What is your opinion on "abortion" ??


then he wouldnt need a chance to speak his mind before a woman decided to abort now would he

You know, I'm beginning to think that you just might not be up to speed with the average human.

Think about it for just a brief second, "The man doesn't want an abortion, the woman does." How does that situation that I just mentioned even remotely fit the idiotic nonsense that you just posted?


You know, I'm beginning to think that you just might not be up to speed with the average human.

Think about it for just a brief second, "The man doesn't want an abortion, the woman does." How does that situation that I just mentioned even remotely fit the idiotic nonsense that you just posted?

I got a spoiler for him right here.

It doesn't.

He keeps projecting his own tragic experiences as the correct and only way to view this issue.


i think your compltely missing the point

the point was in teh case of woman wants abortion man does not man should have a chance to at least speak his mind on the issue before the proceedure is done

int he case of man and woman wants abortion man wouldnt need to speak his mind now would he as its already what he wants

in case of man wants and woman does not man gets no real say but also shouldnt be held to any responcibility in reguards to the child other than what he vollunteers


What tragic experiences? So far all I've heard are nameless, nondescript, third-party stories about people feeling regret.

For your information Spider, there have been extensive studies on this issue, and it just so happens the studies indicate you're wrong. I posed this information (which debunks your anecdotal evidence) in an earlier thread on the forums here, case you're inclined to look it up.


i think your compltely missing the point

I fully get the point, and as a man I would like a say this way or that, but when everything is said and done, it's the womans body.
None should be able to force her to do anything with it she does not want to do.
I don't get why you keep protesting this.


apperntly you havent been reading

i CLEARLY stated that the final decision would be the womans however its unfair that said woman can make the choice go and have hte proceedure done without even the remotest attempt to even let the man know there is a pregnancy let alone giving said man a chance to at least state his case for or agianst the proceedure


I fully get the point, and as a man I would like a say this way or that, but when everything is said and done, it's the womans body.
None should be able to force her to do anything with it she does not want to do.
I don't get why you keep protesting this.

Do you think that she should atleast seek advice from a trusted source first?


Do you think that she should atleast seek advice from a trusted source first?
I do believe that if a man and a woman are in a relationship and a pregnancy unexpectedly occurs they should talk about it, examing their life situation, etc.

In the end though, the last word has to be that of the woman.


I think that what often happens when a woman doesn't consult the man, are instances in which the man gets his gourd off and then blows off the woman. He conquered the prize, as it were, and has moved on. In such instances, even if the man wants to be part of the decision-making process, he shouldn't be given the time of day. Regardless, a man should not have equal measure on such decisions, because it is not his body, it his not his life, it is not him that will, by society's expectations, be required to hang around and care for the child.

So yes, if you do some huge restructuring of society, make men equally responsible for the upbringing/rearing of a child, make it unavoidable and mandatory, and include in this the stipulation that a man cannot then abuse the woman or the child, sure...

Good luck on that.

In the meantime, we deal with reality. And reality states it is the woman that is left to deal with all the consequences, whilst the man runs around without a condom, impregnating as many women as his heart desires, and then gets the fun of bragging that he has 15 kids, none of which he ever met, let alone supports.

And don't think I'm being off-handed about this. I have assisted plenty of women through family law, dealing with fathers who work very hard to find a way out of child support, and who see their child once every few months because they don't want "it" to disrupt their lives. And my anecdotal evidence is firmly supported by statistics. So if and when you find a means to change the fundamentals of our societies, making it 100% equal responsibility, in care, feeding, education and financial support, for the child, we could revisit this issue about a man deserving authority in what happens to a woman's body, and her life.

Even then, I truly doubt I would lean in favor of allowing a man equal measure, because it's not his body, not his physical scars, not his life that is endangered. It is, and it should remain, the sole discretion of the woman whose life is endangered by the process of pregnancy, as to whether she goes to term, or to abort.


