Sonia Sotomayor


OK i read your right wing blog link did you at least look at the links that refute most of those claims or did you ignore them as you famously claim to ignore most things that are posted?


Gizmo, you give me heart that if ever I wanted to spread propagandist lies I would have at least one follower.


OK i read your right wing blog link did you at least look at the links that refute most of those claims or did you ignore them as you famously claim to ignore most things that are posted?

you do relise you never look to the site in were the criticism is aimed at.

just one example the KKK is a racist orginization if you go to there website and it says we are not racist. 7 paragraphs later with all the proof that they are not racist are they still racist.


she is a racist and I do not like racist.

why do you like Sonia?


Right you should never cite first hand you should trust people who mis-translate and set up straw your logic Giz the ACLU is a proto/neo Nazi group because the defended the Illinois Nazi Party's right to march in Skokie


Because she does not seem like a racist to me. She is an extremely intelligent woman and has worked hard to get to where she is at.

Look, just because it says she has "connections" with a group does not mean anything. Do you know that you probably have "connections" with racists? All of that crap you are citing is propaganda from racists and bigots themselves. Rush Limbaugh is a shock jock. Just because he says something does not make it true. He is just trying to get ratings. The same could be said of any politician, they are just trying to get ratings. Honestly Giz, I do not dislike you but I sure wish you would do some more research on the things you say you believe in. You seem way too easily swayed in all the wrong directions.


Gizmo is the best kind of Republican iggy the talking points go in his ears and exit directly through his mouth never getting anywhere near his brain


Elmyr I am not sure I get what you are saying. I was just pointing out that politicians, by definition, have a political agenda, which has nothing to do with telling the truth.


Elmyr I am not sure I get what you are saying. I was just pointing out that politicians, by definition, have a political agenda, which has nothing to do with telling the truth.

You're saying that because a source is from Georgia it's automatically not credible. Martin Luther King was born in Georgia.


No, I didn't mean it like that. I was saying that the source came from a politician, who happened to be from GA. The GA. part doesn't mean anything.


Gizmo is the best kind of Republican iggy the talking points go in his ears and exit directly through his mouth never getting anywhere near his brain

if the KKK changed its name to "the race" (La Raza) would you still lable them as racist


their slogan is White Power giz, what do you think?

does this look like a friendly picture (photo from a La Raza rally)
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Where was that picture taken? Is that "La Raza"?

On a different note, do you feel that White people are treated unfairly? Have you ever been discriminated against or subjected to hate crimes?


Sorry Giz unless you can give me a date/time of that rally or the CREDIBLE news service that ran it UPI/Reuters BBC etc. I have no proof of what that is a gathering of/for. And one guy holding a sign could not possibly be taken as proof of what a national civil rights group is about.
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