What would you like - a migrate poll

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 4230896
  • Start date

Where would you like to migrate to

  • The worlds we have now is fine

    Votes: 13 46.4%
  • I would like world: Houston, Idaho or Juárez

    Votes: 18 64.3%

  • Total voters


The West Team
Fort Balancing Strategist
Forum moderator
I am sure there are many players against the migration to newer worlds because 2-3 years of playing can never match 10+ years.

Please respect the migration options of the first proposal & prevent migration to newer worlds just because a handful of players requested this. By the same standard the migration should be to Colorado due to more popular demand but this isn't the case.

I can't imagine a business deciding their business plans based on the demands of 7 customers. At least have a majority be polled before making an impulsive decision to allow migration to newer worlds.


I am sure there are many players against the migration to newer worlds because 2-3 years of playing can never match 10+ years.
Sure it can. There's no reason to buy, or upgrade a union set on a dead world.
I suspect most of the W1 loyals will stop playing, rather than join the Idaho community.

Actually closing a dead and unprofitable world and consolidating the player-base slightly is an important milestone, something that has been neglected for many years, and once again, @Hr.Nyborg, let them bring their OG accounts to the one good world we have - Colorado, you cannot buy skill points on W1, so there's absolutely no excuse, valid in 2021 or not, to not have that route.
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The West Team
Fort Balancing Strategist
Forum moderator
Sure it can. There's no reason to buy, or upgrade a union set on a dead world.

And Spongebob lives in a pineapple under the sea. The grass is green and the sky is blue. All facts that don't have relevance to the debate.


All facts that don't have relevance to the debate.
There shouldn't be a debate, W1 is closing and the Community manager has no say in that. Those accounts need to move somewhere.

There shouldn't be a migration poll, the decision should be taken by management, and it should include Colorado, as W1 and Colorado/W15 are the only worlds with the privilege of not having skill points for sale, and skill points has been the, wrongly used, excuse for not allowing migration into Colorado in the past.

The biggest problem I am seeing from the W1 players, is having accounts on most of the older worlds already (due to past migrations), but migration is only open out of W1, so they'll have to delete a character to bring W1 to an older, but still dead world.

Deleted User - 4230896

I will of course give you right in the way that a world 1 player will no matter what be "over powered" in a newer world, no matter what.
BUT at the same time, i also feel that these players who actually have a 7-8-10 year old account, should be honored for playing this long, and get to choose the world of their likings.

And with this, i only imagine, that said player would be more than happy to "dress down" in order to play adventures or fortbattle, and not be totally overpowered, but join in on the fun and be "equal" with others on any of the worlds.


And with this, i only imagine, that said player would be more than happy to "dress down" in order to play adventures or fortbattle, and not be totally overpowered, but join in on the fun and be "equal" with others on any of the worlds.
How many players on W1 have upgraded Union set, or Upgraded Cortina set? Idaho players will be the ones "dressing down" for equality :-D

But seriously, COLORADO.


Well-Known Member
BUT at the same time, i also feel that these players who actually have a 7-8-10 year old account, should be honored for playing this long, and get to choose the world of their likings.
And there's nothing wrong with it, but imagine something. You have a 10 years old account on w1, and you want to still play with the game. What would you prefer, a server where you can find at least 200 ppl active with full medium/big forts, good saloon chat, chance for everything what you want, or an almost dead server where you cant even fill a small sized fort and literally noone speaks for a day long, no one trade, no one do nothing?

If you want good for players, let them go for example colorado instead of idaho.


The West Team
Fort Balancing Strategist
Forum moderator
I will of course give you right in the way that a world 1 player will no matter what be "over powered" in a newer world, no matter what.
BUT at the same time, i also feel that these players who actually have a 7-8-10 year old account, should be honored for playing this long, and get to choose the world of their likings.

I wholeheartedly agree with & respect your perspective. You seem like a genuinly honest person that cares about the players. You interact with us and look at the different perspectives players have.

With that said, the biggest honour for those long time players is to be able to join Colorado, the most active .net world. The amount of players that join Fort Battles are the highest, the market seems very active to me and frequently the saloon chat is active. That cannot be said of any other world.

I have no clue what prevents you from adding Colorado to the list though due to popular demand?


Well-Known Member
i only imagine, that said player would be more than happy to "dress down" in order to play adventures or fortbattle, and not be totally overpowered, but join in on the fun and be "equal" with others on any of the worlds
Feels like an imaginary world comment.

Please tell me that u don't really believe this?
Like who ever does that?
Kansas will not be able to migrate to.
But all other worlds will be. Since they are about 2 years old or more.
I don't think Juarez is 2 just yet.

I also don't understand the exclusion of 1 server that is the only real active world, called Colorado.
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It would be nice for once for the management of this game to stop making up some weird fantasy scenarios and excuses, and just face the reality. No one will be dressing down or adjusting themselves just so the world they migrate to stays fair or balanced. They will use their best gear and play with their best ability just like everyone else. They will also have immense exp advantage if it comes to the level cap increase.

Also, it seems very counterproductive to send players from a dead world to another dead world, Idaho being the prime example, where people can't even fill small forts anymore.

Maybe instead honor them with a world they can actually have fun and play the game instead of be idle and wait for another migration.

Deleted User - 4230896

Haha well eehhmm.. that was to eh confuse the enemy !!! :-D


Well-Known Member
I agree, Colorado should be an option. Houston and Idaho as well. Juarez is probably still too new to allow any old cantankerous toons on it. :boone:

I would like if all those still on W1 can stay together at least until the end of the event so we can all finish it. Maybe have a big party before we go. Maybe at a big fort and taunt each other in the Saloon? :'P

Psst... Still don't want W1 to close!



New Member
The only world I'm not on is Idaho so guess that's my only option other than deleting a toon from another world. Will miss small group here. I've been on W1 since 03/31/13 when I transferred from closing W10, but actually was on W1 before that so would like to keep this character.


Still a lot of Idaho bashing and 'hey, come all to Colorado, its so fantastic here' talk from the same people who are doing it for over a year now. And all because of some personal issues. Very sad really.


You seem to be missing the point, on purpose perhaps, but now the W1 players are free to choose between an active world and a lot of not so active worlds.


If saying that idaho cannot fill a small fort is bashing because of personal issues I don't know what to say. Why are medium and large forts then even in the game, we better delete them. There are around 60 active fort fighters on Idaho on good days.

Most of the worlds in this game are in dire need of a migration and that is not bashing, those are just the facts.

Tricking a few people to join these dead worlds for your own gain is even worse.