Why not shoot builders?!


So I am a bit put off by this new trend of builders turning duelers. Why do builders have this Holy protected status? Obviously they have crazy health points and considerable melee dueling stats but god forbid you should shoot one of them!

I am tired of this! So builders get this protected status to build levels and buy crazy gear then when they are finished with their towns they come out and start dueling and they always seem to duel the lowest guy they can and knock'em out. Then when a dueler/soldier of equal or greater level screws them it's suddenly "I was shot by this dueler from so and so town, wah, wah, wah." Suddenly the whole town is after you because you shot a builder, the builder that was dueling!. "NUTS" I say. (remember you can't even fake a curse word on the forum without some threat of getting kicked off)

I propose we have a shoot builders holiday this year. Oh yeah! I am also tired of these people saying you can't duel adventurers or "yeah I am a dueler class but I am the builder for my town so you shouldn't duel me !" Crazy, Crazy kids!


Lol. I think the backlash is from duelers that only hit workers. I think most, or if not most then a significant portion, of builders realize they will be hit. As long as they aren't being farmed it is usually not a problem.


Backlash from duelers who only hit workers? Are you kiddin'! I have never hit a worker unless they hit me first or after the six martini dinner. Which is rare? Perhaps you mistated yourself?
I think i understand what you are sayin'. Builders hit want to take it out on somebody but what I find is that they tend to pick on low level players. Most people in the west game do! Very little honor here. It's like fights in high school. But builders actually get offended when a monster dueler messes them up though they were the monster that attacked somebody else and then pretend to offhandedly mention in their forum that they are a builder and was attacked by "THIS MONSTER DUELER, 21 jillion levels above me!" Never mentioning that they were dueling.

And what with duelers being armed? I have never attacked an unarmed or tool wielding dueler. I kinda think if yo wear a gun you look for a fight!

And what's the point of this game? shuttin down the other town so you can get ahead! so I vote for a West world shoot a builder day!
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Well I have probably hit 6 - 8 workers ever. Usually in war situations though. Never needed a martini to do it either.

Let's have a "Duel only Workers day". I think it will be a big hit (no pun intended)


I don't have a problem with dueling workers at all.
With the +20% cash in their bank accounts, and (typically) strength based skills,
they're a proper challenge for most dueling characters.

I think the real problem is that if you're being camped (yes, this again) by someone, there's no way to profit from it.
Give a little EXP to the loser as well, that should fix it.


Workers are fair game. If they weren't, then it wouldn't be part of the game. What you're complaining about is consequence, and for that my answer is -- too bad.

There's consequence in real life, but not in most of your actions on the internet. So, when you encounter a game where players are capable of imposing consequence, the knee-jerk response is to cry foul. Well, you know what? I cry foul that there's not more consequence on the internet.

You attack a worker, deal with the consequences imposed by the inhabitants of her town. Seriously, who whines more: workers who whine about being dueled, or duelers who whine about being spanked for dueling a worker?


u want to be worker, that was your chose, no one make u do to it


This is a sarcastic thread. There are tons of threads about not hitting workers and this is just a response to that. Not meant to be taken seriously. But there is truth in the OP's comments.


Baron Dirk the answer is simple ..... shoot them as much as you want , as long as you dont mind someone thats bigger and more suited to fighting coming back and kicking your bum for it , the choice is yours;)
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I need to read more sections of the forums .. LOL.

Awhile back a dueler came to our town and decided to attack all the workers she could ... except me. She beat them all and then went on to the next town. Now I don't normally go out looking for a fight but all our soldiers and duelers were elsewhere so I walked the 20 minutes to her town and KOed her. Then sent her a nice little message letting her know she had missed one of us and to leave my workers alone. She's never came back.

As a lot of have pointed out .. there are always consequences. For ever action there is a equal reaction.

Builders complain to their town members who normally handle the situation.
Builders complain in the forums when they are being camped or farmed.

Duelers complain in the forums about builders complaining.:D


Did she attack only the weak workers who can't win, or everyone else?


Tell you what Smitten, I'll go shoot some players in the legs to maim them and you can follow up and hit em over the head with your shovel. Sound like a deal?


Duel builders day sounds like a pretty good idea. How about holding it June 31st?


Yeah, let's declare a cross server war on builders. June 31st it is. Oh wait, I have a builder :( . Meh, I don't care. Lol.

On June 31st everyone duel as many workers as you can. Workers, you go out and duel other workers as well. Last one standing wins!


Tell you what Smitten, I'll go shoot some players in the legs to maim them and you can follow up and hit em over the head with your shovel. Sound like a deal?

Sounds like a plan to me .. except I'll use my crowbar .. it hurts worse :D


Lol. We could be onto the start of something here. Builders teaming up with a dueler to go wreak havoc on towns. Let the builder get the KO in just to rub salt into the wound. Too funny.


Maybe we should team up on a world neither of us are on and see how well that would work? LOL


I am a worker, I noticed that when I carried a gun I was being duelled and to my surprise I actually won 3 of the fights. But once I started carrying a spanner the fighting stopped.

I've thought about duelling, but there are too many level ones in my area and that would not be fair. Also those that are around my level are better duellers, so I've decided to stick to building.

Good luck with your 'attack a worker day'