The Final Stand of Kauria

  • Thread starter DeletedUser37114
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“No Mother, Cut off…the wound was far too neat to have been the result of ripping” Drael had casually corrected before realising that the distinction was perhaps not relevant to the Drinden Matriarch as opposed to the man’s death.

It was after this that they turned their attentions to decidedly less grim topics of conversation such as the rules and aim of the current event “but…what is the point of being able to throw it a long way if you can’t hit anything?” Drael responded clearly confused by Srilm’s explanation. Surely these events were the testing of military arts, after all the javelin was a weapon…a peasant’s weapon admittedly but a weapon all the same, so why train to use them in such an inefficient manner? “You see this is why there are so many events we are no longer allowed to compete in!” Drael said in an exasperated voice that caused him to receive a frown from Draenor. Thankfully however this outburst was quickly covered over by the Matriarch telling him that she had received a message from Vulx saying that nothing had been sighted at the mountain that could remove a man’s arm in such a way with the Matriarch then stating that she hoped that the dead Stillblood had been wrong about such a threat being present “you have a company of Dramoran warriors up there…if such a creature is present it will be dead soon enough” Drael responded with a casual shrug. His pride in his men and Dramoran sword craft verging on arrogance as was the habit of his people and especially the ruling classes who held the military’s of other nations and races in open contempt, often referring to them as mere militias “What my brother means to say, is that with the aid of his men and the other emergency workers currently working on the mountain that the crisis will soon be over” Draenor, ever the diplomat quietly intervened before any offence could be taken causing Drael to grimace slightly at his unintentional faux-pas “Yes…of course…so…erm…what other plans do you have for today Mother?”


The day wasn't quite as hot as the one before, which wasn't quite to Kat's taste, but she'd bear it. The streets were still just as choked, though, even so far from the stadium. Taking the opportunity to relax a little, Kat let her form shift back into the between one that all Kitsune felt most comfortable with. She yawned, sitting back and scanning the crowds, scratching idly at an ear. Either Jokir would come back after he finished with his meeting or he'd leave. It didn't really matter to her which way he went, she'd be able to entertain herself regardless. The voice that suddenly disturbed her watching from only inches wasn't part of the enjoyment, though. Kat didn't waste time jumping to her feet, instead simply lashing out with a flurry of blows in the direction of the person who'd gotten so close, surprise was her only chance to... she blinked and pulled back as she realized it was Jokir, falling back into a more neutral pose. "Don't sneak up on me, like that," she growled, heart racing and breathing quick. She wasn't going to apologize or explain, he was an ancient fuddy-duddy who could figure it out on his own. Besides, she didn't set him on fire. That was merciful enough in her books.


The Kitsune paused for a moment, considering the girl's offer, then a mischievous smirk broke out on her face. "If you're not supposed to be working today, then two orders of food and some company would be wonderful." She stared at the serving girl intently, nodding at the table to make sure that she didn't miss her meaning. The food here was quite good, from what she'd eaten so far and the girl would be lovely company to pass the time. Though she regretted the motion immediately as her ear gave another pang. "And a bandage, if you could," she added with a wince. Sudden head motions were apparently a no-go, got it. Though having to replace that bandage while eating might not be the best combination, she'd probably just save that until after the food was gone.


Jokir laughed as the Kitsune floundered in surprise for about half a second before she began wildly lashing out with her fists, not managing to land a single blow despite being well within range as the Shade gracefully dodged, or rather glided, between her fists as they struck thin air. Jokir continued laughing to himself as Kat finally noticed that her supposed assailant was not quite the assailing type, at least not towards her. As she stopped punching at him Jokir attempted to compose himself, barely suppressing an impish grin, however, as she angrily muttered at him he lost it again and broken down into small fits of laughter. The laughter itself was almost lyrical, as opposed to the short gutteral sound that a Dramoran might make when laughing, Shade laughter was flowing and musical and each laugh had its own rhythm to it. Jokir's laugh carried across the wind, not malicious laughter but fun filled, infectious laughter. In between bursts, he apologised to the Kitsune. "That was not very... sporting of me. I do apologise, however, you should have seen the look of surprise on your face!" After about five or ten seconds the Shade managed to regain his composure and a serene smile came across his face as the Kitsune continued to be grumpy with him. He continued to smile contently, the midday sun exposing his lips if not the rest of his face as they curled upwards. "How about a proposition? The situation of which we received the vision yesterday is being resolved far quicker than was originally expected, the scale of the damage not as bad. Therefore my services are not required. As such I find myself with little to do with my days at present other than travel. It has been a very long while since I had a companion from another race with me so... how would you like to do a swap? I'll teach you some things about the Shades, about how to spot us and how our abilities work, and in return you can tell me more of the Kitsune and your magic. Your race has always intrigued me, however, for obvious reasons, there were not many to be found in Dramor and those that were generally weren't very welcoming of strangers." Jokir spoke softly, his voice flowing across the words as if they were notes on a page. Although Kat wouldn't have noticed it until now, something about the Shade seemed different, as if he were more relaxed. She likely hadn't noticed, however, since he'd seen the vision a part of him had been tense, his mind concerned with a vision important enough to inform his entire race. With news now that the situation was under control, however, his body, always reflective of his inner emotions, had relaxed its muscles just slightly and thus the impression that Jokir seemed looser as a person. As they spoke, a shadow flitted around in the wind behind Katarina, Jokir idly toying as he awaited a response.

Deleted User - 819397

Feronia blinked in surprise as the Kitsune asked her to join her for lunch. She had offered to talk, though, so there was nothing for it…and if she was being honest, she was curious what brought such an unusual traveller to the inn. "Sure, I'd be happy to," the Stillblood nodded, smiling politely. "If you'll excuse me for a moment then…" she made her way over to the kitchens and explained the situation to Dawn (though left out the whole bleeding ear bit, somehow she got the feeling the Kitsune wouldn't appreciate the co-owner fussing over her) before leaving to grab the fresh bandage as requested. Adin intercepted her in the supply room, prompting Feronia to scowl. "Look, I know you don't want me working today, but-" she began, only to be cut off by her employer. "I know, you'll do what you want no matter what I say, but that's not why I'm here. I saw you talking to the customer out there…it's nice to see the real you come out occasionally…you know, the reason I know I can trust you waiting tables when I need you to even though you don't like that job…it'd be nice to see you in a good mood more often…being angry so much isn't good for someone your age." The girl seemed to wrestle with something for a moment, then sighed, muscles unclenching. "I know you only mean well, but…you aren't my dad…you're my boss and my landlord, and while I think you're a nice person it's a little weird getting life advice from you when we haven't even known each other that long. So…I'm going to assist the customer in the way they requested, ok?" Without waiting for a reply, she grabbed the requested bandage and left the storage room, leaving Adin with a somewhat morose expression on his face.

The food was ready for Feronia when she got back to the dining area of the inn, more stew. The girl had to chuckle…she knew how much Dawn hated making stew when there were more elegant options, but they got so busy during the Games they couldn't afford to produce anything more intricate…it was still good, wholesome fare, but the head chef just couldn't get into it as much. The bowls made their way to the injured Kitsune, and the rolled bandage was passed to her along with her food. The Stillblood eased herself into the chair opposite her dining partner, rubbing her metal leg a little as the weight shifted off it. Realizing that the Kitsune had no idea that one of her limbs hadn't always been a part of her she flushed slightly and quickly got out, "sorry, I get sore standing for too long." She tried to think of a change in topic, and seized upon the most obvious one that wouldn't get her in trouble. "So, uh…you mentioned you were waiting for someone? What do they look like? If they have a room or come here enough I'd be able to say if they'd been by here or flag them down for you when I do see them. I'm Feronia by the way, it's good to meet you." She only really added the last bit for politeness' sake…she was still technically representing the inn right now, so no harm in promoting a polite and friendly staff. "Also…if you don't mind my asking, what happened to your ear?" She figured that this was another safe question…after all, it was a natural thought to have when presented with someone who was bleeding bad enough to need a fresh bandage…plus she was legitimately curious what someone could've done to have lost an ear.



