

Well, It said 2 Minutes ago that it would open on the 26th of august. Wait thats today? So im a little shocked by that. (they changed it to 27th. Must have been an error.)

How excited are you guys? Thoughts on the opening of a new world?

I know I'm ready to try a different build.

(for the record, first post in W10 forums, although this might be replaced by a mod thread.)


Do you think I'll be able to play on worlds 8, 9 and 10? I already have characters on 8 and 9.



The news of W10 completely caught me off guard! Congrats to the devs for not leaking ANY sort of hints or anything for that matter!

Im so excited, I have grand plans for W10.



Lets start an all star town of the best players in the west and destroy the competition! Saucey, I know your down to join :D


Im still considering my options, but im going to do a dueler to prove that people diss the bonus too much. Last one I made rocked. This one should be better since I know so much more from my experiments.


Congratulations Diggo11

Well done mate!

On becoming World 10 Moderator,

You deserve it.



on the log-in page, it says today, but Gem says it isn't open until tomorow afternoon!?:huh:


That would be unfair :(

It sorta happens already. Id like two towns of good people... so there can be a war without "OMG you k0ed one town guy so ill say 10 and we can duel you forever then complain when we lose"

Itd be nice.


I was going to play on W10, just to see if I could level up fast enough to be near the top of the rankings list, until I read this:

can i carry over my gold nuggets frm w9 to w10??

I thought we'd all start on a even playing field, but I forgot about nuggets and premium accounts. :dry: