New push rules

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what i am kind of surprised at is the price of some of the more generic items. tequila for 1-2k? thats nuts. if you are starting out on a world tho, and get in quick with a town buying some of the products can be a big help. already having tequila and/or elixir can be a huge boost when you are still under level 20

An item on the market for 1k doesn't need to have a bid of 1k on it.
It could aswell be the minimum price the seller is asking. A bit of a strange way imho..
Since the fee you pay is based on this number.


This particular rule has been rewritten to further clarify the push rules:
§6) Pushing

Pushing refers to an exploitative use of ingame features to provide experience, cash, and/or items to other account(s). Specifically, a player may not participate in a prearranged duel, bounty, or market trade to provide and/or obtain inordinate amounts of experience points, items or ingame cash.
The ingame moderators are the ones tasked with using common sense to enforce any rules instituted by Innogames. If you coordinate with another player to purchase a piece of tobacco for $100,000, then we can reasonably determine that is pushing, and I doubt anyone in this community will argue this determination. If you coordinate with another player to purchase a piece of tobacco for $1, then I think most everyone will agree no harm intended, nor effected.

The purpose of the rules is to ensure "exploitation" has repercussions. We can make up rules all day long, we can penalize people for anything they do that is not already in the rules. We can, but we don't. We attempt to present a list of actions that will result in penalties, particularly if those actions result in some sort of personal benefit that is above and beyond what would be deemed reasonable interplay.

A Hernando's sword being sold for a $1 will get our attention. A piece of tobacco being sold for $100,000 will get our attention. Less dramatic, but still noticeably inappropriate sales, will get our attention. If you violate a few other rules (multi) in order to further exploit the market or the sheriff, be assured eventually we'll ruin your day. The greater the exploit, the lessor the mercy we will present.

Let's remember the reason that the Market exists, which is to buy and sell items, not to swap items and/or cash between accounts. Buy and sell, buy and sell --- common sense, common sense. I'm not going to advocate, nor authorize, any "acceptable" exploit. Exploit is exploit, plain and simple.

If you don't trust the moderating staff, there's nothing I can do about that. If you can't respect my stance on this, I'm not going to compromise the rules by providing such answers, as any such answers will invariably be used at a later time to exploit the rules.

As I previously stated, I'm not going to advocate, nor authorize, any "acceptable" exploit. Exploit is exploit, and thus a violation of the rules as presented by Innogames. I will not provide answers to "what if" questions. The ingame staff will review every instance to determine the weight of any instance, but we'll do it while on the job, with specific instances, not speculatively.

We're going to enforce the rules and penalize those players who we deem are cheating, based on the evidence available to us. The Sheriff is there so you can put a bounty on someone. The Market is there so you can buy and sell items. Any other use for these, particularly utilizing these to transfer large sums of cash to other players and/or accounts, will be deemed inappropriate.
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