I think the man should have equal say in whether or not an abortion is done if he can find a way to carry the fetus for the duration of the pregnancy if the woman doesn't want to. :p
Something I was told when I was young that I still believe today is that if the man had to give birth to every other child, there would never be more than 3 children in a family (and seldom more than one).


So yes, if you do some huge restructuring of society, make men equally responsible for the upbringing/rearing of a child, make it unavoidable and mandatory, and include in this the stipulation that a man cannot then abuse the woman or the child, sure...

Good luck on that.

It doesn't have to be anything as huge as a reconsturcion of society. Something like having abstinence classes for all highschools or better advertisement of pregancy help services could be a good step to helping improve morals.


Yeah, that was already tried and failed. When it comes to abstinence, teenage hormones win out. When it comes to pregnancy help services, that's sort of like offering superficial support for women who are already pregnant. How is that supposed to work for them when these so-called help services are limited to pep-talks?

*rah rah, shish boom baby, go to term and we'll be here --- maybe*


Yeah, that was already tried and failed. When it comes to abstinence, teenage hormones win out.

Its better than nothing. If more teens would see how serious the consequences of premarital sex are then atleast some of them will try and restrict themselves. When they learn of the hundreds of STDs from sex, or the stress of having to take care of a baby then I would imagine that it would have atleast a small impact on them and they would try to restrict themselves somehow.

When it comes to pregnancy help services, that's sort of like offering superficial support for women who are already pregnant. How is that supposed to work for them when these so-called help services are limited to pep-talks?

*rah rah, shish boom baby, go to term and we'll be here --- maybe*

I know a service/center in my area that provides financial help for pregnant mothers who need help. They offer baby clothes, food, and other necessities for the baby, and if the mother is pregnant they can offer to sit down and talk to her about the situation one on one.

This center is located right across the street from an abortion clinic. Countless children have been able to make it into the world since their mother decided to take a look at the center first before crossing the street.


Its better than nothing. If more teens would see how serious the consequences of premarital sex are then atleast some of them will try and restrict themselves. When they learn of the hundreds of STDs from sex, or the stress of having to take care of a baby then I would imagine that it would have atleast a small impact on them and they would try to restrict themselves somehow.

I know a service/center in my area that provides financial help for pregnant mothers who need help. They offer baby clothes, food, and other necessities for the baby, and if the mother is pregnant they can offer to sit down and talk to her about the situation one on one.

This center is located right across the street from an abortion clinic. Countless children have been able to make it into the world since their mother decided to take a look at the center first before crossing the street.

What they need is comprehensive sex education to include effective methods of birth control.

And despite the screaming about this there are no statistics to prove it increases the sexual activity of teenagers.

But instead we get the "abstinence only" policies of the Bush administration to include them trying to push them off on to other countries through denying funding for certain programs at the WHO.

Abstinence only programs do not work.

BUT they may very well contribute to the abortion rate among teenagers.


BUT they may very well contribute to the abortion rate among teenagers.

I don't know about the abortion rates, but I have read a report where they had evidence of it increasing the number of unwanted pregnancies and spread of STD's.

An increase in abortions would be a likely consequence of the increase in pregnancies.

I'll see if I can't dig up the report if that is wanted. Alternatively you could do a quick search for it.


There's plenty of statistics in the matter! In US the legal age to have intercourse is 18, there's and abundant "abstinence only" people out there. More or less no sex education in schools. Family planning is frowned upon and illegal to promote in developing countries receving aid.
In Sweden for example the legal age to have intercourse is 15, and much lesser sentences if you break that law, yet the number of teenage pregnancies is much less then in US, so is the number of rape. And venereal diseases are less to.
If your religion forbids you to abort a pregnancy, do not.
My religion promotes abortion, so I can abort. It is never an easy choice for the mother to do, so back of.
At least we take some responsibilities for how this kids will grow up and the future of a planet with seven + BILLION people on it.