U.S army


Sitting there listening to the attack plans cole get bored, so he get up and walks away as the cammander yells at him to come back but cole just kept on walking into the woods. He comes out of the woods on the other side to end up running into an enemy convoy. He pulls out his S.C.A.R-H and blast away at the convey as he takes cover from a fallen tree.


While Danny was firing into the masses of fanatics and militants, his hatred for them grew. Everybody knew that you don't attack an active hospital. Danny was probably the only person in here that was able to fight. He then heard a .30-06 round go off, and Danny looked at where it was coming from. Somehow, Sergenat Alexandria had gotten hold of an M1903 Springfield, and was sniping away at the oncoming enemy. He admired her for her ability to fight, even though she was severely injured. "Sergeant Alexandria, will you be ok? You are still injured, and the doctor said that you stil will be inclined to fainting in intense situations."


Then a gernade came out of know where and hit the wall and bounces back. "GRENADE MOVE!!" she called out to him. She got up but then fell making ther grenade go off when she got up. she fell back and hit the wall everything blurry and on fire she blinked still blurry. then she got up and stumbled around the room


Danny saw a cylindrical object fly through the window. Whoever threw that either had a great arm, or was already inside the hospital. Either way, they were about to get blasted by a grenade. Sergeant Alexandria got up, and fell, and Danny was diving to shield the grenade blast when it went off. He saw nothing but bright white, and heard nothing but a ringing noise. About 15 seconds later, he could see and hear again. "Don't worry. It was a flashbang. But the next one might be more deadly. Come on." He led Sergeant Alexandria to a room one story up, that was located in the center of the hospital. Danny didn't see anybody, and guessed that everybody had escaped somehow, or was dead. "I think we're the only ones alive in here. I'll go find a radio. Will you be alright here?" Danny asked the Sergeant.


"I think i will my arms pretty banged up now"she said as she whislted to Rosco to come "i think we should pretend to be dead and wait for someone to come up here and ambush them how about that or we make a baracade or something like that. If we dont do something now we will be dead soon" She said to him a little worried

(join A new town)


(Too far in for me)

Danny stopped, and considered the idea. "Well, I think that might work." He got some supplies from the room, and made a makeshift barricade against the door. He then looked around for their weapons, and remembered that they had left them at the other room. "I left our weapons in the other room. All I have is my Beretta, a couple of frags, and my combat knife. You don't have any weapons, since they took them away when you got admitted here. Take the Beretta." Danny charged the pistol, and handed it to Sergeant Alexandria, along with his 5 spare magazines. "I'll stand by the door, with my knife, and strike anybody that makes it through."


(no its not you could be a bandit or something like me please.)

She took the knife then looked at the magazines "playboy?wow really nice my friend"she said chuckling then squeezing her arm "Here i will go around and sniff anything out like peopel or booy traps with Rosco and i will go get some weapons are you sure you wanna stay here" She said concurned


Danny was confused by the Sergeant's comments. He didn't remember making any comment about leaving, or anything to do with any playboys or anything. He attributed this to the blood loss she must have experienced. "I never said for any of us to leave. We're going to stay here, and defend this place, unless if you think one of us should find a radio, to let somebody know we're still alive in here, before they decide to shock and awe our opposition." The shocking and aweing Danny was referring to was of course the heavy bombing tactic popluar at the beginning of Operation Desert Storm.


"I never said anyone should leave and plus look at the magenzines there play boy"she said to him. At this point everything was queit and almost slow motion untill a big "THUNG"followed by another. Then the door finally pushed in and screamiong and yelling entered the slient room


