Random Questions


Post here the random questions that pop in your head. Don't post answers.

Why do miniature snickers taste better than regular-sized snickers?


If one egg add one egge equals two eggs how many eggs would polly need?


Why is it always me that gets the dirty fork when going out to eat?

Why do the ones you love always leave and the ones you don't never get the hint to go away?

Why do kids always have to go to the bathroom either 5 minutes after you leave the house or when you are in the middle of nowhere?

Why is 'w' pronounced/called 'double u'. Were there no creative people when the alphabet was made?

Sad people don't whistle. Why can't we whistle and smile at the same time?
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Why is it that I've worked for 8 hours straight yet I can't get any deerhide?


Why do the kids you made fun of in high school end up being the ones you have to interview with for that great job you want?


(Denisero, I read a thread from one of your post you do get angry when you get pushed, I'm going to stay on the good side of you)

Is Denisero a mass murderer?


How cool would it be if everyone had their own theme music play every time they walked through a door?


when will the sun explode?

when is planet earth going to reach its limit?

are we there yet?

and most of all, why are women so complicated?