Outlaws - RPG


*kicks her in the stomach as I fall wit here cause her arms ar still on me neck*
*gets up real quick and steps a few backs away from ye girl and aims at the hunter again; but aim is horible cause I lost all me breath from the choke*


alex cover te hunter and then throw a small dagger on te stranger's hand...


*drops gun and grabs hand*
*pulls out dagger and drops it*
*bends down to grab gun and points it at the girl*


*kics te gun outta te hand of te stranger...*

*looks up where te gun hang itself..*

"too bad it wont go down now" alexandria said as she walk three steps towards te stranger and looks closer...

*grab in te collar*


*hangs by collar*

edit:*spits in face*
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"Ow that kinda hurt," James said as he went over and yanked the man away from Alexandria. James brought him over to a cliff and held him over it pointing a gun at him with the other hand. "Somebody has to die," James said as he pulled the trigger and let go of the man. James looked down and thought in his head,"You know, I need to get away from this. Maybe take up piracy." James then held filled the gun with a blank and pretended to look sad. He looked back to everyone and held the gun to his chin. "I'm dieing too I guess," James said with a smirk and pulled the trigger. James fell over into the sea and disapeared into the sea....


|James the Hunter

where will the 2 go, they are close to alive but 2 steps away from hell and heaven, will they come back alive, will there be a knew RPG, what will alexandria think(grin).


Ummmm your dead. I pretended to kill myself (the characters do not know that) and I'm linking my life in Outlaws to Conquest of The West character.


well, then I might as well be another person.

[[^^ tat happens a lot ^^ alexandria is mah second char..^^]]

"so you think you can fool me..." alexandria said to te hunter...she wrapped a blanket to te hunter before he catched a cold....her raven flew into her shoulder..

"you can fool em..but not te wise eyes of a raven;)" she said to te hunter...angel is watching over you...she wont let you do things you will regret someday...she said feeding her raven wit pellets on her hands...