Town vs Town... Destroying buildings


I'd consider that to be a little more fair if others could lose their weapons in a fight. I am mainly a builder in my town, but I probably face as much danger as anyone else there (more than some). I do other jobs for money toward buildings and quests, I do quests and I've been challanged to 4 duels. Why should I have to pay more for my losses than anyone else does?

It's not only you who pays for the town, it's also the other town members. But I understand that you're worried about it. Still I think that the game would be a lot more interesting if you could not only build towns but also destroy them. I don't say it has to be easy, and I don't say we should be able to destroy an entire building at once, but we should be able to destroy percentages or something. Maybe there should be a class that can defend against attacks on towns, or a building that does so?


1. this game isn't supposed to be like TW
2. if you want people to be able to destroy buildings in other peoples town the cost for a building would have to be lower. i mean when your just starting a town (like i am) it takes for freaking ever to build even one building. in TW it's extremely easy to build a building you just sit there and wait for your resources to build up and then build it. in this game you have to lvl your person up in a certain way to be able to make enough money doing the right job and slowly build up the money(which gets less and less every time you do the same job) and then you can build 5 or 6 construction points
3. I'm pretty sure the game isn't finished because new jobs pop up every now and then. so i'd wait until they finish everything they're working on and then see if the game needs to have the destroy other peoples towns feature

1. Although it isn't supposed to be like TW, it can learn from TW, a game that is around a lot longer.
2. Later on there will be more town members = more money. And I am not saying we should be able to destroy entire buildings. I propose to be able to destroy percentages.
3. The game isn't finished, your right, but that's why it's so important to discuss proposals like this one - when the mod's think it's a good idea, and players agree upon it - they can build it into the game.


1. Although it isn't supposed to be like TW, it can learn from TW, a game that is around a lot longer.
2. Later on there will be more town members = more money. And I am not saying we should be able to destroy entire buildings. I propose to be able to destroy percentages.
3. The game isn't finished, your right, but that's why it's so important to discuss proposals like this one - when the mod's think it's a good idea, and players agree upon it - they can build it into the game.

1. same developers so if they wanted it to be like TW it would already be like TW so i don't think they're going to take much from it.
2. yes but it still costs a lot of time and money, also the higher the building lvl is the more it costs and the longer it takes so even though you might have more people and money it'll still take a long time
3. yep but i was actually just pointing out that there's no real reason for a 5 page discussion of something that wouldn't even be implemented for a month or so because they're working on other stuff


From the Help pages under planned changes.

" There will be shootings between cities. At the same time all players fight both cities in a battle together."

I had to use a translator to get that, but apparently they are trying to get something along the lines of this thread.


Would be nice :D - but it sounds more then mass-dueling than destroying buildings, we'll see I guess.


From the Help pages under planned changes.

" There will be shootings between cities. At the same time all players fight both cities in a battle together."

I had to use a translator to get that, but apparently they are trying to get something along the lines of this thread.

This indeed sound more like mass dueling, but its heading in the good direction :D


Lliw4 said:
From the Help pages under planned changes.

" There will be shootings between cities. At the same time all players fight both cities in a battle together."

I had to use a translator to get that, but apparently they are trying to get something along the lines of this thread.
i think they are talking about the shootouts. there are still items that are locked like shotguns and bows. you can check under the Items pages. they are for the shootouts and town vs town fights.