West 2.0 discussion

Deleted User - 1693871

It's called "migration", i.e. moving, not "resetting".

.hu w1 town rankings:


Zeta was on about west forts rankings, not ingame ones.


Ahh, yeah, if town_ids change there's nothing West Forts can do about it. Maybe it will help .net compete against the Poles and Russians starting from scratch.

Edit: Actually, they may be able to since they use id and name.
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Version 2

I am probably putting this in the wrong place but....here goes anyway.
Looking at the general trend on forums on Briscoe the new map (which has been played by a lot of players on the beta) has met with some very negative comments.
However negative these comments are...they are not only valid but constructive criticisms.
The old adage if it is not broken why fix it...seems to appear a lot.
A high number of premium users seem to be selling off and preparing to ship out.
Had the game developers considered leaving a world in the old style??? for the "die hards" who do not want to move???
I think they would find this a very popular world.
The new map will not attract new players...only marketing will do that, the map is only a platform (somewhat flawed). It looks pretty but low level jobs are crazy and whilst it may encourage players to be online longer, I think in my experience they will soon lose interest.
I can see a severe drop in revenue for inno-games looming on the horizon.
Just my comments......but I feel I am not alone.:eek:


Ahh, yeah, if town_ids change there's nothing West Forts can do about it. Maybe it will help .net compete against the Poles and Russians starting from scratch.

Edit: Actually, they may be able to since they use id and name.

.et won't be able to compete vs russian towns, they got towns on servers more new then for instance colorado having already more total points then the entire legion, its because those towns get 10-15 even 20 million Westfort points a month where on .net the record is around 6 million of black stump, but best towns on any server don't really to seem get higher then 4-5 million on regular basis.

but on westforts there is now an announcement they are checking how to import battles on tw.2, which suggests important battles at all is impossible with tw.2 atm, seeing westforts counts points by town.id on map and all those ID's will change in tw.2 i doubt town scores will be kept

Bad Billy Jack

Well-Known Member
westforts should be able to do a simple update using town names then go back to the old method. I would suggest towns do not change their names for awhile.

Of course, this assumes westforts is not in cahoots with inno & inno wants an erase.


I think the numbers you are referring to are when the mods make a world like Arizona the preferred world to join.

Ie my post Link about migration #s
AZ had 16,002
Today it has 4954

Now look at Colorado #s
Today it is 21,891
Look at my above Link from June 2012 it was 5825

So it is all the spam accounts (?) or njubs that sign up for 5 minutes and realize it isn't for them.

Colorado benefited the most out of all worlds from migration but you're still generally right, whatever world they recommend always inflates for a while and then goes back down once the recommended world changes.


Now that I've poked around a bit in beta, I'm ready to offer some constructive criticism (as well as some praise. You're welcome to read the positive bits, too)

1. Talk about 2.0 'killing the game' is silly. Experienced players were leaving ALL worlds much faster than new players were replacing them. Small fixes might have slowed that trend, but they never reversed it. Will 2.0 rejuvenate the game? Dunno, but doing nothing would have killed it.

2. Chat. Nice to have rooms separated. Also nice that each player can choose where to place the chatbox. Those who like it at the bottom of the screen can do that. Now that it is 'three dimensional' (you can see chat while fort fighting), I see no downside to this feature.

3. Job times. Jobs have always been farming operations. Nothing new with that. Different job times give players something more to consider when planning their day. That is fine, too.

4. Job danger. Let's face it, all kinds of work in the old west were dangerous. Making new guesses about how dangerous an activity adds a new level of guess-work. It makes the game more than just 'statistics.' That's fine. However, I fear that innogames will not get as many people paying premium if the risk of dying in the middle of an 8-job queue is 'too high.' And I think it is too high now. My little 370 hp guy died in just 4 lumberjack jobs. Twice. That guy's gonna think five times before paying for premium.

5. Lumpy danger / drops. Despite my concern about danger just above, I think it is great that drops and danger are 'lumpy.' If a job posts '25% drop rate' this does not and should not mean a player has a one-in-four chance of getting that product. It does (and should) mean that the player has a 100% chance of getting 250 products after doing the job 1000 times. There is a difference, and the devs got it right.

6. Item/gear drops. Devs and mods have posted that they want to keep the game interesting by having surprises. Item/gear drops are one kind of surprise. The almost universal response from players (as well as my own experience) is that these drops happen much to rarely to affect my gameplay. I don't have the sense of anticipation when I'm about to read a job report in 2.0 that I have in 1.36, where drops happen 'often enough,' for me, to be interested in seeing if I've gotten something. Losing that excitement is, for me, a big loss. It turns the game uncomfortably close to pure farming plus fort battles. If there are other elements of 'wonder,' I have not come across them yet.