The Drinden Matriarch laughed as Drael questioned what the point was to throwing a spear if you weren't intending to hit someone. "Not everything must be about war…the goal is to show that you understand how the weapon works…what angle, what strength, what stance will cause it to get the most distance? How can one work their body in conjunction with the wood and stone to obtain the best results?" Metal of course was not present so as to accommodate the Drinden's physical intolerance of such things. "It is comparable to an art form, really…the thrower and javelin in a brief dance, but all the more beautiful for its brevity. Anyone can throw a spear, but only the best can make it soar so far with so little effort." The older woman's face was serene as she spoke of the event in such different terms than her Dramoran companion had, gazing down at the event happily so as to watch her interpretation in motion.

The conversation turned back to Vulx, with Drael confidently claiming that any threat could be handled by the Dramoran retinue he'd dispatched. Draenor smoothly covered for his almost boasting assertion, prompting an eyebrow raise from Srilm. "I see now why the two of you travel together…you complement each other quite nicely. Don't lose that ability as you age…too many bonds are broken by time, too many…in any case, should something happen at Vulx I'm confident our combined efforts will put an end to it in short order." The young Dramoran tried to recover by asking what her plans for the remainder of the day were. "Well, I did promise not to bore you with nature, so I cannot speak of some of my plans, but I was hoping to get around the city a little…I don't make it to Torpolis often anymore, or at least without some pressing purpose…being head of my people makes it hard to take vacations, after all…it's been a while since I've simply looked around. I'm getting on in years, after all…the next time the games come around, I might not be able-bodied enough to take in the sights, so I fully intend to do so while I can. And what of the two of you? You had your fair share of excitement last night it sounds like…are you hoping to relax this evening? You'd be welcome to join me if so…it does a body good to spend some time with those of a different age than you…I feel more spry around young folk, and it gives me a chance to impart some of what I believe to be important on the next generation. Of course, you shouldn't feel any obligation to accompany me, you won't hurt my feelings." The matriarch smiled pleasantly, her countenance backing up her claim…she was inviting them both to be polite and she felt it would be good for her, but would hold no ill will should they refuse.



A young man with bright blue hair and eyes marking him as a Stillblood greeted Uwe as he walked through the door of a somewhat quaint coffee shop, a couple of patrons quietly enjoying their drink and snack. "Good mo…afternoon sir!" he greeted the human cheerfully, if not entirely confidently. "We do have coffee, yes…um…if you want to have a seat, you're able to pick wherever you'd like…to sit, I mean. I'll bring your coffee over right away…cream and sugar?" After the new customer gave his request, the Stillblood nodded, then added, "I…I'm not the owner here, sir, but I think she takes safety seriously…I mean, you don't want your customers not feeling safe, right?" The slightly overenthusiastic boy was making a fool of himself, but the poor lad didn't seem to see it. "Um…she's out to lunch herself right now, but I can point her in your direction if you'd like when she gets back. Shouldn't be more than a few minutes now sir! I'll, uh…go get your coffee then, one moment." The Stillblood scurried off before returning after a moment with the requested beverage. It seemed that what he lacked in conversational skills he made up for in drink making, as it was exactly as Uwe had asked for. "Um, if you need me I'll be right, you know…over there…and I'll send my boss over when she gets back…ok?" Another pair of customers, a young Nuseni couple, walked in, and the nervous youth scurried over to greet them in his own, unique way, leaving Uwe alone for the moment.



A fit, fairly young woman slumped against a wall in an alley, trying to get her head to stop spinning, the pounding worse than she'd ever felt before. She was a mess, and she knew it…numerous bloody cuts all over her body…she was going to have a new facial scar or two once this healed. Her left arm hung uselessly, deep gashes pouring scarlet abnormally slowly, marking her as a Stillblood. Both her legs felt like they were on fire, her pants and traveling shirt speckled with crimson, though to be fair not all of that was hers. Oh, and her pinky finger on her right hand was gone as well. She cursed internally, barely able to resist doing so aloud…drawing attention to herself in this state couldn't end well. Had she looked in a mirror, she'd see eyes an unnaturally light shade of gray, no doubt from the blood loss, and hair so filthy with a mix of dust and blood it was impossible to make out its original color. She felt like crying…not in pain, but out of frustration. But no…that wasn't going to do anything…she needed to get help, or there'd be nothing she could do. Groaning softly as she pushed off the wall, she tried to move off only to stumble on an atypically cut stone, collapsing with a yelp. It took a moment to recover enough to try again, standing almost impossible between her useless arm and wounded legs. Once vertical, she carefully stepped over the lip of the unnaturally smooth bowl she was in and began slowly limping off down the narrow passageway…if she remembered right, there was a healer's tent not too far from here…every step was torture, but she had to endure…she couldn't die…not here, not now. The sun was almost vertical in the sky…most people would be at lunch now…or, judging from the banners around, at the Games. She'd have less of a chance to run into people…all the better.
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The Shade laughed at her. Actually laughed. And her irritation towards him apparently made it even worse, as he just laughed harder. She seriously considered just leaving right then and there, the Shade and his charred business could go douse themselves in oil and light themselves on fire, for all she cared. But no, the games didn't appeal to her at the moment and the proposal Jokir was making was certainly one she wouldn't turn down. Couldn't turn down. Shades were already a rarity and the opportunity to learn more about one was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Though seeing as Shade culture seemed to be tied to some insane notion of honor and duty, she guessed it would probably be a shorten-her-lifetime one. Wasn't like she had much to lose, though, better a quick burn than an unsatisfying smolder. "Fine," she said. "But don't think we're tied together by this or something. And don't expect this to get you any extra privileges with me." She'd had a couple proposals of that nature, back when she was too new to the streets to know how to avoid them. Getting them again from someone who was obviously more experienced than her at combat would be more than a little unsettling.

As the serving girl left to grab some food, the Kitsune put her head down in her hands with a sigh. "What are you doing?" she muttered. "What would she think?" She rose and straightened her clothing absently, though there wasn't much she could do about the bandage, then sat back down to wait. Turned out, she didn't have long and a bowl of steaming stew and a rolled bandage were in front of her before she was really prepared. Hiding her nervousness was easy: she just started on the bowl of soup in front of her. Noisily and enthusiastically. If she hadn't been looking for it, she almost wouldn't have known what the girl was apologizing for. But then she started asking some tough questions and the Kitsune put her bowl down to answer. "She doesn't have a room here, she's not a regular. Grey hair, about your height... You'll know her when you see her, she's not the most inconspicuous person." The last remark was delivered with a gleam in her eye, as if there was some joke she knew Stillblood wouldn't get. "As for my ear..."

She began to undo the bandage, though it didn't take long before the thing simply fell apart. The Kitsune wasn't quite sure how it had stayed on in the first place, probably just stuck in place with the dried blood. The sight probably wouldn't put the girl in front of her off her food, plus a clean bandage now would be quite nice. The injury itself was rather simple, though messy: the ear was sheared off cleanly, close to the skull, leaving a short stump that was just down to oozing blood over leaking everywhere. The Kitsune frowned before asking, "It's a bloody mess, isn't it? Should've asked for some water to clean this up with." Though that in itself was a problem. As experienced as she was with dealing with injuries she couldn't see, it never really got any easier... An idea wiggled into her head, a wonderful, awful idea that was far too good to pass up. "You're doing just fine with this," she noted, her tone casual. "Would you mind helping me a little more? I could use a bowl of water and a wet cloth to clean up, but I can't really see what I'm doing. Could you help out with that?" She was probably pushing a little too hard, asking a complete stranger to help wash blood out of her hair, but the alternative was pouring a bucket over her head. Which would probably start the bleeding again.


(OOC: Cleared with Autumn)

Jokir smiled graciously as Katarina accepted his proposal, his composure now fully recovered and, though the sense of fun and enjoyment remained, the open mirth that had been there a few seconds ago had reverted to a more carefree stance. As Kat delivered her warning, Jokir nodded his head, agreeing with her statement. “I would never dream of it. I am merely one of late cycle who, in the spirit of wanderlust, wishes to know more of those around his cycle. That is why I am here in the first place. I have often considered our race too closed in its approach… too formal. We cannot enact the purpose of our cycle if others will not entrust us with theirs. Therefore, I wish to spread knowledge and build relationships between our cycle and the cycle of others… on a more personal level. A… grassroots relationship as humans refer to it I believe.” Realising that he was beginning to ramble, Jokir paused for a second, as if thinking through various options as to how to teach Katarina before settling on an idea. “I have a thought on how to teach you to observe our kind when we are one with the shadow but you must follow me and you must remain very silent at all times. I will take you to a ground of commune and there you may observe.” Waiting for her assent, Jokir then sprinted off across the rooftops.

