sure we're all looking forward to 1.34 (1.35?) on productive worlds, so the script can become a part of our game there as well :).

As for me, my last exam should be on Friday, I assure you'll see some more TW-DB features from me as well :)

//Sorry for a little delay with the script's functionality, my bad :-S
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Sorry about the double post, but I want to make sure they see it. :p

TW-DB is showing +75 LP for habaneros...I'm guessing that's supposed to be for "The hottest chili...", not the peppers. Or did they make a randomly dropped product a usable item?


that was my original mistake, probably you still have old cached page Elmyr as I've changed it shortly after and deleted cache, so effects are only for new items which still have no picture. You can see them in Newly added tab ;)


having problem with the calculator on twdb... for some reason it does not recognise charlatan set


having problem with the calculator on twdb... for some reason it does not recognise charlatan set
It seems to work well for me... Could you try it again (I've rewritten the cache, although I'm 99% sure it was valid before), and if there's still any problem, could you be more specific?

By the way, as some player has suggested (I can't remember who or where anymore :-/ - it was Bluep in our mail), when logged in, you can now see the amount of items you can craft with a particular recipe with the resources you already have. But don't worry, this is definitely not one of those bigger things I was promising to do :).
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It seems to work well for me... Could you try it again (I've rewritten the cache, although I'm 99% sure it was valid before), and if there's still any problem, could you be more specific?

By the way, as some player has suggested (I can't remember who or where anymore :-/), when logged in, you can now see the amount of items you can craft with a particular recipe with the resources you already have. But don't worry, this is definitely not one of those bigger things I was promising to do :).

It is OK today, I did not have any problem until yesterday.
To be more specificly I have al Charlatan items, and yestrday Charlatan Job was like -47, today is OK and Job is back on 156
Just to mention I did import for the first time over firefox (ctrl+shift+K) maybe that has somethingto do with it ?!?!

But anyway great page Petee :laugh:


Just some small changes - additions to the UserArea. In the My account tab, you can disable the automatic change of language and active world, when you do an import. In the My characters tab, you can now delete an imported character. This can be useful for a couple of reasons (which is why many players asked us to delete their characters manually), mainly if you deleted your game character and signed in under a different nickname - our site wouldn't let you choose the new one.

Another change - in recipes, you can now see at which crafting points level does the difficulty change to green. I just hope it's clear enough what it means.
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This is looking better, better all the time, thanks so much for your hard work!

And after praise a 'small' request: the ability to play with other characters in the calculator, to help each other out without having to manually copy stats and inventory.



And after praise a 'small' request: the ability to play with other characters in the calculator, to help each other out without having to manually copy stats and inventory.
Thanks. :) OK, I like that too... I guess a nice way how to do it would be simply putting the player's inventory and skills links in some field, provided they are set to be publicly available. I'll pass the idea to scoobydoo.

By the way, I'm currently working on the "How can I get this item" section mentioned in our to-do list. It's meant to be the best answer to that kind of a question we often see on the forums, especially when a new item appears on our site...

Afterwards, I'll be working on our very own interpretation of the flow-chart quest display. I can't give any promises, but the goal would be to have it finished by the end of the next week.

But my main priority is to listen to the community, so if you guys have any minor (at this time, minor only) suggestions that would really make your life with TW-DB more comfortable, I'm all ears. I'm kind of loosing the track of all your suggestions, so don't be afraid to repost something, even if it was previously suggested by another player (the more often I hear it, the more likely I'll do it). Well thought through mock-ups give the idea a bug /( maybe even big :p )/ chance of success. Just keep in mind it really should be something minor :). Searching in shops by alliance indeed seems minor, but in this case it requires quite a lot of work to synchronize the alliance and shops data, so it doesn't have much priority right now...
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