7. Daily quests. I am still too small (level 18) to see the daily quests, but I understand that they have gotten more complicated. I would understand this if the goal was to make bonds 'more valuable' (harder to get), but since fort fighting bonds seem to be easier to get, I don't quite see the point. This is a personal frustration for me because I have been working patiently (aka farming) for the last four months to get that darned ostrich. I WAS on track to ride my new ostrich in the Easter Parade, 2013. Now I worry that it might be closer to next Halloween. In addition, more-difficult daily quests (which give xp) seem counter to your goal of making leveling-up more easy (more xp given for fort battles and jobs). New rules will surely shift player strategies. I don't see the point of the daily quest tweak. It seems to go against the other incentive changes that have been made.

8. Crafting. Many recipes have gotten more complicated, requiring more ingredients. For example, 'before' I would need one fools gold to make a pyrite disc, but now I need four. For players who have not started, this particular (fools gold --> pyrite) change is irrelevant, because fools gold is FIVE times easier to get in 2.0. But for current players, the change will nerf the value of their inventories. My fools gold just lost 75% of its value. (I have not checked this carefully; it MIGHT be that things average out. Some items are harder to find in 2.0. Whichever of these I happen to have in my inventory will become more valuable...).

9. Fort building. In other ways, 2.0 makes the game 'faster.' Why are the new fort building requirements so completely different? If an alliance starts gathering materials on the day 2.0 is released, it will take 12,600 HOURS for them to get everything required for a big fort. Fifty motivated players could do this if they worked 2½ hours EVERY DAY for 100 days. If an alliance started gathering the items that are easier to find in 1.36 (confed. flag, iron rods, maps, nails, oil, planers, post horns, rounds, ships bells, toolbox, union flag) when the announcement first came out, they could have saved themselves 3850 hours of work, all told. For ONE big fort. Here's a suggestion it's not too late to impliment: devs-mods have suggested that fort-owning towns will get 'something' as recognition of their fort-owning status. Make that 'something' fort-building supplies, and lots of them. There is no guarantee that these towns will be able to build their own fort if other towns beat them to it. And there is every guarantee that whomever builds a fort will, once in a while, lose it in a battle. And that's exactly the point. Get the materials 'out there' in circulation, so that there will be some forts worth attacking. Heck, make it fun and provide a chunk of barracks materials. That would give the fort owners extra incentive to go out and find materials to build their own defenses.

10. Fort Battles. I am very excited about fort battles in 2.0. The new battlefield on its own offers the chance for new and fun attack (and defense) strategies. And this battlefield--at least for the first year--will be 'dynamic.' Every time a new level of defense is built, both attack and defense strategies ought to change. Somewhat. And, frankly, I am skeptical that, as a group, the players in this game are capable of keeping up with and adjusting to the changes. Very-old timers--who were here when the current forts were built--would know. But I, for one, am looking forward to new battle dynamics.

11. Game rules. This is not a part of the 2.0 update, but one source of frustration for some players is that the rules, as written, diverge sometimes dramatically from the rules as interpreted by the moderators. This can and has led to some unfortunate outcomes. Developers or other wise people would do the game a great service by looking once again and ensuring that they say exactly what they are intended to say.

Will 2.0 Fly? I don't know. If I'm still here in January, trying quixotically to breed an ostrich, you'll know that the changes were 'good enough' to keep me interested in the game.



and a new world ?..why bother when there deleting old worlds ,oh wait i know .
world colostomy ,i got to rank 19 townless ,when fort shops came in i went vaction (that wasnt the game i signed up for ,i.e no energy refill ,fort shops give just that cept it's twice the price )
Bring in migration and coloado's just a old world now , again inno's lack of respect for players and going back on what's advertised (diggo saying at the time it would be enchanced premium which exists only in name after fort shops and crafting for that matter ,crafting only put in for ingame culture of buffs so fort shops would be accepted )
this games just become sleezy and basically made up as it goes along ,,not with a real forsight just "winging it " for quick short term gain ,point in question ,dakota

dont take my word for it though ,wasn't that long ago ,wasnt that long ago we had 120k players , throw in a quickly put toghter new duel system which can only work with random luck because of aim/dodge prefernce ,fort shops etc etc and were down to 45k ..well done management


2 questions about 2.0 on .net

2 questions about 2.0 on .net

Are the product requirements for crafting changing in 2.0? TW-db had shown lots of changes in crafting but have now changed their beta crafting pages back to match the current version of crafting. http://beta.tw-db.info/?strana=recipe&craft=1 I know TW-db isn't inno but Inno has been silent on almost issue regarding 2.0. If crafting is changing inno, tell us specifically how and where can we view a copy of the new requirements.