They crossed the city for about half an hour before they reached the edge of the rooftops, where the city met the trees that dominated the surface of Kauria. Jokir paused for a second, allowing the Kitsune to catch up with him and catch her breathe before, smiling from the pleasure of running freely across the city, he took off into the trees. Leading her through the treetops the Shade flowed like the wind, at times he was difficult for the Kitstune to follow but not impossible, though with the speed that they were going it meant that Katarina would most certainly not be able to give directions to anyone else or even lead them to where she and Jokir currently were. After about five or ten minutes of running through the trees from branch to branch, Jokir began to climb further upwards whilst simultaneously slowing down as he flitted from tree to tree. He had remained entirely silent the entire time and as they neared the top of the heights of the great trees of Kauria he slowed down further, eventually slowing down to a walk in the dense leaves of the forest surrounding the city. Now they were surrounded almost entirely by leaves and were camouflaged in the dense treeline, visible only to each other. Jokir held up his hand for Katarina to wait for a minute and he shimmered into nothingness before a slight ruffle in the leaves informed Katarina that he had stepped through the leaves in front of him.

About ten seconds passed before the leaves rustled again and Jokir shimmered back into view. He spoke quietly, not quite at the level of a whisper but quiet enough that you would have to be within a metre or two to hear what he was saying. “The grove is welcoming strangers for now, you may enter. Watch your feet.” Jokir stepped through the leaves and held out a hand for Katarina to follow him. As she stepped through she realised why he had done so as the branch suddenly ended. There lay, in the middle of the forest, a large hole in the trees. Though there was foliage across the top of the forest, ensuring that the entire area was kept in a dim shade even during the daylight, it was as if a small cylinder had been carved out of the forest. Katarina and Jokir were standing about ten metres above a large wooden platform and, had she inspected any of the trunks of the trees around the edge of the cylinder, she would discover a set of runes carved into the trunks which presumably was the magic that ensured that the area kept its shape.

On the platform between the trees at the bottom of the cylinder there were five Shades. Two were sparring with one another using branches as practice swords. Another Shade was beginning to learn to replicate items through shadow. He sat with an arrow in front of him and the shade concentrated as the shadows flickered around him and slowly began to take shape before the clack of the swords distracted him and the shadows dispersed before he started trying again. What Jokir brought Katarina’s attention to, however, was the final pair of shades, one male and one female. Both were seated upon the floor in a traditional pose of meditation and the shadows began to flow from the trees towards the male shade. The female shade watched as the male shade became encompassed by the shadow and vanished into it and, with some help from Jokir, Katarina saw the slight shimmer and was able to follow the signs of the disguised Shade as he walked around the female who sat, motionless, tracking his movements. As he reached in front of her she struck out and her punch landed squarely in the male’s open hand. He faded back into existence, the pair seemingly pleased at both of their progress before the exercise was repeated, this time with the roles swapped. It appeared the male was not as skilled as the female at spotting as he punched early and so the exercise was repeated. Whilst she watched, Jokir talked to Katarina, explaining. “This is a grove of our people. It is sustained by our magic and is for those of new cycle. All those people below have been in their cycle for less than six months and they are learning skills for survival in this world.” Jokir explained that the purpose of this was that, what with Shades being born with knowledge of the world, they were not born with physical experience and that Shades had to experience quite a condensed childhood. Though Jokir didn’t talk about it, his mind wandered to his own “childhood” in Dramor and how he had been forced to grow up quicker than even most Shades, though the term grow up was rather deficient in Shade culture, especially considering that Shades would not grow naturally after their formation.

By the time he had finished explaining things and answering Katarina’s questions it had been about twenty minutes and the Shades who Katarina had been watching were beginning to do other things, such as practice climbing. With their practice ending Jokir motioned for Katarina to exit again and he followed her. “This is a sacred place to our cycle. I would ask you to keep its existence, as well as the skills that you have learned here, to yourself and any descendants that you might have. If you desire, we shall head back to the city now, though you will likely have to follow me again.” Jokir paused and looked at Katarina and smiled, apparently having enjoyed showing her the grove, as he awaited her response.

Deleted User - 819397

Apparently the Kitsune, who hadn't given her name after Feronia had given hers and asked for it, was waiting for a friend with gray hair and about her height. The Stillblood didn't think that was a great description…after all, she was average height, and people could have gray hair for all sorts of reasons…they could be a Stillblood like her with some power focus that had a gray symbolism associated with it, like her metal working. They could have gone prematurely gray, could've dyed it…and they could be older and have had their hair go gray. Apparently she'd know her when she saw her, something about her being fairly noticeable. She then turned to the topic of her ear, removing the bandage. It looked like an eerily clean cut, the ear just…not there anymore. The bleeding had slowed, but hadn't yet stopped. Being somewhat used to blood and having seen someone bleeding far more profusely just last night, this wasn't as gross as it could've been for the girl. The Kitsune requested water, then asked if she would mind helping her as she couldn't see the wound. "Uh…yeah, I can help, I guess," came the uncertain reply. Feronia hadn't done something like this before, but how hard could it be?

A quick trip into the kitchens for a bowl of clean, cold water and a cloth later and the Stillblood limped up next to the Kitsune. "I haven't treated wounds before this, so I apologize if I hurt you. I'll be as gentle as possible." She wet the cloth and began cleaning the blood off the missing appendage, only applying the barest amount of pressure to remove the crimson. She was a bit rougher on the surrounding hair, reasoning it wasn't what was sore and it would be harder to get it out of there. After a few moments it was as clean as she could make it, especially since the bleeding hadn't completely stopped. "It looks like it's almost done bleeding, so as long as you don't do anything to reopen it you might only need to change this a couple more times," Feronia informed her unusual dining partner as she began to put the new bandage on her, doing her best to do it the same way the old one had been done, though she was working mostly from memory and didn't know if she'd done it right. "What happened, by the way? I've never…" she trailed off, realizing that it wasn't true…she had seen a cut this clean just last night…"Um…never seen a cut like this before," she finished lamely, a little worried now. Did this have something to do with the thing that would end Stillblood civilization according to the dead man last night? Trying to recover, the girl hastily continued, "also, I don't think I caught your name earlier?" The Kitsune hadn't supplied it, but this was a better way to ask in her opinion…was politer, and now that she had a conversation topic beyond surface level discussion she wanted to keep the conversation going. She rinsed her hands with what was left of the water, then handed the bowl, cloth and old bandage inside it to another server walking by before sitting back down and returning to her stew, waiting for answers.



No…it had to be here…it was here…the wounded Stillblood stared in horror at the empty patch of street. The healers tent wasn't there. It didn't look like it had ever been there. This was bad…she'd been bleeding with no sign of stopping, and while Stillbloods could do so longer than most other races due to their slowed pulses, she'd lost so much…she needed attention soon or she was going to die. Maybe…maybe she'd taken a wrong turn? Yes, that had to be it…the city was big, many streets looked the same, in her exhausted, pain-filled, low blood supply state she could have easily mistaken a turn. She turned around and began shuffling off back the way she'd came. Her useless arm felt like it was carrying a bag of bricks as the gashes continued to ooze crimson. She could barely walk her legs were hurting so bad, and her head…her brain felt like it was trying earnestly to leave her skull. She couldn't die…couldn't die…please, whatever gods there were, she couldn't die…she'd come so far…to die now, after the others had…it would be the highest insult to her and them for her to perish. She…had…to…live...