Good camouflage, I thought. I took out my COM and switched the frequency to HQ’s.
“This is captain James,” I said.” is there any patrols scheduled for the eastern section
of camp?,” I asked in a questioning tone. ”None that are scheduled,” a voice cackled.
“Thank you,” I added before switching frequencies. I tuned it to my private squads channel.” I need to speak with sergeant Charlie.” This is he,” said a gruff voice. Tell the squad to circle around to the eastern section and make a semicircle around it. Be silent and contact me when you’re in position.” I said in a hushed tone.” Make sure you bring corporal Henry with you.” I then set the COM down beside me, as if nothing had happened. A few minutes passed by until a soft beep alerted me to the squad’s readiness. I picked up the COM.” Charlie?” I spoke in hushed tone.” Yes sir, were in position,” the voice said just as softly.” Does Henry have a read on the hostile?” I asked.” yes sir.””Ok, get your gun aimed, Henry. Sergeant, tell the men to fire non-lethally. Fire on my mark, Henry.” Now!” A soft whistle alerted me that Henry had fired his blowgun. The hostile then proceeded to jump up, run one meter and plunge into the ground. I was astounded for one second, then started firing orders off on the COM.” Sergeant, tell the men to comb the woods. How the hell did you miss, Henry!” I switched frequencies too fast to hear his answer. I tuned to the company’s channel and told the rest of the company to start to comb the woods. I then jumped up and stopped private Jared.” Private, get me some infrared scans over there” pointing to the spot where the hostile disappeared.” yes sir.” Sir, he appears to be moving towards the plains.” I spoke into the COM, changing frequencies.” Hank, bring the apache and the jeep.” I got up slinging my gun over my shoulder. We tracked the hostile to the plains and then took another infrared scan.
Jared spoke after the scan was done,” Sir, there appears to be a small skirmish going on, about a score and a half or Iraqi’s and a squad of some of ours, holed up in a hospital.” I spoke directly towards the men.”Ok, Charlie, take half of the men on the ground, Ill take the other half in the apache.” Sergeant Charlie took his half and started off.” The rest of you, come with me” I shouted over the whir of the helicopter blades. I got in the apache with the rest of the men. ”OK, Men! Do you have the ammo!” “yes sir!” they chorused.
“Do you have the guns!” Yes sir!””Do you have the guts!” I shouted the loudest.” Yes sir!” Then lets kick some Iraqi butt!” The apache was fast and soon we were in sight of the hospital.” Hank, take us down behind the hospitable.””Ok men, were going in. fire at will.” I kicked open the door to see 5 Iraqi’s calmly playing a game of cards. They looked up surprised. We shot 2 of them but the other ones ran up the stairs.” quickly after them!” The Iraqi’s started cursing in their native tongue. Just then they broke down the door on the second floor and rushed into the room. We shot them before they could get anywhere though. The scene that greeted me at the door was not what I expected.
There were two soldiers in there, one of them covered in bandages and blood. The other just finished stabbing the 1st Iraqi’s. “Get down!” I yelled, which they obediently followed.
An RPG hit half of my men, blood flying everywhere. Charlie radioed me on the COM,” sir, all the Iraqi’s are dead.” Good job, Charlie.” I turned towards the other two soldiers, who were staring at me.” It seems you owe me one for saving your butt!”
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Danny just got into position behind the door, when it burst open. With a vicious yell, Danny plunged his knife into the skull of the Afghan militant, and was about to slash the throat of the second one open, when a man knocked him down, and sent the knife spiraling in a different direction than him. Danny landed on Sergeant Alexandria, and was about to get up, when an RPG blast knocked him further down. After the shock subsided, Danny got up, and looked at the so called savior. "What do you mean, saving us? If it weren't for you, those men wouldn't be dead over there." Danny motioned to the remains of the Americans who died in the blast. "We had them taken care of, and you messed up your own squad. Army. You guys are too trigger happy, not even worried about your own men."


When Danny fell on me i went down in a THUMP but then she smiled and said "Do you mind getting off me or do you enjoy it to much"she said joking around. She helped her self up by grabbing hold of a pole and pulling herself up then turned to the man in charge of the unit "What the hell is that about you just killed your own men i think you need to get dismissed or be gone"she said daringly

(go on the new town rp)


Cole, now shot in the foot, limps to a pile of rubble and sits. Just then he notices a bunch of enemy troops all huddled around each other, so Cole took out his rifle and aimed carefully at the highest ranked officer. Just then another group of troops is coming his way. "I need to hurry up." He said, so he took the shot and started limping away only to run into more troops and be captured.


I was thoroughly offended."you realize that i could have not told my men to search and rescue, not came and here and saved you!I Could've just blown the whole darn place up with you in it!! that would have saved all my men from dying! You think i wanted them to die! you think i ordered that darn Afghan to fire that RPG! do you!!!!!!!!!!!! DO YOU!!!!!!!!"
i finshed my tirade with a look at their insignias. He was a captain, like me.She was a sergeant, unlike me."And you didn't even say thank you!!"Groan's started marring the air."medic get in here!"The medic worked fast and smart.Pretty soon all of my men were covered in bandages."well good job, medic.you saved almost all of my men."no problem sir" cam the response.I turned to the two soldiers."im sorry for my earlier tirade, it wasn't my intention to be rude.I hope you can forgive me.Say medic, come over here and take a look at sergeant", i paused, looking at her tag,"alexandria."" you need some help."


Danny bore the assault of the Army captain, and was about to respond when the medic announced that most of the men would make it. Still, that meant a few had died, and unfortunately, that was still this captain's fault. But Danny decided to drop it for now, since the other captain had asked for forgiveness for the tirade. "I forgive you. And thank you for not deciding to blow up the building. I think we should go finish the battle and move the injured out of here. Then get an engineering corps to get the hospital running again."


I got back up and walked over to them Rosco by my side and said "Cant we just get out of here now before it really blows" Then she walked out the front doors and jumped up on the humvee.


(I'l just quikly post and then catch up so i can carry on)

Wiping the dirt off of his face Ivan also jumped onto the back and said "Hey has anyone got a ciggy?"


Danny sighed in frustration, shrugged and smiled at the Army captain, and followed Sergeant Alexandria outside. He lost her for a minute, and then saw her climbing into an HMMWV. He ran to catch up with the vehicle, and jumped onto the roof, right before it took off. He climbed into the HMMWV through the turret hatch, and sat down behind Sergeant Alexandria. "You know Sergeant Alexandria, you should rest. You could get hurt even more in your condition." Just then he noticed that his shoulder was starting to hurt. He looked down, and realised that he had been shot earlier. "Also, I will need a medic for a minor flesh wound. Looks like a 'poison dart' has hit me."


Cole sitting in the back of a humvee wathces as a soldier climbs though a HMMWV turrent hatch as they start to drive away. He thinks quick he grabs a concealed knife and cuts the restraint holding his hands together. He then uses the knife to stab the soldier next to him then opens the door and jumps out.


Ivan draws his colt and fires several bullets at the escaping man...He lands quite a few hits, But that isn't his speciality, He reloads and dropps the rest of the clip into the dust screen behind him...As he dose so he stands and in his weakness falls over limp and falls through the turret hatch with blood pouring out of his chest...It drips down through the turret hole.