Random Questions


Who are you?

Who says you can't go home?

Will they try to break my balls?

Non music themed question:

Why is it when men want *it* we're pigs, but when women want *it* we're expected to give it to them?


maybe it is just because my name is already close to Pig that it would not bother me?


Why does Gem steal boots?

What does Gem do with all them BOOTS?

Why does saying BOOTS drive Gem crazy?

What made Gem so mean that she has to steal BOOTS?

Is Gem tired of people saying BOOTS?


It didn't fail! I gave the only valid answer and declared it lockable!

Why is fun 2 1/2"x 1/2" (candy bars)?

When did the breadbox become a universal unit of measurement?


Is it ok to cross the road without looking both ways if you are going to take candy from a stranger?


If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Were they pickled when he picked them from the vine?
Or was Peter Piper pickled when he picked the pickled peppers
Peppers picked from the pickled pepper vine?