Uwe was greeted by a young Stillblood, who revealed his inexperience almost immediately, stuttering out a greeting devoid of any certainly as to what time of the day it really was. It was probably the case that this lad had probably not been working this, or any job for very long at all; he probably got this one by either knowing or being related to the owner of the coffee shop. In time, Uwe was certain that this boy would become a fine shop owner, but right now, he seemed to be making somewhat of a fool of himself, and by all appearances, was completely oblivious to the fact. "No sugar, no cream, please," Uwe said, placing himself in the indicated chair. "I've beeneen drinking it straight for so long, I probably can't drink it with sweeteners." Giving the coffee shop a cursory once over while waiting for the drink revealed that this place was small, but very well kept. Its owner seemed to take after that region known as (Italian for peninsular), which lowered the likelihood of this Stillblood being closely related to the owner. There seemed to be a good variety of snack foods and small pastries for offer, judging by what the other patrons were eating, indicating a healthy relationship with the local baker. Or perhaps they had someone in house to make the food, despite the difficulties involved with getting licensed to manufacture both drinks and light portioned foods. After a minute or two of waiting, which was a very reasonable time to wait for a prepared beverage, the waiter returned with the coffee, placing the cup in front of Uwe and promising to be available, should he be needed for anything. Uwe nodded, and the lad went to help the next customers, a Nuseni couple. The coffee was alright, being a species of the filtered variety, where hot water was poured through course ground coffee contained in a semi porous material, and into an appropriate vessel. The water would capture the essence of the coffee as it flowed through, leaving the exhausted grounds behind to be discarded with the waste. It didn't taste bad, Uwe actually enjoyed this type of coffee, though it could never be as good as real, boiled coffee. After the waiter had finished serving the Nuseni, Uwe called him over. "If you have a minute, I'd like to have a talk with you," he said, flashing a smile. "I'd like to help, you see. I may be naught but a humble traveling merchant, but our two fields share some similarities. Primarily how we present ourselves to our customers. I think you've got something; you're too nervous to let it out. At least that's my guess. If you don't mind, I'd like to teach you a few ways to get that confidence up. In my experience, that can only provide benefits, both in and out of your profession." Of course, Uwe wasn't planning on giving advice for free. He wouldn't think of getting monetary compensation directly from the lad; that would defeat the purpose of advice. But be was hoping to gain favor and standing in the mind of the boy, making him more likely to side with him when Uwe was proposing business with the owner. Sometimes a few words from the front line workers was the difference between the success and failure of a business deal.


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Tekki was greeted by a Nyf following her cheerful greeting. The male, for that was what he was, responded to her politely before informing her that breakfast was indeed still being served. She followed the male in curious silence further into the depths of the restaurant, casually observing her surroundings as she did so. It caught her attention almost immediately that the parlour was rather emptier than she had originally expected. The emptiness was perhaps a consequence of the Games being on, though it would certainly be good to ascertain whether this was the true reason... As she sat down, she listened eagerly to the Nyf's description of their speciality product - frozen fruit beverages. The description given of the menu on offer was clear and detailed, and apparently allowed her much freedom in the choice of drink for the morning. Setting her staff to rest in an accessible position against the table's edge, Tekki made herself comfortable whilst simultaneously considering what she would like to have for breakfast. After a pause, she spoke. "I wasn't aware of your speciality product in fact, being a newcomer to this city and its seeming many wonders! However, your elegant description has certainly perked my interest towards the brim!" Tekki took a moment further to deliberate on which fruits to pick, and also the integrity of her choice of spoken expression. Perhaps towards the brim might not have been the most aptly worded way to communicate her delight... She would need to consider better ways to communicate that emotion in future for sure. Still, this certainly would not persuade her to drop her joyful demeanour. "It is certainly difficult to choose, however I believe that passionfruit, lemon and blackberry would be an interesting, yet punchy mixture to meet with my taste buds!" A broad smile stretching across her face, she added, "That is, of course, unless you would recommend against that particular mixture from your own experience." Tekki would then wait for the waiter's reply, before making further comment.


The siblings didn't exactly blush in response to Srilm's comment about them complementing one another, and if they had their anthracite skin tone would have completely hidden the involuntary response anyway. However for the briefest of the moments their eyes both turned the exact same shade of pale pink before returning once again to their usual swirl of colour "he's only with me because father told him to" Draenor mumbled clearly embarrassed over the fact that somebody had noticed how close they were, with Drael quick to interrupt her before she had chance to continue speaking "Draenor that is a lie and you know it, I would have willingly accompanied you regardless of whether Father had told me to or not" he kindly said to her as he gave her hand a gentle squeeze making it clear that he truly meant what he had said.
Despite the close relationship he shared with his baby sister, Drael was very eager to move the topic away from themselves; listening intently as Srilm began speaking of her plans for the rest of the day before then inviting them to join her "but of course, we would delighted to join you, though I will need to track down my Stillblood friend and give her an update concerning Vulx" Drael had promised Feronia that he would look into the matter and so honour dictated that he must tell her of what he had learned even if it meant waking her up to do so "so Mother, when and where would you like us to meet?"


(OoC: Sorry this took so long to get out, for whatever reason, haven't been feeling up to writing this post...)

Jokir's explanation for his interest was... actually pretty enlightening. Explained why he'd taken an interest in her, at least. Though if he was planning on changing the world though making connections with random people, he had more screws loose than she'd thought. Building a relationship, a trust, was slow and took a lot more than two people if it was intended to be between two races. Still, she wasn't going to let cynicism get in the way of this opportunity, wasn't like she had anything better to do. As soon as she nodded, Jokir took off, sprinting across the rooftops as if being chased by the entire squadron of guards in the city, leaving Kat to scramble after him. They ran for a while, ignoring the wide gates in favor of scaling the walls and trees bordering the city. A silly way to get out, they weren't far from a gate, but Kat was supposed to stay "very silent." Snarking would have to come later.

The Shade set a quick pace from there through the forest, mostly sticking to the branches rather than the ground or a road like a normal, sane person. It took every bit of Kat's training and experience running through the city to keep up, though the trees made for much nicer scenery than twisting wooden walls. They began to go up, ascending into the tops, where few people dared to go at all, let alone run through. Fortunately, they slowed to a walk as the leaves thickened around them, venturing into the canopy. The branches were still more than thick enough to bear her weight, but this was about as high as Kat was comfortable going. She was nimble, she could take a fall well and do all sorts of tricks, but flying was beyond her. Jokir held up a hand to stop and Kat found a good, solid perch as her disappeared again, though the leaves gave away where he went. She was a little winded after the long run, but not to the point where she really needed a rest. Being prepared for whatever Jokir wanted to show her was important, though, so rest she did. Not that she got very long, because Jokir came right back, saying that the grove was welcoming strangers, whatever that meant. When she followed him in, she expected a small space, somewhere to hide away from the world or leave something valuable. What she got was something else entirely. The branches and leaves fell away into a wide open space, a solid wooden platform providing footing for what appeared to be several Shades. Runes dotted the trunks of the trees all around, proudly declaring the magic that shaped this place.

Well, she knew now why she'd never seen a Shade practicing or training. They all stuck to places like these. Though how they knew where they were, she had no idea. More magic, probably. The next length of time was spent pleasantly enough, with Jokir helping to point out how to see the Shades as they appeared and disappeared. Apparently this was a place for young Shades to learn the skills they needed in order to survive. Not an encouraging thought, not having any parents at all, or anyone to rely on... Kat tamped down those thoughts before they could become memories. Too much pain there. As the Shades they had been watching moved on to other things, Jokir motioned her to exit and followed her out of the clearing. That had been a unique experience, one that she'd enjoyed. She almost felt like she could trust the Shade a little more now. Though of course, the man himself ruined it by telling her to keep it to herself. "Let's get going," Kat muttered with a sigh, letting Jokir lead the way back, slower this time. She knew she had to reciprocate somehow, but there wasn't anything she could do quite like that. He wouldn't need anything she could teach him on martial arts, the way he moved. "I assume nobody's ever told you the story of how the Kitsune came to be, right?" The question was mostly rhetorical. This was a private tale. A myth, really. Sacred. Her parents would have thrown a fit if they heard her telling it to an outsider, though she'd heard it herself a hundred times.

