Public Nudity


And now for my blunt honest opinion. This damn society is way too caught up on sexuality. I was in a McDonald's recently in the Carolinas, and an overweight african-american 40+ year old woman, who was working there cleaning the tables got all upset and flustered when she looked out in the parking lot to see a young couple in their bathing suits. She started blabbering on about how, "they better not be coming in here dressed like that! You watch, you watch! We'll drag 'em out and make them put on clothes!"

I felt like saying, "if it was you in that bathing suit, I could see why. Damn but you're an eyesore!"

Anyway, the U.S. is incredibly prudish. In Brazil, women walk around topless on the beach. In many places of Africa, public exposure is common place. In many countries, sexuality isn't such a damn big deal as it is in the U.S.. It's the mere fact we make it a big deal that it becomes such a problem, because well over half the population thinks they're depraved (when they're not), and a butt-load have become depraved because of all the taboos attributed to sex, the human body, and perky nipples.

Place bathrooms outdoors. Let people piss and crap in public. Other countries do it, what's our problem with that? In fact, what's our problem with male/female body parts, "looking (aka: peeping)," being attracted to the opposite sex or even taking photos of men/women dressed scantily in public? If you're out there, be it mental photos or physical photos, you're out there. Everyone needs to just stop being so damn uptight, so damn prudish and insecure about their own sexuality.

"Yo babe, I'm looking at you like a piece of meat. You mind?"

You made some good points here, even though I don't necessarily agree with all of it. My question is: If it were suddenly the norm for everyone to be naked in public, how many would be comfortable with it, and how many would be the perverts who insisted on covering up their bodies?


in my opinion not many would be perfectly comfortable (would you like to see that 50 year old women next door running around topless, i think not) . rape would also become much more common and there would be many more sexual offenders. and if everyone did it (children,senior citizens,adults,teens) there would be more child molesters.


in my opinion not many would be perfectly comfortable (would you like to see that 50 year old women next door running around topless, i think not) . rape would also become much more common and there would be many more sexual offenders. and if everyone did it (children,senior citizens,adults,teens) there would be more child molesters.

Are you saying that you'd force yourself on women/girls, or start being attracted to kids just because you saw them nude? Rape really isn't about sex so much as it's about power (or the victimology would probably be a lot different than it is.) It might even make it easier to protect children from molesters, since it would be difficult for them to hide the fact that they were attracted to them. That said, I'd be one of those perverts who covered up. :p


in my opinion not many would be perfectly comfortable (would you like to see that 50 year old women next door running around topless, i think not) . rape would also become much more common and there would be many more sexual offenders. and if everyone did it (children,senior citizens,adults,teens) there would be more child molesters.

If my neighbor (who is a lot older then 50) would want to walk naked in her garden, i wouldn't mind. Not even if i could see her from the street. There is a big difference between nudity and sex. But somehow most Americans seem to be blind for this.

Like AG said, rape has nothing to do with nudity (or sex for that matter). And it doesn't even have anything to do with this bill. The question is if it should be legal to let me use a womens restroom when i feel i should be a woman instead of a man.

I would say this bill is way out of proportion. It would only affect a very very small group in our society who have problems which are way bigger then the choice of restroom.

If they are trying to create more sympathy for the problems of these people, they shouldn't start with this bill, but start teaching people in school about sexuality instead of being so uptight about it.


Are you saying that you'd force yourself on women/girls, or start being attracted to kids just because you saw them nude? Rape really isn't about sex so much as it's about power (or the victimology would probably be a lot different than it is.) It might even make it easier to protect children from molesters, since it would be difficult for them to hide the fact that they were attracted to them. That said, I'd be one of those perverts who covered up. :p

your right. i'm wrong. i'm 14. i have no clue. :p


To Desi Boukerse :

your right people are to uptight about teaching sex. they give you the whole wrong idea about it.


Well to be honest if you were brought up to think that public nudity was ok then you wouldn't have a problem with. It is from the simple fact of being brought up in that kind of enviroment that it is acceptable in Brazil and Africa to list the ones mentioned above.
However if tomorrow everybody was to decide to go nude then yes most of us would probably have a problem with it but only because we were brought up to believe that it is wrong


in my opinion not many would be perfectly comfortable (would you like to see that 50 year old women next door running around topless, i think not) . rape would also become much more common and there would be many more sexual offenders. and if everyone did it (children,senior citizens,adults,teens) there would be more child molesters.
Whoa! Slow down there and stop to pick up some facts.
Plenty of societies throughout history have seen nakedness as a norm from Patagonia, through the Amazon, Africa, Australia and Melanesia. Did you ever check whether any of these suffered from the social diseases you posit?
Do not mistake your flights of fancy as substitutes for empirical data.


Give it one month of everyone in this world walking naked, you will stop really noticing breasts and other parts of the human anatomy and actually start looking at their faces instead.

One good thing from it, waxing shops will become a lot more popular.


Give it one month of everyone in this world walking naked, you will stop really noticing breasts and other parts of the human anatomy and actually start looking at their faces instead.

One good thing from it, waxing shops will become a lot more popular.

