Woman Marries Her Dog



Look, we love our pets, but a woman in Ghana has married her dog. We repeat, her dog.

Uh, what? Yeah, this actually happened. Says the blushing bride (ew) Emily Mabou, 29: "For so long I've been praying for a life with a partner who has all the qualities of my dad. My dad was kind, faithful and loyal to my mum, and he never let her down."

Don't see how this translates into marrying your dog? Read on! Mabou claims that her relationships have all been with "skirt-chasers and cheaters." The priest who performed the ceremony told people not to mock the wedding, but instead "rejoice with her, as she has found happiness at last." Don't mock? Not likely, lady. (Though we get why some folks decide to marry their cats.)

When asked about her plans for babies, Maribou responded, "We'll adopt." Fantastic! Next story: Woman and Golden Retriever Adopt Twins. Gross. Weird. Disturbing. Any more adjectives we forgot?


I can not say what I want to say about their honeymoon as it would violate forum rules. She didn't need a wedding, she needed therapy.


I dated a few dogs in my past, but never considered marrying any of them.


Poor, poor dog. He will need therapy in about an hour.


I cannot believe how dumb can people be, she is taking some serious drugs, it`s the only possible explanation


Big deal, I was married to a [female dog] for 10 years.

[It was funnier before I edited it.]
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I don't see the problem, honestly.
She has a dog. She's decided that she'll love that dog forever and ever.
So, she married the dog. What are you all going ew about?

I mean, if you think they're going to have sex, that is ridiculous.
They can love each other without having sex.

My only concern is, now that they're married, will the dog (why wasn't he named?) have to wear a collar?


Big deal, I was married to a [female dog] for 10 years.

Glad to hear it was a 'Female' dog, I hope you weren't the one to get her pregnant...
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Average life span of a dog 10 - 12 years
Average length of a marriage before divorce 8 years

I say she is saving herself a bundle in the long run. Much cheaper to wait a couple years to bury a dog than divorce a man or wait for him to die :D


That depends on the age of the dog. She might not have to wait at all.


Well the article didn't say the age nor breed of the dog. Hmmm, well she did marry a dog, I suppose it's age wouldn't bother her. Does that make her a pawdophile?

Also, do you think they will argue because he doesn't pick up his own crap off the floor?


Well, one thing is for sure, I would rather marry a dog than The Dog... Sheesh...


Which dog? The one in Footrot Flats?

And we still don't know about the collar.


Probably not. I think he's like some human-but-not-a-human thing. They can tax him!


News flash!! The dog is asking for a divorce and wants half of everything!!!