"A long, long time ago, when the moon and sun were still new in the sky, a woman lived in the forest, among the thick redwood trees. She lived alone, feeling different from those she'd grown up with and known. Nobody brought her food, nobody gave her water, and nobody provided her shelter, except herself. One day, while gathering branches for her fire, she came across an old fox, sick and dying. At first, she ignored the fox. Death is a part of this world, after all, and comes to all things that live. But this fox wasn't normal. 'Help,' he called out. 'Please, help me.' Again, the woman ignored the fox, thinking she had finally gone crazy, like she'd been told all her life. But the fox limped after her wherever she went, calling out to her. Finally, she carried him back to her home atop her branches, setting him down just inside the door. She gave him food and water and he slept in her home that night. The next day, the fox looked better, younger, though still well past his prime. For nine nights, the two lived together, until the fox looked like a fit male in his prime, coat glossy and shining. 'Thank you,' he told her. 'For the food and water and shelter. I should not burden you further, but I owe you for what help you have already given me. I am only a fox, but I will do my best to grant one wish.' The woman thought about that for a moment, then said, 'I have food and water and shelter, what else could I need? Go out and live your life.' The fox was baffled by this, but went away regardless. The next day, there was a knock on the door of the woman's house. When she opened the door, there was a young man there, hair as red as autumn leaves. He asked to spend the night, saying that he was a traveler, weary and looking for a place to stay. He stayed many nights after that, having realized what the woman never had: though she had what she needed to live, she was lonely. He provided her companionship, love, and thus were the Kitsune born."

Kat took a moment to catch her breath, they'd made it back to the outskirts of the city as she finished her tale. She'd never really liked the story herself and had probably made a mess of telling it, but that was that. "If you have any questions, ask," she said after a moment, taking the lead back to her hideout. If he didn't have anything, she was happy to spend the journey in comfortable silence, otherwise, she'd answer as best she could. When they arrived at the building whose roof housed Kat's space, though, something made Kat stop at the edge of a roof. A person was passed out in the street below, bleeding. Their wounds looked pretty serious, judging from the amount of blood smeared along the street and wall where they'd collapsed. It would be so easy to just leave them there to bleed out, but with the guard cracking due to the Games, she didn't want to spend an afternoon being interrogated. "Keep a lookout for me," she told Jokir as she descended to street level, a drainpipe and what seemed to be someone's compost bin providing an easy path down. "Hey, you okay?" she asked, shaking the prone form. Hopefully she wouldn't have to carry the person anywhere, but this person wouldn't be dying outside her home, whether she had to carry her to a healer's tent or to a guard station.

The Kitsune smiled as the serving girl went out to do her bidding. It was so nice, being able to order someone around, even if she had to be polite about it. On second thought, especially if she got to be polite about it. And Feronia helping out of her own free will... That part made her a little uncomfortable, to be honest. "Don't worry if you hurt me a little, I understand," she replied to the Stillblood's warning. "Not like this is the first time I've been injured." She shut up at that point, letting the girl know more might get pretty dangerous. Not to mention personal. The cleaning itself was actually quite nice, Feronia staying more gentle than she would have thought, though her comment about how it wasn't done bleeding yet was worrying. She'd never heard from anyone who'd gotten hurt the same way she had, maybe the wound had more going on than she'd thought. Or maybe it was just that it was a head wound, those always bled like crazy. Feronia kept talking, though, probably trying to keep up conversation, though she stumbled as she lied about never having seen a cut like that before. She ignored the second request for her name as her serving girl left, came back, and sat down, starting on her stew. "You can call me Kitten," she said, going with a whim. The nickname was a fairly common one for a Kitsune, if a little insulting for most of her people. Not that she minded. "If you've seen a cut like this... Stillblood, right? Little taller than you, dark hair, windows matching the curtains? Overly devoted to duty, bit of a stammer?" She leaned forward, smirking. "You're not a very good liar, girl, so tell me the truth." Her voice quieted, only a step above a whisper. "Where is he and how much did he tell you?"

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The Kitsune finally gave a name, though Kitten was definitely not her real name. Feronia was fairly certain that specific nickname was considered somewhat offensive in most situations, but what the hell, if she was specifically requesting to be called it, it had to be ok in this case. The Stillblood barely had time to acknowledge the name when Kitten moved on, asking very specific questions about where she might have seen a cut like this before. Raising an eyebrow, she tried to protest. "I said I hadn't seen…" she began, only to get cut off by the rather blunt statement that she wasn't a good liar. The girl flushed a little in embarrassment…she'd blown her case. She'd've been tempted to brush it off if not for the simple fact that Kitten's description of the Stillblood who'd died in this very room last night was spot on. She knew the man…maybe this was a chance to get some answers…even if it did mean recounting that awful moment.

Kitten had lowered her voice and leaned in, meaning this wasn't something she wanted to be public knowledge. It made sense, and it would be bad for the inn's business to go prattling on loudly about a death there, even if the cause hadn't come from the inn. Feronia leaned forward a bit as well so as to make it easier to communicate quietly, then sighed. "Alright, you got me…I don't know how to say this, but…he's dead. Died last night, here…his arm…" the girl shuddered as her mind provided the images she hadn't asked for. "It was cut off cleanly, just like your ear. He'd been bleeding for a while…he barely made it in before collapsing…made me come close…said something about something coming, and it being the end of the Stillbloods…and something about Mt. Vulx being the cause, or the sign it was coming having to do with Vulx. He…he wasn't very coherent…" The young Stillblood closed her eyes for a moment, repressing the memories as best she could. She didn't want to have to think about the way he'd been desperate to impart his message, as though it really mattered, all the while bleeding onto the floor, and onto her, and…she shuddered again, more violently. "I mean…yeah, Vulx exploded yesterday, but I heard they were combating the fires well enough…certainly nothing to end an entire race." Feronia looked Kitten in the eye, worry and hope clashing in her steel gray orbs. "If you have the same type of wound, and knew him…he was crazy, right? The blood loss had gotten to him, and he connected whatever went after him to an unrelated event, right? Nothing normal could cut that cleanly…what caused the wound?" The Stillblood realized her voice was starting to raise as she got worked up and quickly quieted back down. "Please…he…told me I had to save our race…but he didn't know what he was saying, right? You're not a Stillblood, so if you have the same kind of wound, whatever happened to both of you means it can't be targeted at us…so we're ok, right?" She sighed and backed into her seat to calm down, eyes closed. When she felt recovered enough, she looked back at her Kitsune dining partner guiltily. "Sorry…I know I'm asking too much…after all, I'm telling you you lost a friend…but…I…he died more or less in my arms…and…I'd really, really like to be reassured that nothing's wrong like he said it was…so…please…how did you both get those wounds?" She hated feeling like this…weak, powerless…it was no different from back when she'd been with her people…she'd come here to get away from all that, only to fall back in…though with any luck Kitten would be able to put it all to rest, once and for all…or at least, that was Feronia's fervent hope.



Srilm couldn't help but smile as the siblings argued over why exactly they were there together, with Draenor being the shy one again. Oh, to be young again. However, even Drael was quick to move on to the topic of joining the Drinden Matriarch on her expedition around ton, which they agreed to rather readily. The Dramoran did mention needing to tell his Stillblood friend what they'd learned about Vulx and it not relating to anything else that they knew of. "Of course, I wouldn't want you to break a promise, and I do have some other business to attend to while you track down your friend, so that'd be fine. As for a meeting point, would I be bothering you too much if I asked you to come to my residence in the Ambassador Court? As far as when…I'll let you know when I'm able to meet you and you can come then at your leisure…is this acceptable to you?" After receiving her answer, Srilm turned back to the stadium, where they'd moved on to another event. "Tell me, Drael, Draenor…what do you see when you look at the competitors swinging and releasing the ball and chain? What would you say the point is?"



The Stillblood youth came over quickly as Uwe beckoned to him. He was a little taken aback by the proposition the human made him, as after all, he'd never met the man before. "Sir, you're too kind. I, um…this is just a summer job for me, sir. My folks wanted me to learn how to…oh, what was it again? Something about interacting with other races, and…getting to see how things worked outside our camp?" He shrugged. "I don't know what I'm going to be able to do to be of use in the main group. We don't really own anything like this. But…all the same, I think if I could show I learned something, maybe it'd help convince my folks I didn't blow off the job like they seem to think I always do…" His face twisted into a scowl for a moment, then shook his head clear. "So, uh, if you have any tips, I…ah, one second." Another customer had come in, forcing the conversation to a quick end. The Stillblood handled them in the same manner as he had the others, then returned to Uwe's table. "Sorry about that…so, uh…if, yeah, if you have any pointers…I'd be willing to listen…" His tone wasn't overly enthused, but it wasn't as though he was asking just to be polite to the customer either…there was some investment there.



