We're Wolves RP


Johann thought for a minute. "Maybe an alchemist dropped his bottle. Doesn't mean he was the killer." Johann had just realised that he had said alchemist. "Wait. Hold on a minute. There are people that still practice alchemy? I thought that went out when the Age of Enlightenment came in. Who practices alchemy anymore? And Link, you're nuts for not liking Stroh." Rolf opened one of the bottles, and drank deeply from the 80% alcohol mixture, barely flinching from the sting, and sighing as the good feelings started coming in. "Good stuff, Stroh 80. Want some, Regal?"


"Woof. Arf woof. Woof arf bark." Link said. <Lots of people still practise alchemy. It's what got us the Wolfscold Solution.
Heck, the other day I heard about this guy who made a love potion and ended up being chased halfway across town by all the women in his street!>
"Ruff ruff." <Anyway, I'll show you the bottle. It's got something interesting in it.>
Then Link bounded back into the station again and snatched up the bottle of sparkling blue liquid (that smelt of mint) he left there a minute ago.

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Regal politely declined the liquor. "Thanks for offering, but I don't drink." He was curious as to what the "interesting" thing was that was inside the bottle. He suddenly wished he had brought some of his tools in case it was something that he could identify.


Johann shrugged. "Your loss. More for me then, I guess." Johann finished the first bottle, threw it away, and started on the second one. "Right. I had forgotten about the Wolfscold solution. I never did like that name, solution. Like we're a problem." Johann shrugged, and followed Link. "So, what is in this mystery bottle of yours?"


Link brought the bottle out and showed it to the other two.
*sniff sniff* "Smells like mint." Johann said.
"Wuff." <That's what I thought too.>

(Your move. Identify the mixture or something.)


Johann sniffed the bottle. "Hmm... Smells like mint." He looks at the bottle, and its contents, thinking for a moment. "Well, here goes nothing." Johann shrugs, and sips some of the liquid from the bottle. "Tastes like spearmint extract. Must be that. Nothing but a bottle of spearmint extract. Some woman must have dropped it." He hands the bottle back to Link. "Sorry, no alchemist here. Told you they died out years ago, after they made the cure."


"Woof?" <But what do you do with spearmint extract?>
"Cooking, mainly."
"Woof?" <So why would there be a fancy bottle of it in the park?>
"...Um. I'm not sure."
"Woof?" <It's not the sort of thing you feed to ducks, is it?>
"No, no it isn't..."

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Regal started pacing, a sure sign he was thinking hard. "What if the mint is to be used for something?"
"Like what?" Johann asked.
"I don't know...I work with antiques, not mixtures...Link, you heard anything? With your job you probably pick up a ton of odd info. Maybe a brew...I suppose maybe an alchemist is using it...I feel that maybe it could be a catalyst..." he trailed off, uncertain.


Johann looks at both of them. "I think it's just a fancy bottle of spearmint some rich wife dropped on her way home. It's nothing to worry about. Besides, the alchemists are gone with the wind, now that they've helped control our bad sides to werwolfism."

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Regal frowned. Inwardly he wasn't so sure all alchemists were gone, but he wasn't sure. Outwardly, he said, "So our searching ended in futility...does this mean the killer is crafty, or that we just can't search worth a dang?" he gave a slight smile.


"Ruff." <We probably can't search worth a dang.>
"Yeah, that's probably it."
"Link, why are you growling?"
"Vrr. Woof?" <That's not me, that's my stomach. Want to go get lunch?>
"Sounds like a plan to me."


"Sure. I can use some lunch. Gotta get my energy before the big day, when we change into our wolf forms. I know a great German place on 25th Street. My friend and I get great ingredients there too, great times, great times..." Johann spaced out for a minute, coming back with a giant shake. "Well then, that's my nomination. Any other ideas?"


Name*: Ze Kilié
Age: 21, Lypocrinathy: 16 years
Gender*: Male
Characteristics*: French, Arragont
Equipment: Alchahol, Dagger, Paintbrush, previous enemy hearts (They're actual hearts, *shudder)
Appearance: Dark Hair
Personality: Narcisistic
Profession*: Govermont Artist!
Acquaintances: Every Warewolf!
NPC behaviour*: Plotting, evil
Species*: Warewolf
Pet Name: Zegaut
Wolf Attire*: Cloak, Tux (Formal Warewolf!)
Wolf Appearance: Black
Wolf NPC Behaviour*: Co-operative
Moon Sensitivity: ASAP
Human Appearance: Dark hair, mustache
Human Attire*: Ragged clothes, Barrété (The hat, not gun!)
Willpower: Wolf till have to go to welfare center and is one when get back
Note: My character has memory of his warewolf actions and means to do them, he has control, yet still is evil

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"Hey wait up! Zat, zounds zlike, youz arez goingz toz lunchz (He's got a french Accent!)" Kilié asked to the gang if he could join in just as.......
(Looses accent in warewolf)
"AWOOOOOOOHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" In a flash Killié transformed into Zéagut,
"Right then, settled, lunch, I don't care what you say!" Zéagut paused, "Killer? Murder? I think I'll tag with you guys, we can't be caught easily in a group."


(Hang on a second, G.
Firstly, your character sounds more like a barghest than a werewolf,
and secondly, aren't you way too evil? Most everyone in this is a good guy, even (especially) the werewolves/barghests.
Can you play someone who's considerably less evil, savage, monstrous and bloodthirsty, please?)