Sonia Sotomayor


Just to throw a spanner in the works, is it necessarily a bad thing that a judge might have a particular sensitivity to/awareness of race issues, considering how greatly the minority races are effected by the law & the application the law? (ie; Like the fact that non-whites make up 70% of the incarcerated population.)

I don't think there is necessarily anything wrong with saying that your identity and experience give you a perspective that some others might not have. If I say I understand something in a particular way because I am a woman, I do not think that means that I am sexist. Nor do I think it means that all women will share that perspective, or that that perspective cannot be had unless you are a woman.

And even if those implications are there (as with the contrast she made), I still don't think it is an unreasonable stretch to say that sex or ethnicity significantly effects the liklihood of certain experiences as well as shaping the way those experiences are perceived.

No, you're right with all those points above, I won't disagree with any of that which is why I say that I think my worry will pass with time.

Above all I'm worried about reverse-discrimination because I was a white boy who grew up in a poverty-stricken all black and mexican area where I usually stood out like a sore thumb. The only way to truly determine what motivates her is to wait it out and see how she does. Her credentials are there and she's one of seven, so if Obama is right, I'll probably have nothing to worry about at all.


The NCLR is a federally funded program. The Alaskan Independence Party is not. So let's not start calling the NCLR a racist organization bent on bringing down white America while trying to secede based on race.

I didn't call the NCLR racist. The Alaskan Independence Part doesn't want to cede from the Union because of any race issues. Very simple; your question was dumb.


I can guarantee you I have not had the same experiences as everyone else. What makes up the differences in our experiences? EVERYTHING!

You are correct. However, do you state that because you are X, your experiences allow you to be a better interpreter of the law?

In my job, I don't tell everyone I'm better than them because I'm Italian. I tell them I'm better than them because I am. I'm egotistical, not ethnically superior. And that is a big difference.


LOL. You are a funny guy Hellstromm, don't know how I missed that.
I don't care if she is racist or not. Or any of her other views on politics. At least not pertaining to this article. My concern there was that she was to be placed in a position of power, and her superiors were to have no say in the matter. And now you have a problem with her political standing because she advances her position. Kind of late isn't it?
Things don't just happen, they have as history, a starting point. You do not care how this came about or the circumstances which make it possible. All you have is a blind opinion of something that is now happening.
Be who you want to be. Say to me as you wish. Being disrespectful on a web site does not make you a tough guy. Just makes you another blowhard yo-yo.
For all it's worth, I choose to opt out of the political threads because they do become heated, I have 3 warnings from the mods within a few hours, and rightly so, and I am not an american, so my views or voice do not even have standing in this matter.
Anyway HS, enjoy your day.


I am an American and I still think that my views and/or voice do not have a standing in this matter. Especially if this forum is the only place where I express them, which it isn't. Still, given what one can discern from this lady and her past and present actions and statements I would say she is a heckuva gal and even though I am neither hispanic nor a woman I think her viewpoints and whatever conclusions she would come to as Justice will be a valuable asset to the "good ole boy" club that it has historically been.


LOL. You are a funny guy Hellstromm, don't know how I missed that.

You are correct. However, do you state that because you are X, your experiences allow you to be a better interpreter of the law?
If you're referring to sotomayor, absolutely her experiences allow her to be a better interpreter of the law than any of us yoyos.


Hmm, I just read the actual quote and it is not what is in that article....give me a sec to find it and post.

Here it is:"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life"

That is not racist.

It depends on who you are tbh. If a white male said that about another race or gender, they would be deemed racist. Thats not even debatable.

A few of her decisions were race related. If you cant follow a rule where law applies regardless of gender or race, then no you shouldnt be on the supreme court. If she can show just cause that she will make decisions based on what the law says is right or wrong instead of what she considers to be right and wrong then she should get the nomination. We dont need rogue judges playing congress and making their own laws.


That's nice killer, would you care to point out her decisions that were race related?


again, what was the question asked her before she made the comment? And yes, it is debatable. It is a matter of context.


At a 2001 U.C. Berkeley symposium marking the 40th anniversary of the first Latino named to the federal district court, Sotomayor said that the gender and ethnicity of judges does and should affect their judicial decision-making. From her speech: "I wonder whether by ignoring our differences as women or men of color we do a disservice both to the law and society....
"I further accept that our experiences as women and people of color affect our decisions. The aspiration to impartiality is just that - it's an aspiration because it denies the fact that we are by our experiences making different choices than others....