The Nyf remained largely impassive as Tekki waxed poetically about the place and the menu idea, not revealing much about his thoughts on the matter. He broke his pleasant smile and nodded thoughtfully as she eventually got around to her order, considering the tastes and if they would taste good together. Eventually, he shrugged. "I can't see anything inherently wrong with that combination, though I can't say it's one I've tried myself. I'll get that right out for you, ma'am." He departed for a moment, giving Tekki some time alone with her thoughts. The wait wasn't long though, and he returned with a cup of an unusually smooth, round, ice colored a pleasant purple. He placed it in front of the Nuseni with a spoon. "Here you are, I hope you find it to your liking. Is there anything else I can get for you?"

(Note: I'm imagining like a sherbet here, but it wouldn't be a common thing in Kauria)



The Stillblood cracked her eyes open as a voice called her and a hand shook her. Her vision was blurred and she couldn't make out the figure above her. "Please…" she croaked weakly. "I need help…" With a pure effort of will, she focused her vision to see..."Y-you…" But no…of course not…the blood loss was causing her to see things. "I…I need help…" she said again, not sure if she'd imagined doing so the first time. "Please…I don't want to die…I…ah…ahhhhhhhhhhhghhhhh." Her pleas for help were cut off by an agonizing groan as the Stillblood arched back as though some unseen force were controlling her. Her moans of pain were exhausted, but consistent…and the blood flowing from her wounds was slowing little by little. It wasn't clear what was happening to her, but it was something good. She'd lost a lot of blood, that was easily gathered by the crimson splatters around her and trailing off down the alley. Between her slight convulsions, she managed, "If…you…can bandage me…and keep me…safe I should…be…aghh…." She'd somehow survived long enough for the last line of Stillblood defenses to kick in…she'd be weak for a while…horribly weak…so much blood lost…but…if her Kitsune savior was willing to help…she should at least live to tell the tale.
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The young man's words possibly revealed some insight into the real situation of the youth. He was sent to the city from his tribe's campsite to gain some world experience and obtain a better understanding of the other races. This revealed that the youth might not actually be that shy, just unused to new situations. Still, it would be helpful for the young man to have a higher level of confidence upon encountering new situations; it would help accel him into whatever position he wished to enter later on in life. "Yes, of course I have..." Uwe was unable to say anything else, for the youth was required to attend to another customer. Uwe drank his coffee as he waited, smiling warmly when the Stillblood returned. "Welcome back," said Uwe, as he finished the coffee. "There are a couple things that might help you out with your people skills. I would talk to myself in the mirror every morning. I know, that sees a little bit crazy. I would imagine the person in the mirror was another person, the one I was supposed to make a contract with. I would judge myself based on how well I thought I did, and improve myself based on that. When I felt that I was ready, I would practice in front of somebody. They would give me their advice and I would act on that. When I first started traveling, it was still difficult to get my people skills up to par. But I managed to get better, and before too long, I was able to afford a horse and cart." While that information was fairly good, there should be some expansion to the instructions. "When talking with other people, avoid um and uh. If you need a second to come up with a response, take a few seconds. If you can't come up with the proper response right away, depending on the person, either say you don't know, or say something very vague. You'll know which one to say if you nd out about the people you meet. For your job, always say something like 'I can't recall right now. Let me ask my boss and return with an answer.' If they can't accept that, they probably didn't want a real answer anyway. When you first greet a person, say whatever you were going to say. If it's afternoon and you start to say morning, go with it. Happens to me sometimes. Usually they'll say morning back, but occasionally they'll say that it's afternoon. I just say that it's morning somewhere and keep going. If you need me to repeat anything, just say so. You'll be filled with confidence in no time, as long as you keep working on it. You've got some real skill with making coffee; you might be able to open up your own place in a few years, if you keep at it."


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The Nyf was quick to respond to Tekki's question, and confirmed her original thought by stating that he could see nothing wrong with the combination of fruits. "Fantastic!" Tekki exclaimed quietly to herself as the man departed to prepare her choice of iced fruit. Her experience of the quirks and intrigues of Torpolis had thus far proven to be very fulfilling. This little parlour was certainly no exception. Tekki glanced around to once again take in her surroundings. The location was good, the size of the establishment was just about on point. Polite and quick service was a strong point. This might be a business that Uwe would be interested in making contact with. Perhaps she could point him to it if she encountered him later on...

She had not had long to consider this train of thought when the Nyf returned. Tekki looked up as he approached, and replaced the thoughtful look set on her face with a smile. Her iced fruit was placed before her on the table, and she looked at it curiously. Interestingly, the combination of the fruits which she had chosen formed a purple colour. This was for certain a more exotic choice than she had originally thought. Realising that she was being perhaps just a bit rude by taking such an interest in her choice prior to thanking the waiter, she looked up once again, before speaking in a pleasant tone. "It looks very exotic, thank you!" Tekki paused to consider for a moment, then posed the question that she intended to put to good use that day. "I don't have anything else I want specifically, though I do have a quick question for you." She raised one of her eyebrows in a curious fashion, before speaking again. "I have been hearing the strangest rumours connected to the earthquake that stuck this wonderful city yesterday - I presume you were present for it?" Another expectant pause, then, "Well, I have heard tell that perhaps this earthquake wasn't as simple as all that, but was in fact caused by the explosion of Mount Vulx. Additionally, the mountain's explosion might not have been natural..." The smile which she had previously worn on her face was gone by this point, and had been replaced by an almost-mischievous look, though it could also be interpreted as extreme inquisitiveness... "I wondered if perhaps you had heard these rumours yourself, or if you had any further knowledge you might be able to impart?" Whilst she waited for a response, if indeed one was forthcoming, Tekki took a spoonful of her iced fruit, savouring the mixture of flavours that stimulated her taste buds. She had chosen a good combination, that was for certain.


"But of course, I see no problems with that arrangement, Draenor?" Drael replied before turning to ask his sister’s opinion "no that seems fine by me" the younger girl replied with a smile after a moment to think it over before turning her attention back to the event currently taking place below.
Upon hearing the Matriarch's question the siblings hesitate, unsure as to whether she was genuinely curious as to the event taking place below or was merely indulging in a little social experiment; wanting to see how a pair of Dramoran’s would interpret what was going on. It was Drael who eventually decided to take the plunge; cautiously answering the question like schoolboy unsure as to whether he had the correct answer "its another weapon Mother...a crude one, but a weapon none the less...I suspect the aim is to see how far you can throw it since there are no targets present" he surmised, quietly wondering how many of these events actually had military applications or whether it was just him seeing connections that weren’t there. Truth be told, it wasn't an event he was overly familiar with as it was one more associated with Nyf and Havren; with the larger bulkier species excelling at such feats of strength as opposed to the Dramorans who tended to do better where speed and agility were the key.
They spent the rest of the morning with the Matriarch discussing the events taking place below and which of the competitors they felt would walk away with medals. With the games drawing to a close for the day Drael and his sister bid farewell to Srilm and made their way back towards their apartment “Would you like me to join you when you go and see Feronia?” Draenor quietly asked as they drew up to the inn “No, you go on ahead without me, it shouldn’t take long…besides I know how long it takes you to get ready” he said, smirking at his sisters scowl.
With Draenor leaving him to get ready; muttering about how she’d get her own back on him later. Drael entered the inn in order to find Feronia and make good on his promise to tell her what was going on.


