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The innkeeper was pleasant enough this morning, all things considered. Tekki had anticipated that perhaps the man would be a little put off by their conversation the night previous. However, no such mood change was evident, as Adin once again took on the role of resisting extra payment. A knowing smile spreading across her countenance, Tekki spread her palms wide, in a submissive gesture. "It looks like I will have to admit defeat in this instance. Your reasoning for not receiving payment is sound enough." The Nuseni returned to her original stance, before continuing wistfully, "I've never met a businessman with as little concern for money as yourself, Adin. You are truly an example to be followed. If only everyone in the world were as caring and giving as you." Tekki ended her appraisal with a grateful smile, before turning to Anna. "Of course, dear. I can smell the cooking from here! Dawn must have been busy to have made such delicious-smelling food!" Taking the young girl's hand once again, the Nuseni councilwoman inclined her head to Adin. "I am touched by your actions, Adin. Your commitment is to be admired." This said, Tekki gently pulled Anna towards the waiting food.
With their plates laden with the succulent food, Tekki quickly tucked in, eager to fill her stomach after the distinct lack of nourishment in the latter half of the previous day. Whilst she ate, the woman considered the best course of action to take as far as Anna was concerned. For what seemed like the millionth time, the same thoughts whirled around her head. She could not keep the girl in her possession. There was too much for her to do. Anna would only get in the way. To compliment that argument, she had never taken care of a child long-term before, and this was certainly not the right time to begin doing so. On the flip side, Anna clearly wanted to stay with her. The human had grown to trust her, and whilst that was potentially a good thing, it would be harmful if that relationship continued. Once she had devoured approximately half of her plate, Tekki posed a question to Anna to bide time. Furthering the relationship was bad, but at present it was necessary. "Anna, what was your favourite thing to do before you came to Torpolis? What did you enjoy doing the most?"
With their plates laden with the succulent food, Tekki quickly tucked in, eager to fill her stomach after the distinct lack of nourishment in the latter half of the previous day. Whilst she ate, the woman considered the best course of action to take as far as Anna was concerned. For what seemed like the millionth time, the same thoughts whirled around her head. She could not keep the girl in her possession. There was too much for her to do. Anna would only get in the way. To compliment that argument, she had never taken care of a child long-term before, and this was certainly not the right time to begin doing so. On the flip side, Anna clearly wanted to stay with her. The human had grown to trust her, and whilst that was potentially a good thing, it would be harmful if that relationship continued. Once she had devoured approximately half of her plate, Tekki posed a question to Anna to bide time. Furthering the relationship was bad, but at present it was necessary. "Anna, what was your favourite thing to do before you came to Torpolis? What did you enjoy doing the most?"