She actually said it in a speech.

For clarification, I never said she shouldnt be affirmed. The rogue judges comment is for every judge, not her.


Sodamayor? I hate that windbag. She thinks shes so perfect just like Obama, seriously, when do the winds stop blowing and allow the light to shine? There are no partys anymore! Just banded up idiots who can't think straight! There are no republicans to be a voice of reason anymore, the country is doomed, we don't have any enemys to bring us together either! In the 1900's we had Nazis, commies and idiots to deal with, and hating them brought us together, now we just have idiots! Why must we be so screwed!!!

(to those of you whom don't know me, I am David Schofield. Please, take me seriously at all times, I don't joke arround that much anymore)


Yes indeed. Hate brought us together and now we have no one to hate. That is a sad sad statement.


Sodamayor? I hate that windbag. She thinks shes so perfect just like Obama, seriously, when do the winds stop blowing and allow the light to shine? There are no partys anymore! Just banded up idiots who can't think straight! There are no republicans to be a voice of reason anymore, the country is doomed, we don't have any enemys to bring us together either! In the 1900's we had Nazis, commies and idiots to deal with, and hating them brought us together, now we just have idiots! Why must we be so screwed!!!

(to those of you whom don't know me, I am David Schofield. Please, take me seriously at all times, I don't joke arround that much anymore)

What are you on about. Some republicans are not a voice of reason just like some democrats or independents arent either. Some flame anyone different from them when a multiple opinions are necessary for equality to happen.


"I further accept that our experiences as women and people of color affect our decisions. The aspiration to impartiality is just that - it's an aspiration because it denies the fact that we are by our experiences making different choices than others....

She actually said it in a speech.
Omg killer, she just wrote something that made absolute common sense, and you think that's a problem?

People are not machines, they are people. The problem in this country is that the overwhelming majority of people in political power, and in judicial seats, are rich white men. Don't you think that influences the laws of this country? Of course it does.


A lot of those rich white men are Republicans and a lot of those rich white men are democrats and have completely differing views.

Like I said in my original post. If she can demonstrate that she supports equality for all, then she should get the nomination.


Look, If there were only democrats then we would have let people walk all over us and we would most likley have already become part of the European union. Now without Democrats, we would be a bunch of self rightious, well armed brutes who punish anyone we dislike with no need for sympathy, and no one would like us because we are too powerful, and then someone would distort the world view of america and we would be nuked. BOTH PARTYS REQUIRE EACHOTHER FOR THE COUNTRY TO FUNCTION. BOTH PARTYS ALSO NEED A COMMON ENEMY TO FIGHT. WITH NO COMMON ENEMY, THEY TURN TO EACHOTHER AS ENEMYS AND WILL STOP AT NOTHING TO WIN THE ARGUMENT. REMEMBER THE CIVIL WAR? SO YES, HATE DOES BRING US TOGETHER NO MATTER HOW SAD THAT STATEMENT MAY SEEM. If you have any sence at all you will understand What Im 'on about'.


Um, i disagree David. The Democratic and Republican parties are two sides to the same coin, to coin a phrase.

The Presidential/Vice Presidential Debates are co-owned by the Republican and Democratic Parties. The agenda of both parties is to ensure they are the duo of parties within the U.S. They do so by ensuring many things do not change that would otherwise threaten this duo of divisiveness.

Politics in the U.S. should not be defined by two rich Parties, but by the people's wishes, as long as those wishes are educated, informed, and not pandered to by special interests.

But enough of this, let's kill some commie mutant tree-hugging slavers.


Yeah, Im just using the Republican and democrat partys as symbols for the right and the left. There are alot of people in the gray area, but, like you said, lets kill some commies, slavers and tree huggers! (Mutants are descriminated against :'[ )


Can't we all just get along? Commies and tree huggers are people too, just like fish.


Yeah, Im just using the Republican and democrat partys as symbols for the right and the left. There are alot of people in the gray area, but, like you said, lets kill some commies, slavers and tree huggers! (Mutants are descriminated against :'[ )
Umm, your metaphors are inconsistent. Right, left, gray?

Anyway, Republicans and Democrats are not polar opposites (right/left), and everyone else is not in the middle (gray).