As they descended the mountain Kat decided to offer knowledge of her own race to Jokir opting to tell him the origins of her people. Jokir did not know the story but he knew from the Cycle that it was deemed to be of some cultural importance to the Kitsune. He listened with interest as Kat spoke and swiftly committed the tale to memory. Her tale finished the girl lapsed into silence and she asked if he had any questions. Jokir nodded silently in appreciating, musing over what he had been told. "I have none for now, though if I think of some I will be sure to tell you. I appreciate your sharing this with me. I assume that you, by contrast do not know of the mystery surrounding our origins." The Shades were, by nature, a mildly secretive race but this was not the reason for the mystery surrounding their origins. Jokir thought for a second and opened his mouth again. "Our race does not know where we came from. We know that the Cycle gave us life and we know why, but the question of what drives the Cycle is as old as time itself. There is a phrase in our language, Illefear, it translates idiomatically as 'as the stars in the night sky'. It has a dual meaning to my kind, it means both that there is much of one thing and that it can also be used to refer to age. The concept of Illefear to a Shade refers to the many numerous things that lie in the world. Illefear is our driving spirit as it is the call to understand the many things that lie in the world so that we may protect it. It is part of why we live in society rather than all as recluses, so that we may understand and have investment in the world we are tasked to protect." The word Jokir had uttered was one of the more distinguishable Aluille words, and Kat would probably be able to pronounce it with a few tries.
They were approaching Katarina's abode now and Jokir began to speak again. "I enjoy talking of our language. If you wish I would happily teach you some of it some..." Jokir trailed off as he noticed something in the street, the Kitsune swiftly following his gaze to the form that lay prone there. As she slipped down the drainpipe Jokir watched and used his heightened senses to listen in on the conversation as it occurred. It was nearly evening now and Jokir could feel his powers strengthen as the sun dipped in the sky. Making a quick decision he slipped down from the rooftop quickly and appeared next to Katarina but approaching in such a way so as that he would not surprise her with his presence. "Take her to the medical tent. There is one a few streets from here. I will keep watch from the roof in case whoever did this returns. You will not see me, but I will be there." Jokir shimmered and vanished from sight and Katarina might just be able to make out a haze effect, since she had been watching where he was standing and now knew what to look for, as he moved off but after that he was gone, vanished from sight. Jokir crossed to the rooftop and summoned a sword to himself with it also being hidden in his hand. Prepared for any potential threat Jokir's eyes scanned the entire area around Katarina, keeping a constant watch for any potential threats as the Kitsune made her way to the medical tent.
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Feronia was so cute when she was embarrassed. The urge to press and flirt was a difficult one to resist, especially with how her face was still a little red and oh so very close... Restraint, you needy little minx. The thought cut off wherever THAT particular fantasy was going. There were good reasons not to get involved here, and she knew better than to get this fired up when the girl barely knew her and she had more important things at stake. Stupid voice of reason, always getting in the way of a good time.

As the serving girl started recounting her experiences, Kat took mental notes. Died last night, as expected, arm gone, said something about the end of the Stillbloods, Mt. Vulx, wasn't very coherent. And then she lost her train of thought as Feronia became more and more distressed. Her first urge was to give the girl a hug, but Feronia would push away anyone who tried to offer her physical comfort. She could make sure the girl had no choice in the matter, but that had... other complications. So instead, she focused on her tails, making them twine and wave in patterns that relaxed her as much as she knew they would relax the girl across from her. As little help as that might be. She had really hoped not to get anyone involved in this, but if Feronia had been told bits and pieces of the story, and some of the scarier ones at that. She deserved answers. "He wasn't really a friend," Kitten said. "More like a colleague. We'd figured he didn't last long once he'd made it, but thank you for the confirmation. Knowing him, he died happy." That last bit probably wasn't quite true, the man had been too much of a perfectionist to have been happy that he didn't arrive unscathed, deliver his warning to everyone, and make it back to tell the tale. But it was close enough to the truth. "I'm not going to tell you anything, yet, mostly because this information is... sensitive. I'll still be waiting here all day and I'll be checking out a room here tonight if there's one left, so I'm not going anywhere." The bit about checking out a room was a spur of the moment decision, but if Forty-three died here, it was worth being nearby. Just in case. But more importantly, Feronia was distressed and she knew how to fix that and hopefully keep her from worrying too much.

Moving slowly and keeping her eyes firmly locked on the serving girl, Kitten rose from her seat, then sauntered around to the back, putting one hand, then the other on the other girl's shoulders and rubbed. Gently, of course, no reason to scare the girl any more. When Feronia opened her mouth to say something, Kitten leaned close with a quiet "Shhhhh" and placed her index finger on the other girl's lips. From there, it was easy to get her arms wrapped around the other girl. Not in a tight embrace, but enough to make sure that Feronia knew it was there. "Don't worry about it right now," Kitten murmured, right next to the other girl's ear. "I'll give you some answers tonight. My room, after dinner. Alone." She intended to back off right after that, but judging from the sensation of the other girl's earlobe under her teeth, her impulses had vetoed that plan right off the bat. Bad girl, now she'll get the wrong impression. Not that that was really a bad thing... But she really did need to get control of herself. Before things could get too out of hand, Kitten released Feronia, took a moment to compose herself, and walked away to find the innkeeper or whoever she could get a room from, passing by a Dremora heading in. Even if she failed to get a room from the owner, she wouldn't exactly be above bribing someone for theirs or maybe even staying with Feronia...

It was odd that the Shades didn't have any idea where they came from. Or any stories or suggestions. It was obvious that they wondered, so why wouldn't someone have even tried for an answer. Kat didn't especially believe some story about a magic fox any more than she believed that Nuseni were spawned directly from the water. But if you never wondered, never questioned... how sad was that? So instead of making a comment or insulting suggestion, she just kept her mouth shut and nodded at Jokir.

The Stillblood opened her eyes, saying that she needed help, that she didn't want to die. She wanted to help, but there was so much blood... The Stillblood groaned and then began to convulse, the bleeding somehow slowing, and said something about bandaging and keeping her safe. Jokir dropped down and ordered her to take the woman to a medical tent, which would be fantastic if she was all that confident about carrying a fully grown woman for "a few streets." Not to mention from how the lady wasn't still trying to get away from anything and wasn't panicked about someone following her, it seemed like whatever had hurt her like this wasn't going to cause any more trouble. Besides, she wasn't going to just jump to Jokir's bidding like some sort of lapdog, not when he abandoned her to do everything by herself. Especially given that if he'd stayed, they probably could have helped her together. So instead of obeying him, she started helping the bleeding woman. Picking her up by her torso, she dragged her out of the main street into one of the side alleys. The woman was heavy, much more so than she'd have thought. Even between the two of them, it would have been a struggle to get the woman anywhere. "I'm sorry, but mine aren't exactly clean," she panted as she started tearing one of the Stillblood's pant legs into strips. It wasn't exactly a truth, neither of their clothing made for sanitary material, but she'd be practically indecent if she did too much to her own clothing. The material itself was good quality and made for a good way to slow the bleeding as she tied it around spots that were dripping with crimson, ignoring most of the smaller scratches. The woman wasn't easy to work with, squirming and continuing to groan as she worked, but it wasn't like Kat blamed her for that. She'd never seen someone this badly hurt before. "It's a good thing the bleeding's slowing down, as freaky as that is," she muttered, half to herself. "Though it would be nice if you could just-" she'd begun to start tearing up the other leg of the girl's pants when she gasped and scrambled back in shock. Metal gleamed from under the torn cloth. That by itself wasn't too surprising, prosthetics weren't exactly unheard of. The real thing that had left her that surprised was that the metal was warm, almost the same temperature as the woman's skin. And it was bleeding. Crimson oozed from places on it at the same slow rate as the Stillblood's other wounds. "It's fine, it's just magic. Just looks like it's metal. No need to freak out. It's fine, it's just magic..." She kept up the mantra, trying as hard as she could to focus on stopping the worst of the bleeding. Finally, she slumped back against the wall of the alleyway, hoping that she'd done enough and that the woman would be alright.

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Kitten responded to Feronia's outburst by saying that the dead Stillblood was a colleague rather than a friend, and that they'd expected him to die. The girl wanted to ask how the Kitsune could be so calm about this, but didn't want to possibly alienate someone who could give her answers. The woman's tails were moving almost hypnotically too, which while not enough to get the girl to back off, proved a pleasant distraction. "If…if you knew he was going to die, why didn't you help him?" she asked eventually. It appeared that Kitten had a different idea in mind instead of answering, though, as she explained there would be no answers forthcoming at the moment due to the information being tightly controlled. She had apparently decided to rent a room, so there was time. "But…why can't…I mean…" the Stillblood tried to retort, wanting to have answers now, recognizing a lost cause.

