Feedback Update 2.214

I don't totally understand the "rework old sets" process. The sets are outdated, and if you make them on par with current sets, what's the point of us spending money on the current sets? If they aren't as good as new sets, then why bother? Aren't there more important things to work on than updating old sets from outdated to slightly less outdated?

How about working on some of the features the scripts have so players have a better gaming experience without the threat of bans? Players would appreciate that more than they do updating sets from 2013.


Well-Known Member
Will Traditional Bavarian become available again to those who missed out the first time around? Same with Valentine? Can those sets be made sellable/tradable?

White Wolf

Personally I like this change and I hope they will rebalance all old sets, even if they are not as good as newer sets. Right now from what I understand, everyone simply sells their old sets to the trader, making their existence pointless.