W12 town and player awards

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One Armed Ninja

Well-Known Member
Jesus christ...

what is wrong with you guys?


rank 1: GoldenArrow
it really can't get any more simple than that.

as for generals that are/were leading in this world, these are obviously SyntaxError and One Armed Ninja. this is not a matter of opinion, they are waaaaay better than anyone else that you thought is best. Unless you never heard of these two, this topic is closed.

Eh, give me some credit on the normal fortfighting bit
I was rank one on two different worlds there for quite a while

I'm just not able to maximise my fortfighting as much, as I always lead by example, which iwth my side ends up with me getting killed earlier than I'd like :p


True, and when you don't lead, you block the north area and die early, seen it.
That's where the westfort site can't tell you who is a really good fort fighter. It's just a damage inflicted ranking.
Jox, you just WANT to be as good as OAN. Sometimes he fools around and dies early, yes. I'm sorry we can't all be God, like you are.


Excuse me? Please try to talk about yourself sometimes, I'm kinda getting sick of forum stalkers that "know" more about me than I do.
I don't want to be (as good as) OAN. Even the most stupid person that started to play yesterday can see that I'm not playing the class he does. At least I thought that.


I'm sorry that I don't talk about myself enough, I'm sorry I am not as narcissistic as you are ;)


zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. L8dy, quit hanging on arrows top spot in the forts stats. Just because he's on your side, a good player, and a top spot in westforts (which I might point out 13 out of top 15 are on our side) doesn't change the outcomes of the battles. Every time I come in here your leaping to create an illusion that your "top notch" in 12. "The smartest man never says he's the smartest man".

OAN, still got respect for ya bud. RL is a pain on stats.

For that guy that posted about dueling in this thread. Check World 10 or 11, they may care about dueling there.


zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. L8dy, quit hanging on arrows top spot in the forts stats. Just because he's on your side, a good player, and a top spot in westforts (which I might point out 13 out of top 15 are on our side) doesn't change the outcomes of the battles. Every time I come in here your leaping to create an illusion that your "top notch" in 12. "The smartest man never says he's the smartest man".

OAN, still got respect for ya bud. RL is a pain on stats.

For that guy that posted about dueling in this thread. Check World 10 or 11, they may care about dueling there.
Is this about the fact that you didn't manage to take 1 single fort yesterday? Awww, don't be mad about that, I'm sure you will take one someday! You know what, we might just give you guys one, how about that? :)


zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. L8dy, quit hanging on arrows top spot in the forts stats.
Fortstats site is crap.
It shows only who made the most damage since the server started. Who cares about that?
Some players started to go to fort fights yesterday and are making 3-4K damage already. And according to westforts' ranking those players suck.


Fortstats site is crap.
It shows only who made the most damage since the server started. Who cares about that?
Some players started to go to fort fights yesterday and are making 3-4K damage already. And according to westforts' ranking those players suck.


L8dy is Golden Arrow. :cool:


Either you were sleeping or something else happened when she told that to everyone the other day. :)


The most boring battle performed by the greatest alliance ever... Guys, if you attack then attack, don't just stand there, kill something.

For those who weren't in the battle, it looked about like this from round 10 till round 55:

I guess we should give an award for the most boring fort fighting alliance.


attackers did all to survive.
I can say something about defenders - 48 vs 82 from round 16 and at the end 44 vs 72.

Common, we usually kill such attackers, if they suck big time.



I agree--very boring for sure. However, you had a 2-1 advantage and were too scared to finish us off. So what does that suggest? I was standing toe-to-toe with a few (maybe you--can't remember) and each time they ran back to safety. So, yes--it was boring, but both sides are guilty of that!;)


by the way--that picture was the very last round--which you suspiciously left out on your picture. Before that, only a few brave souls east were willing to engage our big, bad 40 some attackers. I couldn't believe we lived through it. I guarantee you one thing, if the numbers were on our side, we would have finished you off bro! Not trying to be a jerk here, but I can't honestly believe you are calling us out when you lacked the ca-hones to finish.



yep, that's old news :)
also, I said GA was the best fort fighter before he quit..

I was sleeping when l8dy admitted to taking over another person's account. Apparently, so were the people who make the rules in this game. If I knew I could let someone else take over my account, jkbattle would still be kicking ass in world 11. I'm a l8dy fan---always have been, but I don't think you should be able to quit one character and take over someone else's character. It just stinks to me. However, it is clear that some people are not held to the same standards as others in this game. I've seen it happen all too often. In the end, it is what it is I guess. No matter how you look at it, whoever is playing GA's character is a great player. I tried to compliment L8dy for it, but he/she made it a point to suggest that GA is the best and he/she is no longer active--hmmmm.


GA left the game 2 days ago. He is the best player that I know of, not just on this world, but every world that I have seen him in.

But don't worry, I will be leaving as well.. as soon as the new premiums on w11 & 12 come out.
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