Government Run Health Care


Funny, my insurance company does that to me all of the time. Especially when it comes to perscription drugs.

A private company trying to squeeze you for money?!

I'm not saying it's to hard to work toward a better future, I am saying the American government does not have much initiative to make anything better. I would do anything to make anything a lot better.

Then stort doing something. If the gouverment doesn't do a good enough job, make it clear you aren't happy. As voters, all the power is yours.


If only it were that easy. You haven't lived in America, have you? Here, even voting isn't good enough to get change sometimes. And more than a few polititions in America today are not going to give us the chance to change much, because they can get money from those places, and if they change, they lose money. I'm not saying all polititians are like that, but a few are, and they are able to hold back necessary changes.


I'd love it if years from now, the American people are building monuments to John Rose, after he finally convinced them to vote national health care in!


If only it were that easy. You haven't lived in America, have you? Here, even voting isn't good enough to get change sometimes. And more than a few polititions in America today are not going to give us the chance to change much, because they can get money from those places, and if they change, they lose money. I'm not saying all polititians are like that, but a few are, and they are able to hold back necessary changes.
It's not hard. THe people hold all the power.
If the people rally behind a cause, a new party, a new idea, then all the greedy politicians in the world can not stop them from accomplishing what they set out to do.

I'd love it if years from now, the American people are building monuments to John Rose, after he finally convinced them to vote national health care in!

That'd be something!


Absolutely. Unquestionably. Health Care should be free.

I cannot understand anyone disagreeing with that.

Maybe doctors who spend years studying?

Government run =/= free

Or the Pharmo Companys that spend Billions developing a medication?

Or the people who make the needles..

Someone has to pay for all that stuff
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I think that the US should get rid of Medicade, keep Medicare, and FORCE hospitals to accept patients with Medicare :)

Gradually add in cheaper Medicare till' it's fully funded by tax dollars and donations, then we celebrate by sacrificing ourselves to the almighty Onion!


Why shouldn't it be run by the gouverment?
Why should it be private?

Why should you have to pay for something that ought to be a universal right?

Well, why do YOU feel you have a right to take money from MY wallet to pay for your healthcare?

Governments don't MAKE any money, All the money comes from other people.

Explain to me why I should be forced to support healthcare for people I don't know?


Well, then fix the red tape issue.
Whilst I agree this is a problem in any gouverment institution, steps can be taken to get rid of unecessary paperwork and focus on treatment.

I'd rather take red tape over being refused treatment at the closest hospital due to having the wrong insurance company when I urgently need treatment.

That would never happen though. The current system would treat you, and send you a bill. Most insurance has provisions to cover ermergency service like that.

Even if you were completely uninsured, if you were in a car wreck, had a heart attack, got shot, mugged etc. You'd be treated.


John Rose-

You tear a ligament in your knee. You are an active individual. There are 2 procedures you can do, you can have a filet cut done, and recovery time is 6-8 months, at a cost of around 6,000. Or you can have arthriscopic surgery done which is around 18,000.

Government says the choice is yours, but they are only covering the 6,000 dollar costs since its still the same.

In the US, you have a policy, and that policy is good based on the coverage you agree on. With the US Government, that would not be the case. Legislation would effect your coverage, and whats good today may not be good next week. Your payment is given through taxes, so you pay whether you like it or not. They decide to increase-again-what is your recourse?

You think you were wrongfully denied a claim. In the US, you can sue the insurance company. You cannot sue the federal government in the same way.

More than likely-you'll get an appeal process, that would be a slow journey to which more times than not-they won't decide in your favor because they don't have to.

Not only that, They'll schedule you an appointment in 14 months, because that's when the doctor is available for surgery


I think I'm the first Canadian to post in this thread. And not only am I Canadian, I am employed by a Health Region. So, I see the benefits from both sides.

Absolutely, beyond a shadow of a doubt, unequivocally, Canada is a better place for having a Universal Health Care system. Yes, it has its flaws. We do not live in Utopia. But the system that is in place and has provided Canadians with free access to health care for over 4 decades is greatly appreciated by each and every one of the people who have used our health care system.

Yes, there are stories going around about long wait lists and patients being tended in hospital corridors because there are no beds available. But these are isolated, sensationalized incidents.

I have been a patient in a large metropolitan hospital and I have been a patient in a small rural hospital. I received the same prompt, professional service in each of these. I have been to a hospital with heart issues and was seen immediately. The longest I can remember waiting in an emergency room was one hour.

