Add-on The Saloon Bar - Older versions

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It should be upgraded to a win.rar file? Can you explain what you mean by that? I mean, I know what a rar is but I don't see what possible benefit there is in packaging it as an archive. Why is that an upgrade?

Only scroll the icons? See the top of this thread where it mentions known issues and future development.

As for the problem when your inventory is empty...yeah, you get that. Unfortunately, there's no programmatic way of differing between an empty backpack and a non-existant inventory window. But hey, if you've got an empty backpack then you don't really have much choice of clothing to wear - so I'm not going to lose sleep over that one.


Oh, I can help you with that :) you probably have an URL filter (maybe with a regex) right? The URL for beta is: (so no

Yeah - something like that. It's not even as complicated as a regex but, yes, it does check the domain name of the page in the browser window. This is just so you can have the sidebar open with non-The-West pages without it throwing errors because it can't find the character details.

Anyway, I've added the beta as an extra condition and so it should work now.

I say should rather than does because I've got a lot on my plate at the moment and I had time for a quick fix but not time to test.


Nashy (as himself)
It should be upgraded to a win.rar file? Can you explain what you mean by that? I mean, I know what a rar is but I don't see what possible benefit there is in packaging it as an archive. Why is that an upgrade?

It's an Internet expression, it can mean win, winner etc. Win in the Internet normal comes in the form of .rar files so the .rar unpackager was named winrar too. I assume you know what people mean by win.

Win.rar is regardard as being the best and PDF-file is the worst.

It's a good addon anyway. :)


Ahh, I see.

I've been around on the internet for 18 years now. Some of the newer expressions have passed me by...

Back in the days when we were connecting via 2400 baud modems, we didn't have time to say anything fancy. :blink:


Nashy (as himself)
Here's a suggestion, how about showing the job information when we mouse over the job icon (money, exp and luck).


I really like it. Thanks. :)

Will it come with the item set bonus' included?


I'll work on item sets at some point in the future but it's not in the pipeline yet for various reasons.

I've added the job information to the mouse-over hint, as nashy19 suggested. This is available in version 1.56.

Version 1.56 also fixes a major problem in optimum equipment calculation. The job bonus for your headgear was used as the bonus for all your currently equipped gear when creating a starting point for comparison. In a lot of cases it didn't seem to matter - depending on the job being calculated and your current equipment but it's a serious bug nevertheless.

I strongly recommend that you update to the latest version.


Can you make an update file? If you don't know how I'll provide you the link, and if you don't have time to learn or to do it I'm happy to make one for you.


Go for it - provide me the link.

I may or may not have time. I've got a week old baby in the house so it's all a lottery with regards to time at the moment.


It's a simple RDF file, here's the official documentation; if that's not good enough, there are also good tutorials around, google “firefox extension update rdf”.

(For those wondering [what] I'm talking about: with the rdf file on his server and a reference inside the extension, Firefox would be able to check for updates, and tell you when a new release is found. Then you can click a single button to update.)
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I've been using it on Linux from the beginning, no problem. The extension has no platform-dependent components.


It should be the same as with any other platform. Open up Firefox, go to the File menu, select Open File and then choose the XPI file that you downloaded from my link.

An XPI file is just a zipped archive of JavaScript files and other zip archives. As Lalo says, there's nothing platform dependent on it (although I'm not sure off-hand whether I used UNIX or Windows style lines).


Ah - so simple! Pardon my stupidity. I'm running a duel- boot machine and I'd installed it already on Firefox on XP just by double clicking on the downloaded file and choosing the "run" option. This isn't an option on the Linux version of Firefox and I'm still a newbie to using it as yet.

Thanks for the help.


Version 2.1

Version 2.1 of the Saloon Bar is now available for

This version now has support for item sets.

The set support only considers single set bonuses. That is, it will not calculate the best possible equipment to wear based on a mixture of item sets. This level of support hasn't been added because of its computational complexity and the length of time it would take to consider every permutation.

However, random sampling of jobs has demonstrated that item advice is comparable with that given by The West Stats (i.e. The Saloon Bar advises the same equipment or an alternative combination which gives the same labour points).

Increased Efficiency

A simple step has been taken to increase calculation efficiency: all duplicates in your inventory are filtered out before job advice is calculated. Previously, if you own 20 pairs of black cotton shoes, the bonus for each job for black cotton shoes would be calculated every time.

This change should make the calculations quicker - particularly for players with full backpacks - although some of the improvement will be offset by the additional item set calculations.

Automatic Updates
As per Lalo the Kid's suggestion, updates are now automatic from version 2.1 onwards.


Possible idiot here. I've previously installed the 2nd version of this without a problem. But when I try to update to this latest version Firefox throws a "The Saloon Bar" will not be installed because it does not provide secure updates"

Do I need to do something?

Thanks for the awesome tool!!


Possible idiot here. I've previously installed the 2nd version of this without a problem. But when I try to update to this latest version Firefox throws a "The Saloon Bar" will not be installed because it does not provide secure updates"

Do I need to do something?

Thanks for the awesome tool!!

I haven't dl'ed any versions yet but tried this one too. And I get same message as above. :sad:


It's never simple, is it?! :blink:

This is a result of the automatic update facility I've added. It doesn't use a secure URL (I'm not going to pay for HTTPS just for this either - not unless I can start charging ;)) so Firefox, by default, doesn't accept it. I hadn't noticed the error because I turned off this feature ages ago.

There are two options:

  1. Disable the security feature as outlined here.
  2. Download the non-updating version here.
There are pros and cons to each option. The first option disables a security feature which prevents hijacking of unsecured extension updates. The second option just means you've got to download any updates manually. Both options mean I have to maintain two different version so either way, you guys have got it easy. :huh:
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