Also, when 2.0 comes out, is there going to be 6 hours of fast travel like there was in beta?

Deleted User - 1278415

Items that are on the market of towns that won't be moved to the new map will be added to your inventory during the migration to the new map.

Just curious will the game transfer all purchased market items to our inventory or just the ghost towns that are not migrating into our inventories?

Should we be screen shotting our town market purchases just in case we dont get that Al Swearengen's eagle belt that I just know I had purchased :hmf: but doesnt show up now after the migration :rolleyes:??
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When they will release the 2.0 version , can anyone tell when is that please ?


Next week.
Could you clarify that? After a full week or in the next seven days? Your announcement made it sound like we'd have a full cycle of quest day reqs to complete quests in our quest book. If it's by Friday I know at least one person who will never be able to finish Hope dies last because they started but didn't finish the first quest, already got their glued spade, no longer have a broken spade, and wasn't able to be online this morning.

If it IS updating in the next 7 days, broken spades should be replaced for people opening tickets since not even a full week was given since the announcement that open quests would be canceled. You said "reiterate", but Desi's post said nothing about quests, just that your queue would be cleared. I can think of no other quest where canceling it is so disastrous as the first quest of Hope dies last. Broken spades can apparently drop as random products, but I haven't found one on w6/w15 in 2000 hours of traveling merchant.


Well-Known Member
i agree with elmyr, as i am one of those affected by the silly time of that quest. feeling a sense of urgency because of the update, i woke up this dawn just to hit complete (i have the damn glued spade, and twice have missed the 15:00 server time mark by seconds or minutes), but the time it took my laptop to turn on, load all background apps and connect was enough to make it a few minutes too late.

is it my fault that i haven't completed that part even thought i've had the broken spade and the quest open for months? yeah, sure. i've had it for months. but it's certainly not my fault that the only way for me (or many others) to fill the requirements is to be up and online at like 5am of a saturday. i was able to drag myself off my bed once, to accept the quest from henry and put my last character to work on picking tobacco. it's not my fault that the hour finished 3 seconds after 15:00, because i calculated the time of the job, but not the walk, so i couldn't complete it. and now it's not really fair that i may lose the glued spade for good because i woke up a couple of minutes too late to complete, and the west may cancel the quest for me because it may update a few days before i try, once again, to wake up at a ridiculous hour for one click.

at least make the broken spade available again for those who lose it not by choice or mistake; or make it more droppable via a job for a certain time, to make up for the loss. this is not like the player was 12 hours into peace negotiations for the treasure and ooops, here comes the update and *bah, you gotta work all 24 hours again* because the quest was resetted. this is a major update, where players have zero involvement with, that would require some exceptions, accordingly.

Deleted User - 1278415

Well isnt just w16 going to be v2.0 during this coming week, and then we have another week until w1-15 get it?!? should be plenty time.


Well-Known Member
maybe, gf. but even if we do have one more weekend to try, there are still many players that for several reasons have the glued spade but have not been able to complete that part of the quest. some are and will still be on vacation mode when v2.0 comes, and will have to kiss that entire questline goodbye if they can't find a plausible way to replace that spade. this is not like "oops, i accidentally sold my spade to the trader", or "oops, i accidentally cancelled". some may not have access to internet on weekends, some may be soldiers deployed abroad and can't control when they can play while fighting a real war. they'll be punished for something they couldn't do for reasons different to "i am a slacker".


Could you clarify that? After a full week or in the next seven days? Your announcement made it sound like we'd have a full cycle of quest day reqs to complete quests in our quest book. If it's by Friday I know at least one person who will never be able to finish Hope dies last because they started but didn't finish the first quest, already got their glued spade, no longer have a broken spade, and wasn't able to be online this morning.

If it IS updating in the next 7 days, broken spades should be replaced for people opening tickets since not even a full week was given since the announcement that open quests would be canceled. You said "reiterate", but Desi's post said nothing about quests, just that your queue would be cleared. I can think of no other quest where canceling it is so disastrous as the first quest of Hope dies last. Broken spades can apparently drop as random products, but I haven't found one on w6/w15 in 2000 hours of traveling merchant.

Afaik Broken Spades don't drop from any job anymore. I sold my Broken Spade before it was used in a quest (way way way back) and I had to sent in a ticket to get a replacement. I'm pretty sure that players that lose theirs because of the update will get a replacement as well if they sent in a support ticket.