New Jobs / Items / Level Cap


We are getting nearer and nearer to the point where people will be able to most of the jobs on the game. We are also getting to the point where people reach level 99 and cannot progress.

1) I suggest that the level cap be extended to at least level 199 to begin with, or even 999. As it does now, the XP needed to level up should increase each time. This is important to make the rest of this idea work.
2) I also suggest that a new batch of jobs be introduced. These would all be more difficult to reach than the current lot, in order to give people things to aim for. For now, I suggest we come up with 12 new jobs to begin with - 4 geared towards XP, 4 towards Money and 4 towards luck. I would like to try and ensure that the skills needed to these allow for as many different character builds to each have at least one from each category that is 'easier' for them to get to.
3) I would also like to come up with some new items that help towards these jobs, but this comes last.

Please note that I have come up with all of the following off the top of my head just in order to start the discussion. I don't claim that these are fair or will work, the idea is to start with this and refine it until it fits. I've just copied the skills from the first four jobs and pasted them for the last 8, so there is obviously work needed. I have ommitted the barber shop job, as I didn't want to just steal that from the other thread.

Note: Please don't get too caught up on 'Why would you use X skill for Z job? The idea is just to 1) Try and make sure every job uses a skill from each attribute and 2) to try and make the jobs 'fair' i.e. can a melee person aim for one of the jobs, can a firearm dueller? What about builders? Trappers? etc. I know the jobs below don't do this just yet, but as I said this is just a base to start the ball rolling.

Postmaster (Diff: 525) (E:113 - $:52 - L:60 - D:43)
Stamina, Horseback Riding, Hiding, Shooting, Appearance
Physician (Diff: 601) (E:128 - $:78 - L:70 - D:75)
Toughness, Vigor, Swimming, Fine Motor Skills, Tactics
Surgeon (Diff: 570) (E:137 - $:92 - L:46 - D:101)
Construction, Reflex, Repairing, Fine Motor Skills, Leadership
Candlemaker (Diff: 623) (E:131 - $:60 - L:52 - D:54)
Vigor, Dodging, Setting Traps, Trading, Animal Instinct

Merchant (Diff: 524) (E:65 - $:118 - L:42 - D:66)
Toughness, Vigor, Swimming, Fine Motor Skills, Tactics
Banker (Diff: 600) (E:42 - $:121 - L:32 - D:30)
Stamina, Horseback Riding, Hiding, Shooting, Animal Instinct
Landlord (Diff: 569) (E:70 - $:135 - L:60 - D:70)
Construction, Reflex, Repairing, Fine Motor Skills, Leadership
Money Lender (Diff: 622) (E:52 - $:132 - L:33 - D:106)
Vigor, Dodging, Setting Traps, Trading, Appearance

Brewer (Diff: 526) (E:52 - $:54 - L:117 - D:43)
Toughness, Vigor, Swimming, Fine Motor Skills, Tactics
Musician (Diff: 602) (E:32 - $:27 - L:126 - D:72)
Stamina, Horseback Riding, Hiding, Shooting, Appearance
Photographer (Diff: 571) (E:71 - $:21 - L:135 - D:102)
Construction, Reflex, Repairing, Fine Motor Skills, Leadership
Poker Player (Diff: 562) (E:25 - $:100 - L:142 - D:125)
Vigor, Dodging, Setting Traps, Trading, Animal Instinct

I want to stay clear of items for now, because obviously the skills and difficulties above will be changing, so we will come back to those when the jobs are done.
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I like idea of new jobs, new items that will boost our LP for them and of course, level cap must be removed. I see that you`ve gone through 100% limit so that makes me wonder will the devs ever accept that, I would like them to do it if they ever remove level cap cause later on it would be impossible to level up with old jobs, we do need to think of skills needed for jobs, I`ll think about that so I might post few suggestions later


I couldn't see another way of doing with going through the 100% limit. Inno could just take the percentage off the figures and it would be fine.


Agreed, if they remove level cap, they need to go around the limit they set up, it would be impossible to level up once you get to 120`s and perhaps even earlier at 110`s


i like it maby every 50 to 100lvs you would get a new bach of jobs

Poker Player (Diff: 5624) (E:25 - $:100 - L:142 - D:125)

you might want to take off the 4 on diff
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One issue I have with the jobs you've created: As discussed in the saloon, animal instinct is the most useless skill, by some margin. None of your new jobs require it either, surely, if more jobs are to be added, this neglected skill needs to be given some purpose.


Thats a good point George. I'll add it to some of the jobs.


i love your idea, and yes i read the first post saying dont say stuff about x skill for z job, but apearene not being used for poker player, i mean in real life thats one of the most important aspects. besides that little thing thats kinda irrelevant great suggestion, and innogames should remove the perent sign to make these possible, as well as the level cap. i cant wait to see when you come up with items


Well-Known Member
If the level cap is raised I think it should be by a small amount (Level 111 perhaps). That allows people to do every job amongst other things whilst still being a reasonable amount.


Photographer (Diff: 571) (E:71 - $:21 - L:135 - D:102)
Construction, Reflex, Repairing, Fine Motor Skills, Leadership
when was the time camera was invented???
should u put it here??
p/s: totally agree with the main idea


I agree too. The game has to develop further. For the sake of those players who have reached the current limit!


I googled old west jobs or something like that. Photographer was listed so I used it.

And appearance WAS on the poker job, but it's been edited to include the less used animal instinct skill.


A Poker Player needs reflects, appearance, tactics... But is poker playing really a job? Or should we change it to Gambling?:laugh:


I agree with Evil Monkeys suggestion to add something to the game when players reach level 99
A legendary clothing set for your character class as a reward for a level 99 quest maybe..
As the level cap still exists that should definitely be removed even if it takes 100K xp to reach levels post level 99.


Can we ignore the job titles? It doesnt matter what the jobs are called, as long as we get some jobs that are needed.

Let's get the jobs sorted and then we can move the job titles (or create new ones) to match the skills needed.

If you try to make every job match the random job title I have given it, we won't get anywhere near trying to make jobs fair.


When you want to have things with more animal instinct, you'll have to start thinking about animals. How about something like

Title: Moving snakes:
Text: The owner of a landhouse thinks that snakes belong in bushes in stead of bedrooms...

Talents: Reflex, Dodging, Setting Traps, Animal Instinct, Animal Instinct

Difficulty: ???

Luck 1%
Money ??%
XP ??%
Danger75% (A viper bites you, you're lucky to be alive. -213 health)

To offer a little more inspiration:
Feed circus animals
Guide a bullock train
Milk cows
Collect honey
Chase off wild dogs

Just add some talents and you'll have the job almost ready. The gains and the difficulty are arbitrary, make them up to suit game ballance later on.
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No laws of physics exist that make it impossible to program what I suggested, but should the programmers insist on not using dodging, then perhaps replace it by another reflex or whatever else suits.