Admittedly, we do have a problem with keeping our specialists. I live in a city of 250,000 and I had to wait 8 months to see a dermatologist as there is only one here. Many professionals, doctors included, flock to where the money is. And for a specialized doctor, the money is in private practice in the United States. If the U.S. were to convert to Universal Health Care, our specialists would not be so tempted to move and our health care system would be that much better.

I am an average Canadian, and every single average Canadian that I know would never trade our current health care system for what is available in the States.


Betsy, how is your NHS with end of life issues, such as seniors who need treatments that would extend, or improve, their life, but would be expensive.

Things like Dialysis, or Cornea Repair, Hip Replacement.


and doesn't the gov then step in and say you are (say 85) and do not need dialysis, then what???


That was what I was asking Jim.. I've heard about rationing, and was curious about her experiences, both working for a provider, and from people she may know who have been "customers"


Maybe doctors who spend years studying?

Government run =/= free

Or the Pharmo Companys that spend Billions developing a medication?

Or the people who make the needles..

Someone has to pay for all that stuff

First off; doubble-posting. You're doing it.
Use the darn edit button.

Doctors still get good and fat paychecks with gouverment run healthcare.
That point is moot. Further; pharmaceutical companies sell their goods at a ridiculesly overpriced level, in addition to lying, manipulating and buying endorsements from doctors. Let me name an example told to me by a friend of mine in medical school: A new drug is released. It is marketed as being 100% more effective than it's predecessor. Totally amazing etc. The old effect cured or reliefed the ailment at a ridiculessly low rate 2% or such.
Sure the 100% improvement is ture, and the drug now as at a whooping 4% effectivity.

Well, why do YOU feel you have a right to take money from MY wallet to pay for your healthcare?

Governments don't MAKE any money, All the money comes from other people.

Explain to me why I should be forced to support healthcare for people I don't know?
It's not me taking your money from your wallet to pay for my bill.
It's you, me, and everyone else chipping in to provide healthcare for each and every one of the citizens of the nation. Are you too much of a self-centered ass to help out the community in the way of paying a bit taxes?
Sure, you may never need the doctors or hospitals, but if you do, then it's there, and it's virutally free. It's not about the individual, but the community as a whole.

That would never happen though. The current system would treat you, and send you a bill. Most insurance has provisions to cover ermergency service like that.

Even if you were completely uninsured, if you were in a car wreck, had a heart attack, got shot, mugged etc. You'd be treated.

Your life was saved, but you are now in debt. Great system.

Thanks for sharing. THese fear-mongers need to get informed.
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Betsy, how is your NHS with end of life issues, such as seniors who need treatments that would extend, or improve, their life, but would be expensive.

Things like Dialysis, or Cornea Repair, Hip Replacement.

I don't know how Canada has it, but in Norway we get that care when and if we need it.

and doesn't the gov then step in and say you are (say 85) and do not need dialysis, then what???

THat doesn't happen in my country.
As long as you live, you will get any and all treatment required to keep you well and alive.


First off; doubble-posting. You're doing it.
Use the darn edit button.

Doctors still get good and fat paychecks with gouverment run healthcare.
That point is moot. Further; pharmaceutical companies sell their goods at a ridiculesly overpriced level, in addition to lying, manipulating and buying endorsements from doctors. Let me name an example told to me by a friend of mine in medical school: A new drug is released. It is marketed as being 100% more effective than it's predecessor. Totally amazing etc. The old effect cured or reliefed the ailment at a ridiculessly low rate 2% or such.
Sure the 100% improvement is ture, and the drug now as at a whooping 4% effectivity.

It's not me taking your money from your wallet to pay for my bill.
It's you, me, and everyone else chipping in to provide healthcare for each and every one of the citizens of the nation. Are you too much of a self-centered ass to help out the community in the way of paying a bit taxes?
Sure, you may never need the doctors or hospitals, but if you do, then it's there, and it's virutally free. It's not about the individual, but the community as a whole.

Your life was saved, but you are now in debt. Great system.

Thanks for sharing. THese fear-mongers need to get iformed.

So basically you support taking from each person according to their ability to pay, and giving it to everybody based on what they need?


So basically you support taking from each person according to their ability to pay, and giving it to everybody based on what they need?

Oh, I see what's coming. The commy/socialist thrown at me as if it's a dirty word.

To answer your question:
To a degree, yes.
I am a social-democrat, or close enoguh so it makes no diffrence.

Whereas you suport to each his own, and every man for himself?