I fear the increased popularity of waxing/grooming stores would not balance the scales when you consider the revenue generated by the clothing industry ;)


I doubt that winter clothing sales would be affected at all. People here complain about sub-zero temperatures now (even with heavy coats, boots, mittens/gloves, etc. on), I don't think many would attempt to survive the cold and snow with no protection.


So long as an attractive woman was ok with me giving her the thumbs up when I walk by, I'd be ok with it ;)
My thumb would be rather tired, however.

Jokes aside, I think nudity in public wouldn't really work out too well. For one, you have possible sex offenders who'd go nuts for a naked woman in the street, and you have an open inventation right there... Then there's the fact that people may be self-conscious. A man with a small penis might go bezerk because he is an outcast. Same goes for women with small breasts. And, it would most importantly be exposing our youth to what they should wait till they're sexually developed enough to see.


Jokes aside, I think nudity in public wouldn't really work out too well. For one, you have possible sex offenders who'd go nuts for a naked woman in the street, and you have an open inventation right there... Then there's the fact that people may be self-conscious. A man with a small penis might go bezerk because he is an outcast. Same goes for women with small breasts. And, it would most importantly be exposing our youth to what they should wait till they're sexually developed enough to see.
braetwalda & Artemis correctly addressed this. If you initiate nudity now, it wouldn't work, because people in the U.S. (and other countries) have too long been brought with the notion that nudity = sex. It's a wrong notion, and in many societies where nudity is norm, your above claims are simply incorrect and demonstrates you deem, "nude = sex = invitation = rape."

Look, just because a woman dresses provocatively doesn't mean she wants to be raped, it doesn't mean she wants to have sex with -- you. It doesn't even mean she wants to have sex. It just means she dresses provocatively.

As to that thought about rape being about power or control, it's not merely about that... it is also about lust and the chemical surge associated, driving a person to commit actions that feed the "high" associated with taboo.

Remove the taboo, you remove the high.


Maybe in Brasil

One good thing from it, waxing shops will become a lot more popular.

Who in their right mind would wax their body hair if they didn't wear clothing? Maybe if you live near the ecuador. Otherwise I think you would want all the warmth you could get.


Believe it or not, some clothes are actually more comfortable for some people than being nude. I don't think any woman with a C cup size and over would want to exercise without the support of a bra. An overweight person would have rashes between his/her legs while walking (specially when the temperatures are high) without a pair of pants or something to keep the legs from rubbing against each other (yeh nasty image described there for the reality of the subject haha). And to be honest, I wouldn't put my naked butt on any public bench/chair/seat (and no don't start with public restrooms, I don't put my naked butt on those either). So I'd be one of the pervs wearing them clothes :D


Clothes serve many purposes. The discussion is being derailed by a misnomer, which is that clothing serves only to hide our nudity to avoid being offensive and/or break the law. Truth is, we use clothes for warmth, for protection from the Sun, from bugbites, and so as to accentuate our looks. Let's face it, most of you look a helluva lot better with your clothes on! Hehe

Anyway, the issue is that of society's fixation on nudity as a taboo, as sexual and arousing, and of laws in place to penalize people for being nude in public. It's ironic really, because provocative clothing is far more arousing, far more sexual, than nudity.


I think people should wear some sort of covering over their bottom half, purely for the sake of not wanting to spread disease, but everyone and their mom should be able to be topless if they wanted to. Why should men get that privilege and women don't? It gets hot in the summer and it irritates me that men can take off their shirts to cool off, but the minute I take off my shirt to cool off, i'm slapped with a public nudity charge/fine.

and the reason that in America (the US not all of the Americas) nudity is taboo and equated with sex is because of our Puritan foundations. If my memory has served me right, they fled Europe because of its movement towards openness and sexuality etc etc, and that didn't mesh right with them, so they found a new land in which to preserve [and assert on the native population] their prudish ways.

And to the person who stated that nudity will bring out more sex offenders and molesters is like stating that a woman who dresses provocatively is asking to be raped. And that is just warped thinking.


Clothes serve many purposes. The discussion is being derailed by a misnomer, which is that clothing serves only to hide our nudity to avoid being offensive and/or break the law. Truth is, we use clothes for warmth, for protection from the Sun, from bugbites, and so as to accentuate our looks. Let's face it, most of you look a helluva lot better with your clothes on! Hehe

Anyway, the issue is that of society's fixation on nudity as a taboo, as sexual and arousing, and of laws in place to penalize people for being nude in public. It's ironic really, because provocative clothing is far more arousing, far more sexual, than nudity.

Clothing provokes imagination....Like this famous joke in a NUDIST camp...

Two guys sitting on a park bench watch a buxom young girl walking down the path and one says to another, boy she would look great in a tight sweater.....:)

Some people look great with no clothes on and the human body is a magnificent structure of beauty, BUT.....

Most are better off with clothing on their bodies, especially me, way to HAIREY.....lmao

NTH AM attitudes to clothing and sexuality is way behind European attitudes.....decades really...


For the children's sake a woman should at least wear a bra. They shouldn't see some one else's breast until, well, that's debatable aswell but for now, for a while!