The Red Star - RPG


and as she was looking out the window the nearby woods darkened by the night had turned bright. she heard two gunshots and rushed to see what it was


James rushed and back to his house and grabbed Angel. "Come back inside. It's dark out," James said. He walked back into the house and went up to his room to get some rest.....


"uhm..i think so. .but what was it?" angel said...

then she took a blanket to cover te windows and then rushed to kitchen. . .
"i'll grab something for us^^" she said...


"Pfew...My throath is so dry...Anything to drink?" He watched angel walking into the kitchen.


James walked down in his black pants and his regular shirt. He said,"Yeah theres some coffee around here."


"here you go you two^^" angel said as she walk back to where te two are..."as usual. . .coffee for both of you and mango juice for me" she said then seat on te couch. . .


"Ah good ol' coffee...but it's missing something..." He took his flask and poured a little bit of it in his coffee. Looking at James he passes his flask to him.


"so where have you two been...?" angel asked with worry in te face...


"Ive been here. I started my own town up. Now the real question is, your dead. Its been four years since we broke out Westwood. How are you still....alive?" James said. He sipped his coffee and stared at her.


"its a rumor...i too thought i was dead by te time i lost conciousness. . .its alexandria.She let me drink a potion while you were sleeping. . .its something to make me feel numb..and weak...she cut open mah back to remove a stubborn bullet near mah spine and i didnt know it was te same potion tat heal mah wound faster while i was dang cold . . .i was only sleeping...and yeah hallucinating..*sigh* weird..but i saw her talking to you..i think i was dreaming tat time :D" she told them..."i think i'll go to my room..." she said then put down her glass and run upstairs...


"I wasnt sleeping.....I thought you all beleived I was dead too. That blank looked so perfect," James said to himself.


Then angel stopped from te third step after hearing what te hunter said...she looked back .. ."well te hunter. . .i believe you will still live at tat time^^. . .i just know you will..." she said then heard her kitten calling so she rushed upstair to feed it. . .


*they hear a thump by the door. and westwoods opens it and sees a man laying there on the ground.lifts head*"hellllp.....mee"*head slams back down into ground*


James walked down into the basement. He looked at the faulty gun on the wall. His trusty revolver he used during the Civil War, the liberation of Westwoods, and the gun that fired the two blank rounds that faked his suicide. "So so perfect...." he said to himself.


(is this after that RPG when you threw me inot the sea and you faked shot your self)


(nice, nice)
*angel comes and tells you theres an injured man by the door*
(for once, i'm not gunna be the bade guy in this RPG,since I am in all)


(Oh good I dont have to kill you. And you can't make Angel do that. Your extent is her seeing things. You cant make her move an inch except if you drag her. And your knocked out.)