Warning about multiplayers...


so you are a cheater too, you just didnt want everyone to know you got banned hardcore:cool:

actually I wasn't a cheater, and if you knew the reason why i was totally banned from all worlds once you would say ? ! ? ! in fact several players did wonder why.

I was banned for a mail I sent out to my tribe regarding some shady dealings and such i found out about, but the Admins in their infinite wisdom saw fit to allow me to play again.


Exactly. My brother is lodging with me at the moment and he plays The West. Should we be banned for having the same IP address?

Luckily, he is moving out when his house goes through in a couple of weeks, so it won't be a problem for much longer.
You and ur brother can use the same account. That's no problem.


Like in Tribal Wars, if you trade between two accounts on the same ip adress like it says in the market, you can get banned. If they had trading I think they would say that. ^^