Kitten rose, her eyes locked on Feronia's. "Um…is there…something I can…" the Stillblood inquired hesitantly, not sure what the Kitsune's intent was. The woman walked so that she was behind the inn worker, then began rubbing her shoulders. Any immediate retort died as she felt a good portion of her tension leaving her. Mysterious and vague her dining partner might be, but she seemed to know exactly where to apply pressure to relax her. Maybe Kitten's day job was a masseuse…she certainly had the aptitude for it. After a moment, the discomfort from a stranger doing this unasked grew to be too much, and she turned to ask her what she was doing, only to be stopped by a finger and a quiet shushing of her question. A moment later, and the Kitsune had wrapped her arms around her, whispering right next to her ear that Feronia would get answers tonight if she came alone to her room. "Um, ok, Iiirng!" She'd attempted to respond, but any hope of getting comprehensible words out was halted by Kitten biting her earlobe gently. It was over in a moment, with the young woman releasing the girl and after a moment walking away without another word, but the Stillblood sat stock still, face burning, thoughts racing. Had…had she just been…propositioned? What…what was going on? She didn't think there was that much of an age difference between them, but still…they'd just met and…and she'd been careful to not let slip that…but somehow she'd…and why was she even…after all, it's not like they...ahh, why was she so hot right now? The event left her flustered and unmoving until Drael tracked her down a few minutes later, though she jumped as he got her attention. Trying desperately to calm down, she motioned for the Dramoran to sit down. "H-hi Drael…hope today's been…better than yesterday," she managed, still trying to regain some semblance of composure. "Anything I can do for you?" she asked, forgetting the promise he'd made her the previous night in her attempts to get back to normal.



Adin looked up as Kitten approached the front desk. "Ah, you're the one who was talking with Feronia, yes?" he asked. "I take it you want a room, yes? Well you're in luck, we've got just the one left. One night is three silver, includes meals." As the transaction commenced, the innkeeper looked up at the Kitsune. "Actually, you know what? Tonight's on me." He pushed the coins back to her. "I insist. You got Feronia to calm down and actually take a break. Gods know I've been trying to get her to do that all day. Least I can do is pay you back for that. Girl's got a good heart, but doesn't know when to quit for her own good. Thanks for getting her to take it easy, if only for a little while. Alright then, here's your key. Would you like me to show you to your room?"



The young Stillblood nodded enthusiastically as Uwe went through his list of things to do and things to not do as far as being a better social person. "So, if I, uh, get what you're saying, sir…practice alone to get confidence, avoid, um…well, saying things like um, and in general stick to what I'm trying to say. Is that, um…more or less what you were getting at, sir?" Once he received confirmation, the youth nodded. "Ok, I'll try…thank you sir, I really appreciate it. I, uh…oh, whoops…heh, it's gonna take some practice." A sheepish grin began to emerge, then quickly faded as he looked over to the rear. "Oh, my boss is back, I'll go get her for you." It wasn't long before a Nuseni woman stood before Uwe, the Stillblood nervously positioned behind her. "I'm told you have a business proposal for me?" Unlike her employee, the woman was very much a professional. Her tone remaining calm, clear, and neutral, she turned to the youth behind her. "You can go take a break, we're slow enough I can handle any traffic and I did leave you alone for a while. You've earned it." The Stillblood stammered a thank you before departing. Returning her gaze to Uwe, she waited patiently for him to explain his proposal.



The Nyf nodded peacefully as Tekki thanked him for the concoction, but gained a concerned expression as she moved the conversation to the earthquake yesterday. "There's a rumor that Vulx exploded?" he inquired softly. "I'm sorry, but that's ridiculous. Mountains don't explode, the force required would be enormous. Any person who tried would kill themselves from exertion long before they got any results. I doubt a dozen of Kauria's best mages could manage it." He scratched his arm in reflection for a moment. "The earth shaking was an unusual event, I will agree there. However, it sounds as though you heard a rumor from someone trying to trick people for some reason. One strange event does not mean another one is more likely. I would urge you to put such thoughts out of your head, lest you scare someone less rational than us with those rumors." The Nyf fell silent, though didn't depart. There were no other customers still, so he had no reason to not continue conversing should Tekki wish to, or get her something if that was what she wanted.



The Kitsune started bandaging the Stillblood's wounds after moving her off the main road despite a Shade telling her to instead to take her to a medical tent. Seeing as the girl had a hard time carrying her the short way she had, there wouldn't have been any way in hell that was going to happen. Her rescuer said something about her clothes not being sanitary before tearing into the bloody clothes the woman was wearing. Unable to put forth a suitable protest as the waves of agony continued to wrack her body, she had to admit that the majority of what was on her clothes was her own blood, so it wasn't the worst choice in the world.

The Kitsune mentioned that it was a good thing the wounds were closing before reaching for the pant leg that had yet to be mangled. Once revealed, she understandably freaked out a little, though managed to keep going after a pause. The horrible, life-saving pains faded as the girl finished her work, and the woman focused on getting her breath back for a moment before turning her head to look at her rescuer. "It's scary, isn't it?" she breathed tiredly. "Had more or less the same reaction myself when it happened. But still," a small, exhausted smile crept onto her face, "you kept helping me. Always nice to find someone else who'll help people through their fear." She struggled mightily into a sitting position, leaning against the wall for support. "Thanks for saving me, I appreciate it. Did a lot more good than your overzealous friend." She was silent for a moment, considering, then, "I'm Roni...any chance I can know who you are?" She was out of the worst of it, but she was so, so weak. She'd need to rest for at least a couple minutes before she tried standing...but that was all the time she was willing to waste. She needed to get there, for her own well-being.


The young waiter paraphrased Uwe's lesson to ensure that he had heard correctly. "Yes, that's right. You'll get it if you keep practicing." Uwe smiled at the waiter, and chuckled along with him as he stated that he still needed some work. "You should have sent me when I first started traveling. I couldn't get my words to come out right at all. Almost went benkrupt because of it. But I'm doing well enough for myself, if I do say so myself." Before Uwe could say anything more, the waiter announced with a start that his boss had arrived, and went off to retrieve her. Uwe stood up and followed the waiter's path to a Nuseni woman, who appeared to be in her early middle ages. Uwe smiled warmly at her while inwardly hoping that she wasn' like Tekki. It wasn't that he didn't like her, but she was the type of person that was hard to negotiate with. That worry was placated when she spoke; sharp, to the point, and not a hint of bubblyness in her voice. "I'm Uwe Lundhof. Please to meet you," he responded, while offering his hand out to shake. "You've got a good lad; he makes a good coffee. I do indeed have a proposal. You know about the earthquake that happened. I hope it didn't inconvenience you any. This time, it was a small one, didn't do much damage at all. Fortunately. It's believed that Mt. Vulx was the cause of that earthquake, and that a bigger one might be coming soon. If that happens, there's a chance that people could be injured and structures damaged. I'm going to talk with some of my Havren associates later today with orders for protection from any future earth shaking events. If you have any ideas, I'd be more then happy to deliver them. The smiths would then fabricate some samples for your inspection and final approval. I can tell you what a few others have ordered if you need some inspiration. Depending on the size of the order, they wouldn't be able to make everything before I left, so I would have to deliver the bulk of any large order on my midroute visit. I would be able to deliver small orders before I left the city." Uwe flashed a smile as he waited for the owner's response. Hopefully she would warm up a bit as well; he was of the opinion that nothing but business and negotiations was not a good way to live.
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Entering the Inn, it was hard to believe that it was only last night that an horrific death had taken place in the common room; the stain already removed from the floorboards or at least to the best of the cleaners abilities as blood had a way of sticking around long after the event.
Catching sight of Feronia just as she finished speaking with an injured Kitsune, Drael approached the girl who judging by the way she jumped out of her skin when greeted had been miles away "Yes I am fine thank you" Drael replied with a slight inclination of his head as Feronia fought to regain her composure, causing him to wonder what exactly she and the Kitsune had been discussing to cause such an effect on her.
After sitting down at the table with the rather uncomfortable chairs Drael went straight to the matter at hand so as to get the obligations of his oath out of the way "I have spoken with a friend of mine about what happened last night, a very well connected friend who has first hand knowledge of what is happening upon mount Vulx, and I am very happy to say that nothing has emerged from the mountain nor have the teams working to put out the fires encountered anything out of the ordinary, so you can relax, it was nothing more than the imaginings of a dying man" Drael finished hoping that the information would give the girl some peace of mind at least and stop her from needlessly worrying.
With his arms crossed and resting upon the table, Drael would stick around long enough to see if the girl had any questions she wished to ask him and if not would then bid her farewell and leave in order to get ready for his meeting with the Matriarch. With any luck the head start would mean that he wouldn’t be waiting around for Draenor to get ready yet again.