Approved Reduce Price of Steel lined box and Glossy Premium Chest


Hello Community,

the boxes containing old epic items are way too expensive in the Union Pacific Shop. Old epic items have little functional value in the game, but can be interesting for collectors. However, not so interesting that the following prices would be justified:

Steel lined box = 175 Bonds/Nuggets
Premium Chest = 1500 Bonds/Nuggets
Glossy Premium Chest = 2000 Bonds/Nuggets

I honestly don't know any player who actually bought this chest in the last months. If the price were reduced, the game mechanics would hardly change, but more old epic items would end up back on the market. This stimulates the market and offers new incentives for collectors. It would be an easy change. I'm excited for your Feedback.

Have a nice weekend,


Well-Known Member
agree, the monetary gains from said chests are total trash compared with getting a 38 bonds rat dish and go farm some hours.
the chests should be lowered in price by 5 or 10 times to be worth the try.
this is also valid for the buffs, their in-game counterparts best them by way more than 10 times.
rat could even be a bit nerfed (raise in bonds price) due to its great comparative value among the offers.