What made you smile today?


Nice Futu, soft Futu little ball of fur...No wait thats soft kitty...hold that thought I'll try and think of something else


Don't remind me.

Anyway, I smiled today at the many puns you can make grom test amswers.


It makes me smile, because when I first saw it, I was like..OMG! Who is responsible for that!?!? I actually went searching for what made it happen and was happy when I found it. Now I wonder when or if it will change back.
Anyways, I totally agree with this statement: "[6/11/2013 11:35:54 PM] Joony: Futu is awesome!"
I also look forward to more of your art work.

Not one, but 2 at least. I'm a member of the fan club :laugh:

You two are making me blush. And smile. I'll have to change the bag back soon if you're not careful :p

Or I'll have to change it to a creeped out bag if braet tries to write any more poetry :unsure:


You two are making me blush. And smile. I'll have to change the bag back soon if you're not careful :p

Or I'll have to change it to a creeped out bag if braet tries to write any more poetry :unsure:

Yea sure, change it. Change it to this one:




I wear this bag for your protection. If I removed it, all who saw what was underneath would die instantly.


my gps committed suicide today. Good excuse for a new one, and holiday present.